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The Other America Chapter 19 Section 4. Warm-up #11 What is “planned obsolescence” and how did it affect American culture/society in the 1950s? What was.

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Presentation on theme: "The Other America Chapter 19 Section 4. Warm-up #11 What is “planned obsolescence” and how did it affect American culture/society in the 1950s? What was."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Other America Chapter 19 Section 4

2 Warm-up #11 What is “planned obsolescence” and how did it affect American culture/society in the 1950s? What was the beat movement? How was it similar to rock and roll?

3 The Urban Poor In 1952, 1 of every 4 Americans lived below poverty level Elderly single women and kids Minorities: blacks, Latinos, Native Americans

4 White Flight Millions of middle-class whites left the cities for the suburbs Effects: – Took their $$$ and resources Tax $ for city care Businesses followed – Isolated and segregated from other races

5 The Inner Cities Left with little tax $ for city improvement (schools, fire and police, etc.) Michael Harrington’s The Other America: Poverty in the United States (1962) – Widespread poverty and the sick

6 Urban Renewal Proposed solution to housing problems in the cities Tear down run-down neighborhood and construct low- income housing Creation of Housing and Urban Development in President’s Cabinet Effects: – New parking lots, shopping centers, and parks BUT NO ROOM FOR DISPLACED PEOPLE! (i.e. LA barrios tore down for Dodger Stadium)

7 Mexican Americans Bracero Program (1942): Mexican farm workers brought in to meet the labor needs while American men off to WWII – Many went back home after but some stayed illegally – Continued flow of illegal immigrants

8 The Langoria Incident Felix Langoria: Mexican American WWII hero – Hometown of Texas refused to provide funeral services G.I. Forum (1948): organized by Mex- American veterans to help stamp out discrimination Unity League of California: organize and register voters

9 Native Americans Indian Reorganization Act (1934): policy moves from assimilation to autonomy (self-sufficient/independent/self- governing) – Effect of Depression: gov’t wants to stop subsidizing Native Americas National Congress of American Indians (1944) goals: – Civil rights – Natives on reservations able to retain own customs 65,000 served in WWII Termination policy: eliminated federal economic support, discontinued reservation system, and distributed tribal lands to individuals – Bureau of Indian Affairs – helped voluntary relocation – Failure!

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