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What is a tragic hero’s character flaw called? Hamartia.

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10 What is a tragic hero’s character flaw called? Hamartia

11 What is saying something that can be interpreted more than one way called? Equivocation

12 What are the four humors? Sanguine Choleric Melancholic Phlagmatic

13 What are the four humors? or blood black bile yellow bile phlegm

14 What does Duncan have more of? blood or sanguine

15 What does having more, but not too much, blood mean? The person is a nice person.

16 What is Banquo’s reaction to the witches’ predictions? He is nervous that the witches might be attempting to harm Macbeth and him.

17 What does Lady Macbeth worry that Macbeth has too much of before he kills Duncan? Kindness

18 What does Lady Macbeth do to the grooms to make them sleep? Drugs them

19 Who does Macbeth feel he has killed the king for? Banquo’s sons

20 How does Macbeth convince the murderers to kill Banquo? He blames their poverty on Banquo

21 Who sends a messenger to warn Lady Macduff? Lady Macbeth

22 What is unrhymed iambic pentameter? Blank verse

23 What is everyday speech? Prose

24 What is it called when two lines of verse rhyme at the end? a couplet

25 What rhythm and meter do the witches speak in? trochaic tetrameter

26 What specifically did Macbeth do that makes him a war hero (but that also shows his propensity for violence)? cuts a man from his bowels to his neck, cuts his head off, and puts the head on a spike

27 What does Macbeth compare life to after his wife dies? a walking shadow a brief candle an actor onstage a tale told by an idiot

28 What metaphor does Macduff use to say the king is dead? The Lord’s anointed temple was broken and the life stolen from it

29 Why is the metaphor Macduff uses to say the king is dead significant? It demonstrates Duncan’s goodness and rightful place as king

30 What is the triple purpose of the porter’s speech? Comic relief, establish equivocation, give Macbeths time to clean up

31 What is emotional purging called? Catharsis

32 The turning point from good fortune to bad is called peripeteia

33 Macbeth’s hands will turn the ocean red with blood… hyperbole

34 Macbeth’s hamartia is… vaulting ambition

35 “’Twas a rough night…” understatement

36 When Macduff hears of his wife and childen’s murder and he says, “I must also feel it as a man. / I cannot but remember such things were / That were most precious to me,” his words and feelings contrast Macbeth’s when he hears about his wife’s death. foil

37 Macduff does not want to tell Lady Macbeth about Duncan’s murder because it would harm her “woman’s ear.” irony

38 One person speaking on stage with multiple people also on stage monologue

39 One person speaking who is alone on stage soliloquy

40 The audience knows that Macbeth will be named Thane of Cawdor before Macbeth knows it. dramatic irony

41 Duncan is king of Scotland

42 Scotland is at war with Norway

43 Malcolm flees to England

44 Donalbain flees to Ireland

45 Three major examples of equivocation in Macbeth are… the porter’s scene Macbeth’s interpretation of the witches’ prophecies “look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it”

46 Disturbances of nature following Duncan’s murder are… owl shrieking and crickets crying chimneys blown over earthquake solar eclipse owl killing a hawk Duncan’s horses eating each other Macbeth not sleeping Lady Macbeth sleepwalking

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