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1 Contributions of the RRM Group to the BIC priority Work Programme 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Contributions of the RRM Group to the BIC priority Work Programme 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Contributions of the RRM Group to the BIC priority Work Programme 2016

2 2 Aim: Accellaration of the development of new sustainable value chains from biomass, feedstock supply via efficient processing, to acceptance and application of bio- based products.

3 3 Main Priorities 1.‘Sufficient and sustainable biomass feedstock supply’ at affordable price, incorporating the feedstock suppliers as partners in the value chains. 2.‘Development of biorefinery technologies’ and processes to increase the competitive position of the bio-based industries in Europe.

4 4 3.‘Higher market demand and customer awareness’ through the development of innovative products and applications in partnership with actors in the end consumer markets and setting the framework for successful market uptake.

5 5 Priority 1: The sufficient and sustainable biomass feedstock supply is one of the major challenges for the PPP biobased industries. Feedstock costs have a major impact on the price of the final product. Sustainable supply of sufficient quantities of good quality biological raw materials at a competitive price is critical for the success of biorefineries.

6 6 -Cooperation with COPA/COGECA and DG Agri - Biomass flow along the value added chain ("ERRMA Template”)

7 7 Priority 2: Development of biorefinery technologies and efficient processes to increase the competitive position of the bio-based industries in Europe.

8 8 Priority 3: “Higher market demand and customer awareness” through the development of innovative products and applications.

9 9 The focus should be taken to the following most promising markets for biobased products: - bio-based and bio-degradable plastics - bio-based and bio-degradable lubricants - bio-based surfactants - bio-based solvents Standardisation works on biobased and biodegradable plastics and biobased and biodegradable lubricants have been finalized. The works on biobased surfactants and biobased solvents are in work cooperation with CEN and DG Grow

10 10 To secure market demand: coordination and support actions (CSA) to boost the use of standards as basis for procurement. On procurement the cooperation is on work: EU expert group biobased products, cooperation RRM group and DG Grow is on work.

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