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Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-42, 19-23 May 2014, Guangzhou Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS.

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Presentation on theme: "Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-42, 19-23 May 2014, Guangzhou Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-42, 19-23 May 2014, Guangzhou Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS coordination in the Ocean context Plenary agenda item H.2.3 Mikael Rattenborg CGMS secretariat

2 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-42, 19-23 May 2014, Guangzhou CGMS coordination in the Ocean context Overview – CGMS Satellite contributions to Ocean observations – Potential areas of coordination – Contributions of CEOS incl. Virtual Constellations – Contributions of JCOMM – HLPP items, CGMS, actions and papers on Ocean – Gaps and GMS actions for consideration

3 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-42, 19-23 May 2014, Guangzhou CGMS contributions to Ocean observations Satellites now contribute to 14 out of 31 Ocean Observational Variables (Source: WMO) CGMS baseline GOS missions are now flying sensors of high interest to the Ocean community – New instrumentation in basic SSO (Metop/ASCAT, NPP/VIIRS, FY-3/MERSI) – GEO capability for Ocean Colour (COMS-1/GOCI) CGMS members are increasingly involved in dedicated ocean missions – Operational altimetry system in MEO and SSO (Jason-2/3/CS, S-3) – Operational ocean colour in SSO (JPSS, S-3) – R&D missions in SSO (Oceansat-2, SMOS, SMAP, SAC-D, HY-2, GCOM, PACE)

4 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-42, 19-23 May 2014, Guangzhou CGMS coordination To realize the potential benefits of these capabilities for the Ocean community, coordinated actions are required along the lines of what has been done for the baseline atmospheric missions. Some of these actions are however covered by activities of other bodies and an analysis of required CGMS action is therefore essential to avoid overlap Bodies to be considered – CEOS Virtual Constellations (SST, OST, OCR, OSVW) – IOCGG for Ocean Colour – GHRSST for SST – JCOMM, including the Cross cutting Task Team on Satellite Data Requirement. In this conext it should also be noted that there is an increasing dependence of WMO programmes on ocean observations from space. Others – OOPC is part of the climate context and is not specifically addressing satellite data, so not considered further here – GOOS is embedding satellite observations as well, but all operational issues are considered to be addressed by JCOMM

5 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-42, 19-23 May 2014, Guangzhou CEOS Virtual Constellations In support of GEO objectives and as a space component of GEOSS, in 2006 CEOS developed the concept of virtual, space-based Constellations around four prototype Constellations. A CEOS Virtual Constellation is a set of space and ground segment capabilities operating together in a coordinated manner, in effect a virtual system that overlaps in coverage in order to meet a combined and common set of Earth Observation requirements for specific domains. The individual satellites and ground segments can belong to a single or to multiple owners. The Constellation concept builds upon or serves to refocus already existing projects and activities. The Constellations effort provides a unique forum to achieve political visibility and increase mutual benefit among space and other environmental agencies in support of cross-cutting GEO Tasks and Targets. Currently, four Virtual Constellations exist relevant to Ocean: – Ocean Colour Radiometry (OCR-VC); – Ocean Surface Topography (OST-VC); – Ocean Surface Vector Wind (OSVW-VC); – Sea Surface Temperature (SST-VC). For more information see

6 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-42, 19-23 May 2014, Guangzhou Coordination areas to be considered Main areas of coordination that should be covered by CEOS or CGMS – Coordination of observing systems and protection of assets Support to the definition and maintenance of observational user requirements Gap analysis and contingency planning Orbit optimization Frequency coordination and protection Direct readout standards Data collection coordination Coordination of regional retransmission services for LEO satellites – Data dissemination, direct read out services and contribution to the WIS Products development Global data exchange Establishment of standards for distribution formats and discovery metadata standards Coordination of regional re-dissemination Coordination of dissemination mechanisms Integration of satellite data in the WIS

7 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-42, 19-23 May 2014, Guangzhou Coordination areas to be considered Main areas of coordination that should be covered by CEOS or CGMS – Enhance the quality of satellite-derived data and Products Best scientific practice for products definition and validation Establishment of a fully consistent operational system for satellite data calibration Define standards for product formats and service metadata – Outreach and training activities Coordinated global training activities to foster maximum use of satellite data Socio-economic benefits assessment for satellite data Support to regional data users conferences

8 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-42, 19-23 May 2014, Guangzhou CEOS Virtual Constellations Activities of CEOS VCs are identified in CEOS overall plan of deliverables 2015 and the VCs Terms of Reference CEOS VC activities – Coordination of observing systems and protection of assets Observational gap analysis is a focus area of all CEOS VCs For ocean sensors flying on baseline GOS mission coordination efforts have however to be coordinated with CGMS Conclusion: Concrete action on orbit coordination and contingency planning should be considered by CGMS, in particular for the ocean missions hosted on operational meteorological satellites – Data dissemination, direct read out services and contribution to the WIS Products development All VCs express needs for improved Data distribution and global data exchange CEOS initiatives like the CEOS WGISS Integrated Catalogue (CWIC) provide for offline access to multiple sets of heterogeneous data based on GIS metadata standards, but apart from GRHSST data no Ocean data are integrated in CWIC. Near real-time access and dissemination is advocated for in the VCs, but not explicitly addressed in CEOS Integration of Ocean data in WIS is not addressed in CEOS Conclusion: There is clear need for CGMS actions in the areas of near-real-time dissemination and the integration of ocean-related satellite data and products in the WIS.

9 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-42, 19-23 May 2014, Guangzhou CEOS Virtual Constellations – Enhance the quality of satellite-derived data and Products Focus area of all VCs, in particular the development and establishment of Ocean-relevant CDRs Conclusion: Area covered extensively by CEOS VCs, and the climate-related aspects by the JWG, no need for specific CGMS actions in this area – Outreach and training activities All VCs have a focus on outreach activities. The OSVW-VC initiated the series of marine forecasters courses, which has been fully coordinated with CGMS Vlab training efforts. It should be noted that these courses addresses the needs of marine forecasters, but do not provided training in general satellite oceanography. For other VCs no explicit mention of training, since this is implicitly handled in cross-cutting CEOS training activities. Regarding outreach activities on socio-economic benefits for ocean, both CEOS and CGMS are addressing this from their different perspectives Conclusion: No need for specific coordination actions from CGMS

10 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-42, 19-23 May 2014, Guangzhou JCOMM – JCOMM workplan 2012-2017 was approved by the JCOMM-4 session 23-31May 2012 in Jeju, Korea. – The Data Management Programme Area (DMPA) is in JCOMM tasked to: “Implement and maintain a fully integrated end-to-end data management system across the entire marine meteorology and oceanographic community”. This activity is however exclusively focused on in-situ data, and the JCOMM Data Management Plan explicitly states that satellite data are not managed by JCOMM, but by CEOS. – JCOMM has however had satellite rapporteurs for each Programme Area in the past, and these are now consolidated in the Cross cutting Task team on Satellite Data Requirements, which is to be the focal point for JCOMM satellite activities in the coming 4 years, and which is stated in its Terms of Reference to be the link to CGMS. – The requirements for data collection systems for Ocean are handled in JCOMM since many years

11 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-42, 19-23 May 2014, Guangzhou Other bodies considered. – IOCCG, International Ocean Colour Coordination group IOCCG is formulating operational data requirements for Ocean Colour observations, and submitted a paper for CGMS-41, encouraging CGMS actions in this regard. IOCCG is closely coordinated with the OCR-VC. – GHRSST, Group for High Resolution SST GHRSST formulates product format standards for SST, and submitted a paper to CGMS-41, asking all CGMS members to adopt this standard for all SST products. GHRSST is closely coordinated with the SST-VC. The SST-VC and GHRSST encourages all agencies with an SST capability to contribute to the standardization work in GHRSST and the SST-VC. SST-VC and GHRSST are together drafting a white paper on the SST vision for 2025, describing the optimised constellation for SST, including a gap analysis. The GHRSST paper to CGMS-41 asked for consideration of collaboration with CGMS for the preparation of the paper.

12 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-42, 19-23 May 2014, Guangzhou HLPP items referencing Ocean directly 1.1.1Coordinate the implementation of the CGMS baseline missions (updated nominal locations/orbits, operators), including optimisation of the distribution of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) sun-synchronous orbits to ensure efficient temporal sampling of the atmosphere and of the oceans 1.2.2Assess Data Collection Platform (DCP) and Argos Data Collection System (A-DCS) status and evolutions including International channels, taking into account requirements of Tsunami alert systems and ocean observations (e.g. buoys) 2.5Investigate the feasibility of introducing a coordinated dissemination service for information in support of the Ocean User Community

13 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-42, 19-23 May 2014, Guangzhou Open CGMS actions/recomms directly referencing Ocean For optimization of Ocean Colour measurements Only recommendations

14 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-42, 19-23 May 2014, Guangzhou CGMS-41 papers referencing Ocean directly – Plenary – IOC submitted a presentation on Ocean Surface Topography observations, without specific actions proposed – WG II – Several papers related to the derivation of Ocean parameters were submitted, but without specific actions or recommendations proposed – A paper from NASA about possible joint optimization of the orbits of GCOM-C and S-3 for Ocean Colour observations was submitted, action on NASA to continue analysis – A paper from the GHRSST community asking for CGMS support for ensuring long-term continuity of SST measurements was discussed, but no actions were agreed in this regard. It however was recognized that there is a need for the CGMS operators to adopt the GHRSST community data format, but only a recommendation in this regard was agreed. – A paper from the IOCGG meeting in Darmstadt May 2013 was submitted, proposing several actions on data formats and dissemination, but only a general recommendation in this regards was agreed. – No ocean-related papers were submitted to WG I, III or IV – Some of the papers submitted to WG II mentioned above should have been submitted to WG III and IV.

15 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-42, 19-23 May 2014, Guangzhou Conclusions and CGMS actions for consideration – Several coordination areas are well catered for outside CGMS, in particular by CEOS VCs – There are however gaps in the area of coordination of global data exchange and NRT dissemination services for Ocean, the integration of ocean-related satellite data in the WIS and in the area of contingency planning for baseline GOS missions providing ocean measurements and CGMS should therefore consider action in these areas – It is therefore proposed to consider actions to Encourage the CEOS Virtual Constellations to submit papers to CGMS on relevant operational matters with appropriate recommendations to CGMS. CGMS secretariat to ensure that Ocean WPs are considered in all appropriate WGs. Strengthen the link to JCOMM, in particular the Cross cutting Task team on Satellite Data Requirements. A dedicated report to CGMS on TT activities by the IOC member and a dialogue on data dissemination requirements with WG IV would be useful. Continue the dialogue with GHRSST and IOCCG Include Ocean-related matters explicitly on agendas of WG III and IV. In general encourage members to submit Ocean-related working papers for consideration by CGMS – Regarding the Cross-cutting issues of CGMS, Ocean is considered explicitly in climate activities and handled by the CEOS-CGMS Joint Working Group, and the increased capabilities of the next generation GEO satellites for ocean applications will also be addressed in this context.

16 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS-42, 19-23 May 2014, Guangzhou Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Thank you for your attention! Mikael Rattenborg CGMS secretariat

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