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To Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Vocabulary for Chapters 4-8 (All pictures taken from Google Images.)

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1 To Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Vocabulary for Chapters 4-8 (All pictures taken from Google Images.)

2 aberration [ab-uh-rey-shuh n] deviation from the normal or typical Brrr—being cold in Phoenix is not typical aberration rhymes with variation a + beer + reaction = done under the influence of alcohol

3 abominable [uh-bom-uh-nuh-buh l] detestable; extremely unpleasant The Abominable Snowman Incredible Hulk character bombs not above minimum ability

4 asinine [as-uh-nahyn] extremely stupid or foolish donkey = jackass

5 auspicious [aw-spish-uh s] favorable; fortunate It’s awesome, not anything to be suspicious about!

6 benevolence [buh-nev-uh-luh ns] desire to do good to others; goodwill; charitableness benefit, beneficial, Va Bene restaurant (bene = good) It is nice to volunteer.

7 cordiality [kawr-jal-i-tee, kawr-jee-al-] friendliness; sincere affection and kindness We cordially invite you to… When you dial a phone and speak with someone, you should be friendly.

8 edification [ed-uh-fi-key-shuh n] the instruction or improvement of a person morally or intellectually education

9 embalming [em-bahm] treating (a dead body) so as to preserve it, as with chemicals, drugs, or balsams) Mmm, flavored lip balm is tasty, and it preserves moisture.

10 inquisitive [in-kwiz-i-tiv] curious, seeking knowledge inquisitive

11 magisterial [maj-uh-steer-ee-uh l] having or showing great authority Your Majesty, magistrate

12 malignant [muh-lig-nuh nt] deadly, extremely hurtful, evil; hurtful, malicious; cancerous Maleficent; malaria; malice; malpractice; mal = bad en Espanol

13 meteorological [mee-tee-er-uh-loj- i-kuh l] of or pertaining to the atmosphere and its phenomena, including weather and climate meteorologist = weather forecaster; meteor in sky

14 pestilence [pes-tl-uh ns] a contagious and often fatal disease that spread rapidly; an illness of epidemic proportions; a destructive or evil influence or factor Pests are underlined. ↑ Bubonic plague and septicemic plague are transmitted primarily by the bite from infected fleas; however, transmission can occur by bites or scratches from infected wild rodents and cats, or contact with tissue from infected animals. Bubonic plague is rarely spread from person-to-person. (

15 pilgrimage [pil-gruh-mij] a journey, especially a long one, made to some sacred place as an act of religious devotion Pilgrims came to America for religious freedom.

16 ramshackle [ram-shak-uh l] appearing ready to collapse, loose and shaky If you ram into something, it may come loose; shack

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