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RMAN: Beginner to Advanced in 1 Hour

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1 RMAN: Beginner to Advanced in 1 Hour
Arup Nanda

2 Who am I Oracle DBA for 16 years and counting
Speak at conferences, write articles, 4 books Brought up the Global Database Group at Starwood Hotels, in White Plains, NY (c) Arup Nanda

3 What’s Being Covered RMAN Basics Merge Backups Block Change Tracking
Monitoring Compression Encryption Key/Wallet Management Decisions – Image Copy or Backupset (c) Arup Nanda

4 What is it? RMAN: Recovery MANager
Oracle Enterprise Backup Utility (EBU) with Oracle7 Bugs, limitations made it infeasible RMAN – the new incarnation of EBU introduced with Oracle8 Bugs abound; DBAs still favored Hot Backup Bug free, quite usable with Oracle 8i (c) Arup Nanda

5 What was the Earlier Approach
Put the database/tablespaces/datafiles to backup mode. ALTER DATABASE BEGIN BACKUP; Copy/ftp the files to remote location ALTER DATABASE END BACKUP; The datafile headers are not updated with the newer checkpoints The datafiles are written as usual (c) Arup Nanda

6 What was the problem? Fractured block Recovery will apply more redo
More redo written during this period Recovery will apply more redo The recovery will take longer (c) Arup Nanda

7 RMAN Does not need ALTER DATABASE BEGIN BACKUP RMAN understands the structure of the data block. So it does not: need to stop the SCN update in the header generate too much redo need to apply redundant redo during recovery (c) Arup Nanda

8 RMAN Basics Executable rman in $OH/bin
Has to connect to a target database # $ORACLE_HOME/bin/rman Recovery Manager: Release … RMAN> connect target / connected to target database: ODBA112 (DBID= ) RMAN> connect target "sys/oracle as sysdba" # $ORACLE_HOME/bin/rman target=/ (c) Arup Nanda

9 Start the Backup RMAN> backup database;
The sequence of keywords (commands) is important. Giving wrong commands (or in wrong sequence) make the command fail and you can't edit (unlike SQL*Plus) RMAN> backup database; Semicolon is necessary to end a command Could be database, datafile, tablespace, archivelog all, etc. (c) Arup Nanda

10 Backup pieces (individual files)
Only Used Blocks Backup set Datafile 2 2 1 2 1 Backup pieces (individual files) Datafile 1 Since only used blocks are backed up, the backup is less than the actual database size Used block Unused block (c) Arup Nanda

11 Datafiles and Backupsets
bp1 df1 bs1 bp2 df2 bs2 bp3 df3 bs3 bp4 df4 bp5 A datafile can’t be split across backupsets Many to Many Backup Pieces Many to One Backup Sets Datafiles (c) Arup Nanda

12 Restoring RMAN> restore database; RMAN> restore tablespace USERS; RMAN> restore datafile 5; This recreates the datafiles from the different backup pieces Read and restored in parallel Recovering (applies the incremental backups and archive logs to the restored datafiles) RMAN> recover database; RMAN exclusive! (c) Arup Nanda

13 Incremental Backups RMAN checks for used blocks, so it can check if the blocks have been backed up before It can backup only the changed blocks Reducing backup size, time, I/O and CPU Level 1 – changed since Last Level 1 Level 0 – Full backup (c) Arup Nanda

14 Incremental Types Full Level1 Full Backup (all blocks) Full Backup
Initial 2 3 4 5 6 Monday 1 2 All blocks Block 2 3 4 5 6 1 All blocks Block 3 2 Tuesday 3 4 5 6 Full Level1 (c) Arup Nanda

15 Can be replaced by TABLESPACE USERS, DATAFILE 1, etc.
Incremental Levels RMAN> backup 2> database 3> ; Full Database RMAN> backup 2> incremental level 1 3> database 4> ; Incremental Level 0 indicates a full backup Can be replaced by TABLESPACE USERS, DATAFILE 1, etc. (c) Arup Nanda

16 Recovery Backup Recovery Sun (Full) Mon Tue Wed Thu Sun (Full) Mon Tue
(c) Arup Nanda

17 Cumulative Incremental
Differential Cumulative Full Backup (all blocks) Full Backup (all blocks) 1 Initial 2 3 4 5 6 Monday 1 2 Block 2 Block 2 3 4 5 6 1 Block 3 Block 2 and Block 3 2 Tuesday 3 4 5 6 (c) Arup Nanda

18 Default is Differential
Cumulative Default is Differential RMAN> backup 2> cumulative incremental level 1 3> tablespace users; Cumulative Incremental backups contain all the changes since the full backup; hence it requires only one incremental backup to be applied, speeding up recovery. (c) Arup Nanda

19 Channels Channels are akin to Parallel Query slaves
Each channel is a session that RMAN uses to backup or restore More channels, usually faster backup During backup, each channel uses a unique backupset Default is one channel (c) Arup Nanda

20 Output of Backup A channel is a session, hence SID
allocated channel: c1 channel c1: SID=128 device type=DISK allocated channel: c2 channel c2: SID=121 device type=DISK Starting backup at 06-MAY-09 channel c1: starting full datafile backup set channel c1: specifying datafile(s) in backup set input datafile file number=00001 name=C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ARUPLAP11\SYSTEM01.DBF input datafile file number=00003 name=C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ARUPLAP11\UNDOTBS01.DBF channel c1: starting piece 1 at 06-MAY-09 channel c2: starting full datafile backup set channel c2: specifying datafile(s) in backup set input datafile file number=00002 name=C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ARUPLAP11\SYSAUX01.DBF input datafile file number=00004 name=C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ARUPLAP11\USERS01.DBF channel c2: starting piece 1 at 06-MAY-09 A channel is a session, hence SID Datafiles are mentioned here (c) Arup Nanda

21 Multiple Channels RMAN> run {
2> allocate channel c1 type disk format 'c:\temp\%U.rman'; 3> allocate channel c2 type disk format 'c:\temp\%U.rman'; 4> backup database; 5> } %U creates a unique name for the file. Run "block" is enclosed in pairs of curly braces {} (c) Arup Nanda

22 Check Defaults RMAN> show all; RMAN> configure ...
Shows all the default configuration items such as number of channels, etc. RMAN> configure ... changes the items (c) Arup Nanda

23 Configure Channels RMAN> show DEVICE TYPE;
RMAN configuration parameters for database with db_unique_name ARUPLAP11 are: CONFIGURE DEVICE TYPE DISK PARALLELISM 1 BACKUP TYPE TO BACKUPSET; # default RMAN> configure device type disk parallelism 2 backup type to backupset; ... new RMAN configuration parameters are successfully stored RMAN> configure channel 1 device type disk format 'c:\temp\%U.rman'; (c) Arup Nanda

24 NOLOGGING Nologging Operations Redo is not Generated for the Data
INSERT */+ APPEND */ INTO … SQL*Loader DIRECT=Y CREATE TABLE … NOLOGGING Redo is not Generated for the Data Metadata changes are always logged The new information doesn't get into the redo and hence not to arc logs And hence not possible to recover Incremental backs up blocks changed by NOLOGGING operations RMAN exclusive! (c) Arup Nanda

25 Block Change Tracking Incremental Backup still goes through the files to see which blocks changed Adds to time and performance Enter – Block Change Tracking To create a BCT File: ALTER DATABASE ENABLE BLOCK CHANGE TRACKING USING FILE '/home/oracle/orabackup/bct_PRODB2.dbf'; Records which blocks have been changed (c) Arup Nanda

26 BCT, contd. Must be available to all instances of RAC.
Size approx 10MB per 1 TB Test: SELECT * FROM V$BLOCK_CHANGE_TRACKING; Ensure: select USED_CHANGE_TRACKING from v$backup_datafile; (c) Arup Nanda

27 Checking for Backups Lists the backups available
RMAN> list backup of database; using target database control file instead of recovery catalog List of Backup Sets =================== BS Key Type LV Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time Full M DISK :00: MAY-09 BP Key: 4 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: NO Tag: TAG T195902 Piece Name: C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\11.1\DB1\DATABASE\09KECC46_1_1 List of Datafiles in backup set 4 File LV Type Ckp SCN Ckp Time Name Full MAY-09 C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ARUPLAP11\USERS01.DBF (c) Arup Nanda

28 Which Files Need Backup
RMAN> report need backup; RMAN retention policy will be applied to the command RMAN retention policy is set to redundancy 1 Report of files with less than 1 redundant backups File #bkps Name C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ARUPLAP11\SYSTEM01.DBF C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ARUPLAP11\SYSAUX01.DBF C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ARUPLAP11\UNDOTBS01.DBF (c) Arup Nanda

29 Obsolete (c) Arup Nanda RMAN> report obsolete;
RMAN retention policy will be applied to the command RMAN retention policy is set to redundancy 1 Report of obsolete backups and copies Type Key Completion Time Filename/Handle Backup Set MAY-09 Backup Piece MAY C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\11.1\DB1\DATABASE\04KEBFLM_1_1 RMAN> delete obsolete; allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1 channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=123 device type=DISK allocated channel: ORA_DISK_2 channel ORA_DISK_2: SID=170 device type=DISK Deleting the following obsolete backups and copies: Do you really want to delete the above objects (enter YES or NO)? yes deleted backup piece backup piece handle=C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\11.1\DB1\DATABASE\04KEBFLM_1_1 RECID=1 STAMP= Deleted 1 objects (c) Arup Nanda

30 SHOW, LIST or REPORT List – lists backups, failures, etc.
Report – similar; but less often used Show – only config items like channels (c) Arup Nanda

31 Block Media Recovery Less likely: the entire datafile is corrupted
More likely: a specific block in a file is Why restore the entire file when only a block needs to be recovered? ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 5, block # 21) ORA-01110: data file 5: 'c:\oracle\...' To restore DF# 5 Block# 21: RMAN> blockrecover datafile 5 block 21; RMAN exclusive! (c) Arup Nanda

32 Compression Compresses the backupset produced backup
as compressed backupset incremental level 1 tablespace users; Only for regular backups, not image copies Compression happens in-line; unlike O/S tools, which first need a file then compress it. RMAN exclusive! comp.rman (c) Arup Nanda

33 Validation Automatically during backup
Checks for integrity of datafiles and archived logs Detects corruptions before they get into the disks or tapes Early warning of corruptions During merge RMAN exclusive! (c) Arup Nanda

34 Image Copy Image Copy – Copies all blocks, occupied or not. Can create copies of COPY Regular RMAN Backup – Copies only used blocks Original Datafile Regular RMAN Image Copy (c) Arup Nanda

35 Can be replaced by TABLESPACE USERS, DATAFILE 1, etc.
Image Copies RMAN> backup 2> database 3> ; Regular RMAN RMAN> backup 2> as copy 3> database 4> ; Image Copy Creates a copy for each datafile Can be replaced by TABLESPACE USERS, DATAFILE 1, etc. (c) Arup Nanda

36 Recovery Scenario Current Modified Sun (Full) Mon Tue Wed Thu Full Mon
(c) Arup Nanda

37 Merged Backup Database Full Backup Incr. (c) Arup Nanda


39 Image Copy Backup is simple; RMAN does not have to read the file extensively Restoring simpler – no “reconstruction” Merge Possible Compression not possible (c) Arup Nanda

40 Regular Backups Smaller Size May be Quicker Compression possible
When deciding between regular and image copy backups, take these factors into account. (c) Arup Nanda

41 Image Copies Non-conventional backups – mirror-split (must use CATALOG) Mirrored Pair Split Backed up Via RMAN CATALOG DATAFILECOPY ‘/orabcv/dbf1.dbf’ level 0; (c) Arup Nanda

42 Image Copies - Cases Partitioned Tables Option 1: Option 2:
PART1 -> Tablespace TS1, datafile dbf1 PART2 -> Tablespace TS2; datafile dbf2 SQL> alter tablespace TS1 read only; Option 1: Copy the file dbf1 to /oraback/dbf1 Catalog it in RMAN: CATALOG DATAFILECOPY ‘/oraback…’ Option 2: RMAN> BACKUP DATAFILE 235 AS COPY; (c) Arup Nanda

43 Image Copies - More Recovery from Tape to Database Directly
Backup Location Database Tape RMAN> BACKUP ... AS COPY ... RMAN> backup device type sbt copy of database; Recovery from Tape to Database Directly Backup to the tape is validated Requires MML (c) Arup Nanda

44 Displaying Seconds Issue on Command Line:
export NLS_DATE_FORMAT="mm/dd/yy hh24:mi:ss" (c) Arup Nanda

45 Validate Archivelogs To validate: Debug
backup validate archivelog all; Debug (c) Arup Nanda


47 Effectiveness select device_type "Device", type,
to_char(open_time, 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "Open Time", to_char(close_time,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "Close Time", elapsed_time "Ela", effective_bytes_per_second "b/sec", filename from v$backup_async_io where close_time > sysdate - 30 order by close_time desc; (c) Arup Nanda eff.sql

48 Job Details V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS records all jobs present and past Summary: Script rep1.sql Compression: script rep2.sql Past Outputs: V$RMAN_OUTPUT rep3.sql (c) Arup Nanda

49 I/O Effectiveness select io_count, ready, short_waits, long_waits, long_waits/io_count, filename from v$backup_async_io where io_count != 0 (c) Arup Nanda async.sql

50 Resource Governor You have limited CPUs and I/O resources
You don't want all the CPU to be taken by RMAN affecting the database perf You can let RMAN run longer but using less CPU Minimize Time/CPU (c) Arup Nanda

51 11g Parallel Backup Pre-11g Post-11g Backups can run in parallel
But each parallel stream picks a single file Post-11g Each file can be backed in parallel (c) Arup Nanda

52 Surviving Nightmares Controlfile is missing and you want to recover
Datafile backup is missing Two databases have the same name but your are restoring only one! Database name as Unknown Cloning the production database – on the same host! How to use extract valuable information from RMAN catalog when the controlfile is missing (c) Arup Nanda

53 Transporting Tablespaces
Transportable – on the same endianness platforms, e.g. Linux to Windows Cross-platform: RMAN> convert tablespace users 2> to platform 'HP-UX (64-bit)' 3> format= '/home/oracle/orabackup/%N_%f'; tts1.rman (c) Arup Nanda

54 Cloning (on the same host)
Check memory, space, etc. Create the new INIT.ORA Place the parameters *_convert export ORACLE_SID=CLONEDB2 Startup nomount Check Source DB is at least mounted (c) Arup Nanda

55 Cloning Contd. Put connect strings in TNSNAMES.ORA
Check MAX of Arc Logs al.sql Construct the script for cloning clone.rman Run it! (c) Arup Nanda

56 Surviving Nightmares (c) Arup Nanda

57 Missing Controlfile Autobackup: No backup: list backup of controlfile;
strings * | grep control Use restore controlfile from “…”. cont.rman (c) Arup Nanda

58 Missing Backup Datafile backup is missing Solution:
SQL> ALTER TABLESPACE … OFFLINE RMAN> RESTORE DATAFILE …; It will create an empty file RMAN> RECOVER DATAFILE …; It will roll forward the file SQL> ALTER TABLESPACE … ONLINE (c) Arup Nanda

59 Catalog, yes; Controlfile: no
The controlfile is missing; but you have the catalog. RC_DATABASE – the database select * from RC_BACKUP_CONTROLFILE_SUMMARY (c) Arup Nanda

60 Same DB Name! Two databases have the same name but your are restoring only one! Use DB_ID RMAN> SET DBID = <DBID of target>; RMAN> RESTORE CONTROLFILE; RMAN> ALTER DATABASE MOUNT; RMAN> RESTORE DATABASE; RMAN> RECOVER DATABASE; (c) Arup Nanda

61 UNKNOWN – the DB Name?! Database name as UKNOWN Sequence:
You had a database, not registered to catalog You recovered the database incompletely, with RESETLOGS You registered the “reincarnated” database to the catalog. (c) Arup Nanda

62 Security 90% of data theft at occurs from the backup; not from the database directly. Backup is more vulnerable, because: Backup tapes are outside the firewall Backup tapes are less vigilantly guarded Intrusion is often undetected Intrusion can’t be shutdown, once started (c) Arup Nanda

63 Protecting RMAN Backup
Encrypting the selective columns Using Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) Using your own encryption routines Encrypting the entire backup Using Tape Management System encryption capabilities Using RMAN’s native encryption – new in Oracle 10g R2 (c) Arup Nanda

64 Wallet SYS.ENC$ Table Encryption Key Master Key Encryption Wallet
alter system set encryption wallet open authenticated by "remnant"; (c) Arup Nanda

65 RMAN TDE Setup Make sure directory $ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID/wallet exists Set the enc key password: key.sql Open the wallet: wallo.sql Close the wallet: wallc.sql (c) Arup Nanda

66 Encrypting RMAN Backups
Use the same Encryption Wallet Transparent Mode: RMAN> configure encryption for database on; RMAN> configure encryption for tablespace users on; SQL> alter system set encryption wallet open authenticated by “topSecret"; RMAN> backup tablespace users; (c) Arup Nanda

67 Restoring Enc. RMAN Backups
RMAN> restore tablespace users; Starting restore at 21-MAR-06 using channel ORA_DISK_1 ... messages ... ORA-19870: error reading backup piece /flash_area/PRODB2/BACKUPSET/2006_03_21\O1_MF_NNNDF_TAG T221325_1YR16QLT_.BKP ORA-19913: unable to decrypt backup ORA-28365: wallet is not open (c) Arup Nanda

68 RMAN Encryption without Wallet
To Backup: RMAN> set encryption on identified by “pooh" only; RMAN> backup tablespace users; To Restore: RMAN> set decryption identified by "pooh"; RMAN> restore tablespace users; (c) Arup Nanda

69 RMAN Encryption – Dual Mode
During Backup: Wallet must be open. RMAN> set encryption on identified by “pooh"; RMAN> backup tablespace users; During Restore: Either: Wallet is open OR RMAN> set decryption identified by “pooh”; (c) Arup Nanda

70 Checking Encryption Check: select tablespace_name, encrypt_in_backup
from rc_datafile; e1.sql (c) Arup Nanda

71 Shameless Plug More features described in my book
Cookbook format: e.g. How to perform a recovery when controlfile is missing (c) Arup Nanda

72 Contact:
Thank You! Questions? Contact: (c) Arup Nanda

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