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Development of passive microwave cryospheric climate data records - and a possible alternative for GHRSST W. Meier, F. Fetterer, R. Duerr, J. Stroeve Presented.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of passive microwave cryospheric climate data records - and a possible alternative for GHRSST W. Meier, F. Fetterer, R. Duerr, J. Stroeve Presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of passive microwave cryospheric climate data records - and a possible alternative for GHRSST W. Meier, F. Fetterer, R. Duerr, J. Stroeve Presented by Florence Fetterer at the 2011 GHRSST workshop, Boulder, CO

2 (GCOS SST/SI) Connection to GHRSST - 2006 slide from S. Anderson GCOS SST&SI working group, Meeting of the sea ice subgroup Søren Andersen, Center for Ocean and Ice, DMI Copenhagen PM CDR best Alternative best Point >> What is optimal for GHRSST- PP is not optimal for a sea ice CDR

3 GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Boulder CO 27-31 March, 2006 3 What does GHRSST-PP want? Our assumptions  High resolution (5-10 km)  Timely (6-12 hours after acquisition)  Fixing the ice edge position accurately is more important than accurate interior pack concentrations  Concentration in the MIZ is important  Uncertainty estimates (these become esp. important if swath data are used)  Want both accuracy, and continuity with existing record (though reprocessing at NODC allows for two data streams)

4 MASIE is a possible alternative for GHRSST N EW ! Collaboration between NSIDC and NIC Based on NOAA IMS product Vis/IR/SAR/PM inputs + human analysis 4 km resolution Daily extent/edge Several formats

5 Passive microwave sea ice data 32+ year record  able to track long-term trends Near-complete, daily fields (all-sky conditions) Consistent data source, algorithm, and processing methods  high confidence in comparing sea ice conditions through the years But CDR show-stopper issues remain:  Several algorithm products  Limited quality/error information  Little or no metadata NASA-Team sea ice concentration from the Sea Ice Index, animation at

6 Timeline of passive microwave sensors for sea ice 1970 19801990200020102020 ESMR SMMR F8 F11 F13 F17 F18 F19, F20 MIS? AMSR-E AMSR2 AMSR3,4 Nimbus-5 (single channel) Nimbus-7 DMSP NPOESS NASA EOS Aqua JAXA GCOM-W SSM/I SSMIS * May 2009 – Intercalibration of F13 and F17 sea ice products: first time done for near-real-time sea ice data *

7 Current NSIDC Sea Ice Concentration Products NASA Team (NT) 1-byte integer array Flat binary format Concentration scaled 0-250 (quarter %) Land, coast, pole, missing flag values 300-byte header w/ limited metadata No quality/error information NT Antarctic landmask Bootstrap (BT) 2-byte integer array Flat binary format Concentration scaled 0-1000 (tenth %) Land, pole/missing flag values No header, no file level metadata No quality/error information BT Antarctic landmask Sea Ice Concentration CDR Suite of 1-byte integer array for NT, BT and a combined field NetCDF format Concentration 0-100%, (one %. Accuracy about 5-10%) Land, coast, pole, missing, lake flag values Full ISO 19115 standard metadata Extent and data quality fields Consistent landmask in Antarctic Future Sea Ice Concentration CDR

8 Combined sea ice field 1.Use BT to fix the ice edge  Coarse spatial resolution leads to ambiguous ice edge  37 GHz channel has smaller footprint and more sensitive to thin ice o BT edge uses only 37 GHz o NT uses 19 and 37 GHz 2.Within the edge, use Max(BT|NT) for each grid cell  PM concentration generally biased low o NT for thin ice and melt o BT for interior cold temps.

9 Concentration CDR Product Suite Example NT Only BT Only NT > BT BT > NT BT = NT 100 0 % Concentration +100 -100 % BT-NT Conc. Diff. BT Edge NT Edge BT&NT Edge Near-coast # days since melt onset 0200 Combined NT & BT Conc. Sea Ice Extent Quality Field Conc. Diff. Original NASA Team (NT) and Bootstrap products will also be included with same format and scaling 15 March 2007 (SI if conc >15%)

10 100 0 % Concentration +100 -100 % BT-NT Conc. Diff. # days since melt onset 0200 Combined NT & BT Conc. Sea Ice Extent Quality Field Conc. Diff. 15 July 2007 BT Edge NT Edge BT&NT Edge Near-coast NT Only BT Only NT > BT BT > NT BT = NT (SI if conc >15%)

11 2007 Sea Ice Extent ArcticAntarctic

12 Next Steps Process F17 SSMIS NT and BT, 2007-present Finish metadata implementation Implement NRT BT Transition CDR to routine NRT processing Consider adding addition algorithms and sensors  AMSR-E  NASA Team 2  Other products

13 How much sea ice is there? NSIDC U. Bremen JAXA DMI ArcticROOS U. Illinois NIC (MASIE)

14 Satellite-derived Sea Ice Products Community Workshop 15-16 March 2011, NASA Goddard, Greenbelt, MD Bring together algorithm/product developers to discuss ways to work together and standardize products where possible  e.g., an ensemble sea ice extent estimate? Also bring in users (modeling, operational communities, etc.)  What do they need? – what SI product used now? Its limitations?  How can passive microwave sea ice products better meet user needs? – data quality information, error estimates, file format, grid/projection, metadata Supported by WCRP Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) Please see me at the breaks and I’ll collect input, or contact Walt:

15 GHRSST-PP Science Team Meeting, Boulder CO 27-31 March, 2006 15 Satellite Passive Microwave for Sea Ice Bootstrap, Cal-Val, NASA Team 2, and NASA Team algorithm ice edge contours compared with SAR imagery. The Cal-Val algorithm is probably best for concentrations at the ice edge. But it does poorly in other areas. Figure from: Point >> What is optimal for GHRSST-PP is not optimal for a sea ice CDR 5% 15% 50% 90%

16 Satellite-derived Sea Ice Products Community Workshop 15-16 March 2011, NASA Goddard, Greenbelt, MD Current and upcoming products/projects to be discussed:  EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility  ESA Climate Change Initiative Sea Ice Essential Climate Variable  NOAA Sea Ice Climate Data Record  JAXA GCOM-W AMSR2 sensor – launch in late 2011 Contact Walt if interested,

17 Satellite-derived Sea Ice Products Community Workshop 15-16 March 2011, NASA Goddard, Greenbelt, MD Issues to be discussed:  Product conventions o ice edge threshold (15%?, 30%?) o Climatology period (1979-2000,? 1979-2008?) o Grid/projection (polar stereographic, EASE)  Format – NetCDF, HDF, binary, etc.  Collaboration o Joint white paper or journal review paper o Ensemble contribution to IPCC AR5, etc  Metadata  Integration with other climate products (e.g., SST)

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