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TKAM: The Trial Chapters 17, 18 & 19. Chapter 17: Heck Tate’s Testimony  mockingbird/sheriffs-testimony/#!cast/

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Presentation on theme: "TKAM: The Trial Chapters 17, 18 & 19. Chapter 17: Heck Tate’s Testimony  mockingbird/sheriffs-testimony/#!cast/"— Presentation transcript:

1 TKAM: The Trial Chapters 17, 18 & 19

2 Chapter 17: Heck Tate’s Testimony  mockingbird/sheriffs-testimony/#!cast/ mockingbird/sheriffs-testimony/#!cast/  Heck’s Evidence:  Bob Ewell called him claiming someone had raped his daughter  Mayella Ewell was beaten on the right side of her face  No doctor was called to check on Mayella  No evidence was collected to prove rape

3 Chapter 17: Bob Ewell’s Testimony  testimony/#!cast/ testimony/#!cast/  Bob’s Evidence:  Claims he saw Tom Robinson raping his daughter  Proves in court that he is left-handed  Is incredibly rude and disrespectful to Atticus

4 Chapter 18: Mayella’s Testimony   Mayella’s Testimony:  She accuses Tom Robinson of beating and raping her  She becomes angry when Atticus proves that is impossible  Atticus insinuates that her dad is responsible for her beating and also for molesting her throughout her life  She accuses all the men in the courtroom of being cowards if they do not punish Tom for her attack

5 Chapter 19: Tom’s Testimony  Tom’s Story  He passed by the Ewell property every day on his was to and from work…  He claims that Mayella seemed lonely, and he felt sorry for her  She had asked him to help her with a few chores from time to time, and they became acquaintances  On the day of the “attack” he claims that Mayella came onto him romantically, and that he was trying to push her off of himself  He said that Bob Ewell showed up about that time, and that he ran away because he was afraid  Tom claims that Bob saw his daughter come onto him, and that Bob beat her for it

6 Chapter 19: Tom’s Cross Examination  “You felt sorry for her, you felt sorry for her?”  Dill becomes upset with Mr. Gilmer questions Tom  He doesn’t like that way that Mr. Gilmer seems to be bullying Tom, and so Scout and Dill leave the courtroom as Dill starts to cry  Dolphus Raymond notices the children outside and heads over to talk to them…

7 Chapter 20: The truth about Dolphus  Dolphus allows people to think he’s a drunk because they need a “reason” for why he’s not racist  He actually drinks Coca-Cola from his paper sack

8 Chapter 20: Atticus’ Summation (one of most famous in novels)    Points:  No medical evidence of rape  Tom is physically incapable of beating the right side of Mayella’s face  Mayella created this story to cover up her romantic feelings for a black man  Atticus pities Mayella, but doesn’t believe Tom should have to suffer for her “embarrassment.”  Brilliant blend of rhetoric: ethos, pathos, logos, concession, rebuttal, etc.

9 Chapter 20: Respect for Atticus  383F4CE69173C2&index=8 383F4CE69173C2&index=8  “Your father’s passing.”

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