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UTLA S ALARY T RAINING Become a Better Teacher and Make More Money.

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1 UTLA S ALARY T RAINING Become a Better Teacher and Make More Money

2 C ONTACT I NFORMATION Ingrid Gunnell & Greta Enszer (213) 241-5486(213) 241-5485 Professional Development Advisors 333 S. Beaudry Ave 14 th Floor, NBCT Unit Los Angeles, CA 90017

3 A P RESENTATION IN T HREE S ECTIONS  First Section: Understanding the Pay Table  Second Section: Understanding Salary Points  Third Section: Understanding Your Paystub

4 S TEPS AND S CHEDULE N UMBERS “Steps” are years of experience (across) “Schedules” are based on salary points (down) You need 14 salary points to move down one schedule number


6 L-T ABLE P RE -C REDENTIAL  You remain on the L-Table until you get your preliminary credential.  Once you have that preliminary credential, you transfer directly from the L-Table to the T-Table.  As a comparison: L-Table Step 3 Schedule 23 vs. T-Table Step 3 Schedule 23.

7 T HE C ORE I SSUE OF S ALARY P OINTS If you don’t earn 98 salary points in your first ten years of teaching (about 70 or so beyond the ones you’ll get for completing your credential),  You won’t make as much for your work, AND  You won’t make as much in retirement.


9 T HREE T EACHERS …  Teacher A: She takes no additional courses, so earns no salary points. She moves horizontally across the schedule to 22T10 and stays there until her retirement.  Teacher B: She assumes that the “top” of the schedule is 27T10. She earns 2 or 3 salary points a year, getting to 27T10 in her 30th year.  Teacher C: She understands that to get to C4-30 by retirement time that she must get to 27T10 by her tenth year. She takes an average of 8 salary points per year and reaches 27T10 as she starts her tenth year.

10 W HEN Y OU A DD I T U P  Compare B to A, and you find that B makes over $180,000 more during her career.  Compare C to A, and you find that C makes over $388,000 more during her career. The ONLY DIFFERENCE between B and C is that C took her classes within 10 years.  The lesson: Earn your salary points within your first ten years for an additional $200,000!

11 O N THE R OAD TO 98 1.Rating In 2.Multicultural Requirement 3.How CEU’s, Quarter Units, and Semester Units translate into Salary Points 4.Ways to Earn Salary Points ( 5.Finding Salary Point Classes 6.Online Courses

12 1. R ATING I N  Take all of your post-graduate transcripts into Salary Allocation.  Do this within 4 months, and any salary adjustments will be retroactive.  Transcripts don’t have to be sealed, but they must be originals.  Community college classes taken AFTER your completed bachelor’s degree count!

13 2. M ULTICULTURAL R EQUIREMENT  You have to take 4 salary points of Multicultural Credit in order to move on the salary table.  You can meet the requirements with accredited coursework, certain approved courses from non-accredited vendors, and through special LAUSD-approved salary point courses.  If you completed something you think would count, point it out to Salary Allocation – they may not necessary hunt it down!

14 3. S ALARY P OINT M ATHEMATICS  1 semester unit = 1 SP  1 quarter unit =.66 SP  3 CEUs = 1 SP  14 salary points yield a move on the salary table Three models of coursework…  15 hours in class with 30 hours of homework  30 hours in class with little to no homework

15 4. W AYS TO E ARN S ALARY P OINTS  P or NA Classes – These are pre-approved courses offered by District staff or non- accredited institutions.  30 PD Hours with an NA Form – Collect verification of 30 hours of unpaid PD and submit the paperwork with an NA Form.  U-Form Work – Submit transcripts for accredited coursework (including CCs!)  T-Form Travel – Use a T-Form before you travel.  Write and Teach a Salary Point Class

16 30 H OURS OF PD FOR A S ALARY P OINT  As with all salary point work, the PD has to take place outside of school time.  Lots of places offer PD for teachers – if you’re not sure it will work, get your NA form pre- approved.  The PD doesn’t have to be the same (you could do a 3-hour aquarium program, a 4-hour art tour, and a 6-hour class on classroom management as part of the same package)

17 D ON ’ T G ET F OOLED BY $25/H OUR !  LAUSD frequently offers classes or trainings for $25 (or, recently, $17) an hour. You could get $375 (or $255) for 15 hours or You could take a 15-hour class (with homework) to earn a salary point.  Taking the salary point option is clearly the way to go – it’ll be worth $650 over 10 years, $2900 over 20 years, $5500 over 30 years, and over 20 years of retirement, $9600.  If you want the training, get a certificate for the hours INSTEAD of the payment!

18 5. F INDING S ALARY P OINT C LASSES  Start by going to the Earning Salary Points tab of

19 6. O NLINE C OURSEWORK  Be careful about online courses. There must be contact with the instructor for the courses to count. No contact = no credit!  Be careful about online courses. Some places will offer all kinds of crazy “units” or “credits” that aren’t equal to salary points.  Be careful about online courses. Just because an organization sent you an email from an address doesn’t mean it is legitimate!

20 K EEP R ECORDS OF E VERYTHING  Keep a copy of EVERYTHING you send to Salary Allocation.  Send your submissions via registered mail.  Check your salary point totals online and keep up with what has cleared and what hasn’t. It takes 8 weeks for most items to post.  Make sure that you are being paid the right amount!


22 C ONTACT I NFORMATION Professional Development Advisors 333 S. Beaudry Ave 14 th Floor, NBCT Unit Los Angeles, CA 90017

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