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An Augmented Reality iOS Application for Music Education Presenter: Kristen Brown.

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Presentation on theme: "An Augmented Reality iOS Application for Music Education Presenter: Kristen Brown."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Augmented Reality iOS Application for Music Education Presenter: Kristen Brown

2 What is Augmented Reality (AR)? The real world enhanced by computer-generated contextual content such as 2D or 3D objects, audio, video, or text

3 What is AR? (con’t.)

4 Project Inspiration Teachers require technological tools to keep the new generation of students engaged Augmented reality is awe-inspiring and heavily visual in nature; therefore, great for learning Music education is a primarily untapped area

5 What is Prelude? Quiz game application for music symbol recognition Developed for use in music classrooms Two components: iOS app and a web application Teachers personalize content to their course objectives Students take quizzes using the app and their classroom technology (ex. iPad, iPod Touch) Application reports student quiz results to the classroom teacher

6 Functionality

7 Functionality (con’t.)




11 Administrative Website

12 Demo

13 Future Work Expand application to recognize more complex music, such as musical scales or phrases Upgrade administrative website to allow for even greater teacher customization Implement ability for app to present quiz results data to students as well as teachers upon request Add more complex sound functionality to the app for the playback of musical phrases

14 Acknowledgments My advisors Dr. Joseph Chao Dr. Kenneth Thompson AR Research Group My family BGSU Honors Program

15 References Azuma, Ronald T. "A survey of augmented reality." Presence 6.4 (1997): 355-385. Fernández, Víctor, Juan M. Orduña, and Pedro Morillo. "How mobile phones perform in collaborative augmented reality (CAR) applications." The Journal of Supercomputing (2013): 1-13. Herling, Jan, and Wolfgang Broll. "Markerless Tracking for Augmented Reality." Handbook of Augmented Reality. Springer New York, 2011. 255-272. "iOS Developer Library." iOS Developer Library. Apple Inc., n.d. Web. Johansen, Linn Saxrud. "Optical music recognition." (2009). Kang, Tim, and Michael Perry. "Optical Music Recognition Without Staffline Removal." Kipper, Greg, and Joseph Rampolla. Augmented Reality: An Emerging Technologies Guide to AR. Elsevier, 2012. Low, Grady, and Yung-Ho Chang. "Optical Music Recognition Application.” Group 3 (2012): 30. Luangnapa, Nawapon, et al. "Optical Music Recognition on Android Platform.” Advances in Information Technology. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012. 106-115. MacMillan, Karl, Michael Droettboom, and Ichiro Fujinaga. "Gamera: Optical music recognition in a new shell." Proceedings of the international computer music conference. 2002. Medicherla, Padmavathi S., George Chang, and Patricia Morreale. "Visualization for increased understanding and learning using augmented reality." Proceedings of the international conference on Multimedia information retrieval. ACM, 2010. Radu, Iulian, and Blair MacIntyre. "Using children's developmental psychology to guide augmented-reality design and usability." Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2012 IEEE International Symposium on. IEEE, 2012.

16 Thank you! Questions?

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