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Genre Kerrang is a UK music rock magazine it was first published on 6 June 1981 by Bauer Media Group,they publish it every week and it has 100 pages. Because.

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Presentation on theme: "Genre Kerrang is a UK music rock magazine it was first published on 6 June 1981 by Bauer Media Group,they publish it every week and it has 100 pages. Because."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genre Kerrang is a UK music rock magazine it was first published on 6 June 1981 by Bauer Media Group,they publish it every week and it has 100 pages. Because it is a weekly magazine it is less expensive. The magazine has a rock spirit and dark colours are used. Contents I expect to see music. CD covers and interviews of the different artists,new songs,news or gossip about the artists, posters, quiz's and concert dates. The magazine Kerrang has what is expected to be in a rock magazine but in other magazines there are different genres of music. The magazine has different sections like News,Live Reviews and Album Reviews. They are very clear about what they write but they use a rocky language as “There are times when you want to escape the hustle and bustle of city life,…..” if your read this magazine every week is not going to be hard to understand but if is you first time is hard to understand. Structure/Format The context of the magazine is well organized, it has been organized in individual columns with a heading above it indicating what information is on what page. In the front of the magazine there are more important thing s such as the latest news or live reviews. In between the magazine consists of posters.The back features the least important things such as quizzes and a gig guide. I think the magazine is organized in this way because the reader can understand more. The contents page is organized from the news to kerrang quizzs.

2 House style The house style of Kerrang is the front always has a big picture,some over the masthead or below, they use the same title but at the same time they change the color.The style of the magazine includes what is in the magazine at the bottom of the magazine.They use most white, red,yellow and black colours. The language that they use is informal and accessible to young people from age of 8/9.The layout that they use looks tidy and professional.

3 Advertising Magazine advertising is important because they make more money and attract the readers. The thing that the magazine Kerrang advertises is concert dates,other magazines like Empire,CD s from HMV and cosmetic products like Brylcreem. In the back of the magazine there is a picture of a CD cover.The advertising tells us that the people who buy the magazine they have a young age and they are interested in rock music. I think that the magazine has a strong house style that attracts people. KERRANG Who is the publisher ? The magazine is published by Bauer Media Group, Kerrang is the biggest world weekly selling music magazine, The age range that people read this magazine is 8/35. The company of Kerrang has other publications such as Bella,Take a break and TV choice. Kerrang circulation figures were 44,000 in 2010 but now is 40,000. The readership is 387,000.the magazine has less selling but many people they read it. How is Kerrang distributed? The magazine is weekly by Seymour,they have a radio station,internet TV,the first time that the radio was aired was in June 10 2004,the large audience that they had is 1.3 million.

4 Regulation The UK media regulation revolve primarily around codes of practice, drawn up by a variety of bodies which are either entirely or largely Independent. Following the wide public consultation,In some case the codes of practice have been developed by bodies with statutory powers over the media while in others the responsible bodies have been established by the media or journalists themselves. The purpose of the paper is to describe the various codes of practice that they are applied to the media, as well the systems for promoting adherence of the code. Codes In addition to the codes noted, the broadcast media are also subject to a small number of specific content rules and all media are subject to laws of general application, such as those relating to defamation, obscenity and hate speech. The media regulation various codes of conduct in place in the UK 1 generally provide guidelines for media professionals, They represent an attempt to provide some guidance to the media recognising, however, that the world is almost infinitely complex and that it is simply not possible to provide clear rules about what is and what is not allowed in all situations. The guidelines are not laws and, to a significant extent, their proper application depends upon the media maintaining constant awareness of the prevailing public “mood”, or community standards as broadly reflected in the codes. Print media The print media is entirely self-regulating in the United Kingdom and operates free of any specific statutory rules. There is no statutory Press Council, no statutory complaints body and no requirement that journalists be registered or belong to any particular association. There is, however, a body established by newspaper bodies themselves, The Press Complaints Commission. In 1980’s there were a number of public complaints about perceived excesses in the British press and the British Government responded by setting up a public enquiry into press regulation which reported in 1990. In early 1991 a code of Practice for the press was drawn up by the committee of editors and all British editors and publishers committed themselves to upholding the code. A levy on newspapers and periodicals was established to fund the PCC and it was established that a majority of those on the PCC would be lay people. Media regulation -Print media regulation (magazine news paper)

5 Possible regulation issues affecting kerrang The PCC is a Press Complaints Commission is an independent body, which has been set up to examine complaints about the editorial content of UK newspapers and magazines.

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