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14 June, 2006vienna 2006 Moscow Local Chapter Meeting With Local Chapters Vienna 14 th of June, 2006 Window to Moscow – view from the window of Vernadsky.

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Presentation on theme: "14 June, 2006vienna 2006 Moscow Local Chapter Meeting With Local Chapters Vienna 14 th of June, 2006 Window to Moscow – view from the window of Vernadsky."— Presentation transcript:

1 14 June, 2006vienna 2006 Moscow Local Chapter Meeting With Local Chapters Vienna 14 th of June, 2006 Window to Moscow – view from the window of Vernadsky geological museum during EAGE Moscow opening event

2 History June, 2003 – Stavanger. Official establishment of MLC, Sergey Denisov - elected President of MLCJune, 2003 – Stavanger. Official establishment of MLC, Sergey Denisov - elected President of MLC 2004, Mikhail Tokarev elected president MLC, first seminars started with Support of Geomodel Consulting Co.2004, Mikhail Tokarev elected president MLC, first seminars started with Support of Geomodel Consulting Co. 2005, Igor Kerusov – elected president of MLC, seminars organized monthly2005, Igor Kerusov – elected president of MLC, seminars organized monthly March, 2006 - Moscow office of EAGE openingMarch, 2006 - Moscow office of EAGE opening

3 Main directions of activities Monthly seminars, gathering international society of geoscientists located in MoscowMonthly seminars, gathering international society of geoscientists located in Moscow Establishment of Relationships and Exchange by Information with Russian and CIS geoscientistsEstablishment of Relationships and Exchange by Information with Russian and CIS geoscientists EAGE Student section supportEAGE Student section support Advertising EAGE membership benefits – access to international events, publications, educational programmes etc.Advertising EAGE membership benefits – access to international events, publications, educational programmes etc. Geomodel conference supportGeomodel conference support

4 Monthly seminars (content) Lecters on specific sciense theme, new technologies, general themes etc.Lecters on specific sciense theme, new technologies, general themes etc. Organising DLP-DISC lectures in MoscowOrganising DLP-DISC lectures in Moscow EAGE Student section supportEAGE Student section support

5 Monthly seminars (how) Inviting leading russian and inernational lecturers from Universities, Oil companies etc.Inviting leading russian and inernational lecturers from Universities, Oil companies etc. Cooperation and coordinations of activities with SEG/SPE/AAPG/EAGO societies in MoscowCooperation and coordinations of activities with SEG/SPE/AAPG/EAGO societies in Moscow Geomodel staff involvedGeomodel staff involved Attracting sponsorsAttracting sponsors

6 Monthly seminars (where) Moscow University Science ParkMoscow University Science Park

7 Monthly seminars (calendar) September 2005, 11-17, GEOMODEL-2005September 2005, 11-17, GEOMODEL-2005 October, R. Calvert “4D seismic reservoir monitoring ”October, R. Calvert “4D seismic reservoir monitoring ” November, S. Shapiro “Rock Physics and Passive seismic”November, S. Shapiro “Rock Physics and Passive seismic” December, Greg Partyka “Spectral Decomposition”December, Greg Partyka “Spectral Decomposition” - John Lee «Reserves From Unconventional Reservoirs». - John Lee «Reserves From Unconventional Reservoirs». January, 2006 –Ye. Landa, P. TarantolaJanuary, 2006 –Ye. Landa, P. Tarantola February 16,Baraboshkin E. “..Carbonate sedimentology”February 16,Baraboshkin E. “..Carbonate sedimentology” March 14, Kurt Marfurt, “Seismic Attribute Mapping…”March 14, Kurt Marfurt, “Seismic Attribute Mapping…” April, A. Shevchenko (PetroAlliance), N. Kuzub (DECOApril, A. Shevchenko (PetroAlliance), N. Kuzub (DECO Geophysical) Wavelet analysis Geophysical) Wavelet analysis May22, Dirk Smit (Shell)“Technology Challenges for Future Hydrocarbon Exploration”May22, Dirk Smit (Shell)“Technology Challenges for Future Hydrocarbon Exploration” June 21, V. Shimansky (TNK-BP) “Jurassic reservoirs potencial in West Siberia”June 21, V. Shimansky (TNK-BP) “Jurassic reservoirs potencial in West Siberia” July-August – not filled yet (best of Vienna 2006 EAGE Russian papers - ?)July-August – not filled yet (best of Vienna 2006 EAGE Russian papers - ?) September 17-22,GEOMODEL-2006September 17-22,GEOMODEL-2006

8 Ye. Landa, Total, P. Tarantola, IFP Ye. Landa, Total, P. Tarantola, IFP 2003 2004 2005 2006 October, 2005

9 Monthly seminars 7th December, 2005 EAGE/SEG/AAPG/SPE/EAGO 1. W. John Lee will present a lecture «Reserves From Unconventional Reservoirs». Organizer is SPE Student Chapter of Moscow State University. Students and all interested persons are invited. 1. W. John Lee will present a lecture «Reserves From Unconventional Reservoirs». Organizer is SPE Student Chapter of Moscow State University. Students and all interested persons are invited. 17:00-18.30 – W. John Lee’s lecture 18:30-19:00 – coffee – break W. John Lee is Director of the Center for Unconventional Resources at Texas A&M U.'s Crisman Inst. for Reservoir Management. He earned BS, MS, and PhD degrees in chemical engineering from the Georgia Inst. of Technology. 2. Greg Partyka will present a lecture «Spectral Decomposition». 2. Greg Partyka will present a lecture «Spectral Decomposition». 19:00-20:30 – Greg Partyka’s lecture 20:30-22:00 – Social hour sponsor

10 Greg Partyka DLP lecturer EAGE/SEG «Spectral Decomposition».«Spectral Decomposition».

11 Prof. Evgeny Baraboshkin (MSU) Introduction to carbonate sedimentology February 16, 2006 (Professor of Dept. of Regional geology and Earth history, Geological faculty of MSU) Sponsor

12 Monthly seminars (example of invitation)

13 Moscow office opening EAGE Moscow office opening 14.03.200614.03.2006

14 Kurt J. Marfurt Seismic Attribute Mapping of Structure and Stratigraphy 14.03.200614.03.2006 University of Houston EAGE / SEG Distinguished Instructor Short Course 2006 ~200 participants~200 participants

15 Application of Spectral-Time analysis in geophysics 27.04.2006 Application of nonlinear atomic decomposition in seismic exploration. Kuzub N.A., Moscow State University and DECO Geophysical, Moscow Wavelet analysis and filtrering. Shevchenko A.A., PetroAlliance and Gubkin University, Moscow Sponsor

16 Program of the meeting 18:00-18:15 Registration 18:15-18:45 Presentation of the sponsor CGG-Vostok – for students, by Jaun Jelout 18:45-19:00 Coffee-break 19:00-21:00 Lecture “Technology Challenges for Future Hydrocarbon Exploration” 21:00-22:00 Reception with food and drink Head of Exploration Research and Innovation Research in Shell International and Exploration and ProductionHead of Exploration Research and Innovation Research in Shell International and Exploration and Production How the changing Exploration business calls for different, unconventional technologies. Various significant improvements in sensor technologies as well as in computational methods, large-scale space borne and airborne scanning technologies have started to play a more prominent role in Frontier Exploration. Also novel Electromagnetic methods both on-shore as well as offshore start to bring new geological insights not easily obtained from just seismic technologies. In this talk we will show using various examples how these technologies may be used in conjunction with novel seismic methods to assess faster and more reliably Frontier Exploration opportunities. Dirk Smit, Shell, Technology Challenges for Future Hydrocarbon Exploration CGG-Vostok Sponsors 22.05.200622.05.2006

17 Monthly seminars (problems/solutions) SponsorsSponsors Language – translating lectures from english to russian takes expenses, lectures in russian do not attract moscow forinersLanguage – translating lectures from english to russian takes expenses, lectures in russian do not attract moscow foriners Lecturers in advanceLecturers in advance /expanding relations with minor companies/expanding relations with minor companies /?/? /expanding relations with regional LC etc./expanding relations with regional LC etc. Thanks DECO Geophysical and Geomodel

18 Student section Danila Knyazev, MSU – head of EAGE Moscow student sectionDanila Knyazev, MSU – head of EAGE Moscow student section Activities:Activities: –Support to participate in EAGE conference Student Travel Grant –Presentation about EAGE in MSU –Invitation to be a member of EAGE –Special invitation to participate in monthly workshops (MSU, Gubkin University, MGRI) –Distribution of 10 free memberships (sponsor Jason ?) (sponsor Jason ?) –Special presentations before workshops: By SPE/EAGEBy SPE/EAGE By CGGBy CGG –Support of the student conferences

19 EAGO – coordination of events, conferencies – SaintPetersburg-2006; publication activities (Seismic Technologies, Advertising in EAGO magazins)EAGO – coordination of events, conferencies – SaintPetersburg-2006; publication activities (Seismic Technologies, Advertising in EAGO magazins) Exchange by calendar of events (thanks Kiev LC for invitation), with short reports/remarksExchange by calendar of events (thanks Kiev LC for invitation), with short reports/remarks Exchange by lecturers (sponsors-?)Exchange by lecturers (sponsors-?) Joint seminarsJoint seminars Communication with LCs and Associated Societies (AS) (thoughts)

20 Participating in Geomodel conferencies EAGE officer Gerard Wigerlink activities on Geomodel conference, Gelenjik, 2004. Geomodel(s?)

21 Conclusions Monthly seminars are most effective to achieve main goals of EAGE activitiesMonthly seminars are most effective to achieve main goals of EAGE activities Russian boardRussian board Expanding relationships with services and oil companies – sponsoring and participating in EAGE eventsExpanding relationships with services and oil companies – sponsoring and participating in EAGE events Language problems – to be decreasedLanguage problems – to be decreased Exchange by information with other LCs and AS activities on regular basisExchange by information with other LCs and AS activities on regular basis

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