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THE PARIS DECLARATION and DAC EVALUATION QUALITY STANDARDS Task Team on New Context for Development Evaluation DAC EQS Workshop, Auckland, 10 February.

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Presentation on theme: "THE PARIS DECLARATION and DAC EVALUATION QUALITY STANDARDS Task Team on New Context for Development Evaluation DAC EQS Workshop, Auckland, 10 February."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE PARIS DECLARATION and DAC EVALUATION QUALITY STANDARDS Task Team on New Context for Development Evaluation DAC EQS Workshop, Auckland, 10 February 2009

2 The Task Team for New Context on Development Evaluation: Improved knowledge, understanding and application of the Paris Declaration

3 Paris Declaration: More effective ways of working together Evaluation: major role for mutual accountability for results and transparency

4 Amendment suggestions for consideration….

5 1. Rationale, purpose and objectives of an evaluation Division of labour Jointly?

6 2.1 Scope of the evaluation Coherence Coordination Complementarity

7 2.2 Intervention logic and findings  Point out different partners’ participation and contribution

8 2.4 Evaluation questions Joint evaluations: specific questions to individual partners should not be precluded

9 4.1 Explanation of methodology used Use of partner country’s system? 4.3 Relevant stakeholders consulted All parties involved in the identification

10 4. 5 Evaluation team Procurement procedures that, to the extent possible, allow local and regional firms/consultants to compete

11 6. Independence Independence, quality and inclusiveness ensured by evaluation governance

12 9.4 Use of evaluation In-country feedback by local management and/or policy makers

13 Thank you!

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