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Mi’Kmaq Expression Culture Through Art. When you see this symbol write down the information!

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Presentation on theme: "Mi’Kmaq Expression Culture Through Art. When you see this symbol write down the information!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mi’Kmaq Expression Culture Through Art

2 When you see this symbol write down the information!

3 What is Culture? The accumulated habits, attitudes, and beliefs of a group of people that define for them their general behaviour and way of life; the total set of learned activities of a people. lossary.html lossary.html

4 What is art? a form of human activity created primarily as an aesthetic expression, especially, but not limited to drawing, painting and sculpture. myrlejohnson.tripo myrlejohnson.tripo

5 How can art show us what people believe, think or feel? Depict in drawings Functional use of items Design Color choice Medium Concept Messages

6 Pre-Contact Art: Purpose Important messages Legends – Oral to symbols Instructions Later - Treaties

7 Pre-Contact Art Functional Clear Purpose “Obvious” messages

8 Pre-Contact Art Handed down Textures/textiles obtainable from environment Useful in someway

9 Pre-Contact Art Function Design based on obtainable resources

10 Materials in Mi’Kmaq Art: Traditional Materials Reeds Porcupine Quills Voice Leather Feathers Stains/Natural Dyes

11 Materials in Mi’Kmaq Art: Modern Materials The same materials you would expect in any art Messages tend to be culturally relevant to the Mi’Kmaq experience

12 Tradition, Change and Survival: Mi'kmaq Tourist Art - Musée McCord Museum

13 Pre-Contact Art Art had a purpose Not just for the sake of creation but for a message, a meaning

14 Why do you think art was not for expression? Why do you think it had a purpose?

15 Mi’Kmaq Art Shows history Brings history alive Shows legend, stories, myth and reality

16 Mi’Kmaq Art Meaning may be subtle or obvious

17 Mi’Kmaq Art Shows what is important – what is meaningful enough to record

18 Meaningful Art Art is representative of the experience: historical, legends, stories, shared histories (drawings, sculptures), useful or resourceful in it’s creation (moccasins, baskets, canoes…)

19 Art is More than the Obvious Art is … Words, Music, Drama, Poetry, Literature

20 Art is Expression Who we are How we live What we experience How we own experience What we feel Our Life is Art!

21 Assignment: Mi’Kmaq Art It’s big but take your time and realize you will have time to complete it: 1.In writing, explore how Mi’kmaq art examines cultural pride as an element culture and community through a variety of artistic expressions. 2.What is Art? How do we see art in our daily lives? Write an article either arguing for the importance of art in our daily lives. 3.Create a 8 ½ by 11 sheet of paper with a drawing showing something you learned about Mi’Kmaq art. On the back write 1 paragraph explaining your piece. 4.Go out on an limb and try something creative with words. Write a poem, song or short story that somehow reflects Mi’Kmaq expression.

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