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E-LUP First 18 months - overview Mikael Pihlström Stenungsund, 14-15 Juner 2007 e-LUP Workshop (2)

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Presentation on theme: "E-LUP First 18 months - overview Mikael Pihlström Stenungsund, 14-15 Juner 2007 e-LUP Workshop (2)"— Presentation transcript:

1 e-LUP First 18 months - overview Mikael Pihlström Stenungsund, 14-15 Juner 2007 e-LUP Workshop (2)

2 case studies on ecosystem biogeochemistry, landscape biodiversity, ecotechnosystems, pollution, multifunctional agriculture, sustainable building, months 5 to 20. dynamic models and their incorporation into an interactive visualization software, 1st batch ready month 18, 2nd batch ready month 26. combining simulations, text, videos and graphics into a e- textbook/tool, months (6) 11-40. BUT, test version by month 33 (May 2008). testing of the e-tool/e-textbook by policy makers (including EC staff) and stakeholders, months (24) 28-39. The project has four distinct phases

3 developments after Helsinki kick-off …

4 situation after Warsaw (Oct. 2006)…

5 Now?


7 Work packages WP1 to WP6

8 Consortium meetings (workshops) Milestone 1 at Workshop 1 (month 14). Main points: panels, methodology guidelines and coordination of case studies use in e-textbook,which phase to be closed by month 20. Milestone 2 at Workshop 2 (month 22). Main points are e- textbook contents and structure, finalizing chapter action plans, checking SIA relevance requirements for each chapter. Milestone 3 at Workshop 3 (month 33). Main points are evaluating and reassessing e-textbook contents, testing phase, future developments. ?


10 Workshop tasks Discuss and close WP3 /field studies at consortium level Check time table and acknowledge deliverables Discuss financial management, prognosis Decide on the e-textbook, who, when, how…

11 the user First, the policy maker at EU-level > busy, focused, well resourced, at work > the tool/textbook has to raise interest within 2-3 minutes and provide a ”roadmap” within ½ hour. Second, the same policy maker (interested now), regional & local administration, planners Third students, academics, industrialists, stakeholders …..

12 the e-format - an e-book has its own ” touch and feel” comparable to paper publications - scannable portions rather than a long linear flow - ease of navigation and overall clarity (indexes, hyperlinks etc) - avoid excessive links, the e-book should be a closed environment, not invite the user to get lost in the Web.

13 Impact Assessment in the Commission "Proposals must be prepared on the basis of an effective analysis of whether it is appropriate to intervene at EU level and whether regulatory intervention is needed? If so, the analysis must also assess the potential economic, social and environmental impact, as well as the costs and benefits of that particular approach. A key element in such as assessment is ensuring that the objectives of any proposal are clearly defined." – White Paper on European Governance, 2001, COM(2001) 428. “Sustainable development should become the central objective of all sectors and policies. This means that policy-makers must identify likely spillovers – good and bad – onto other policy areas and take them into account. Careful assessment of the full effects of a policy proposal must include estimates of its economic, environmental and social impacts inside and outside the EU.” – The Commissions Strategic Objectives 2005-2009, COM(2005) 12.

14 Review of extended Impact Assessments carried out by EC in 2003 (Bartolomeo et al 2004) Review of European Employment Strategy Communication on immigration, integration and employment Proposal for a Framework Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on unfair commercial practices Legislation on the Kyoto flexible instruments Joint Implementation (JI) and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Communication: Basic orientations for the sustainability of European tourism Policy on fixed pack sizes in selected sectors (wine, spirits, coffee, flour etc.) Framework Legislation on Chemical Substances Directive establishing strategies to prevent and control pollution of groundwater Reform of EU sugar policy Communication on the transition from analogue broadcasting to digital broadcasting: Digital switchover in Europe Support for private sector development in Mediterranean Amendment of regulation on the common organisation of the raw tobacco Proposal for a Directive on non-discrimination on the basis of sex (Art. 13) Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive on batteries and accumulators Issues more or less related to land use are bolded

15 Models to be visualized ? WP4 “Consequently, the models to be visualized mostly describe mechanisms and local scenarios in a specific context of land-use, not complex regional models or coupled model systems”. ( Annex 1 to Contract)

16 the framework



19 Eight potential forest ecosystem plots (FE) in partner countries. The main distribution area of Scots pine (Pinus silvestris) is hatched. In some of these areas simultaneous sampling will be done and a larger surrounding region remote-sensed. In Latvia there is a separate remote-sensing subproject. Case study areas WP3

20 Let’s decide dates and places as early as possible: month 14 is October 2006, where? Poland! month 22 is June 2007 where? Stenungsund! month 33 is May 2008, where? We need a extra final meeting in Brussels

21 Thank you!

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