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To Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Vocabulary for Chapters 12-15 (All pictures taken from Google Images, and all pronunciations.

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Presentation on theme: "To Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Vocabulary for Chapters 12-15 (All pictures taken from Google Images, and all pronunciations."— Presentation transcript:

1 To Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Vocabulary for Chapters 12-15 (All pictures taken from Google Images, and all pronunciations and definitions from

2 acquiescence acquiescence \ ˌ a-kwē- ˈ e-s ə ns\ the act of agreeing, accepting, or giving consent by staying silent or by not arguing accept quietly

3 altercation altercation \ ˌ o ̇ l-tər- ˈ kā-shən\ a noisy or angry argument cat fight

4 denunciation denunciation \di- ˌ nən(t)-sē- ˈ ā-shən\ a public statement that strongly criticizes someone or something as being bad or wrong announce that you think it is bad

5 diligently diligently \ ˈ di-lə-jənt\ characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort

6 ecclesiastical ecclesiastical \i- ˌ klē-zē- ˈ as-ti-kəl\ of or relating to the Christian church or clergy The Christian church

7 habiliments habiliments \hə- ˈ bi-lə-mənt\ the dress characteristic of an occupation or occasion —usually used in plural It is habit to put on a uniform.

8 impassive impassive \( ˌ )im- ˈ pa-siv\ not showing emotion I’m passive.

9 impedimenta impedimenta \( ˌ )im- ˌ pe-də- ˈ men-tə\ equipment that impedes progress impedes movement

10 myopic myopic a lack of foresight or discernment : a narrow view of something My optics are shortsighted.

11 penitentiary penitentiary \ ˌ pe-nə- ˈ ten(t)-sh(ə-)rē\ a state or federal prison in the United States in the pen Tent City (jail, not penitentiary)

12 prerogative prerogative \pri- ˈ rä-gə-tiv\ a right or privilege

13 resilient resilient \ri- ˈ zil-yənt\ able to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens recovers easily

14 rotogravure rotogravure \ ˌ rō-tə-grə- ˈ vyu ̇ r\ a section of a newspaper devoted to rotogravure pictures; a sheet or magazine printed by rotogravure, especially the color magazine of a Sunday newspaper

15 succinct succinct \( ˌ )sək- ˈ siŋ(k)t, sə- ˈ siŋ(k)t\ using few words to state or express an idea short and sweet

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