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The Use and Misuse of Cosmetic Surgery Bruno Milheiro S00040686 EDRE623 Assignment 1.

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Presentation on theme: "The Use and Misuse of Cosmetic Surgery Bruno Milheiro S00040686 EDRE623 Assignment 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Use and Misuse of Cosmetic Surgery Bruno Milheiro S00040686 EDRE623 Assignment 1

2 What is Cosmetic Surgery? The goal of cosmetic surgery is to improve a person's appearance and, thus, self-esteem by changing the way she or he looks. Cosmetic surgery can be performed on any part of the face and body. Types of Cosmetic Surgery Facelift (meloplasty) Eyelift (blepharoplasty) Chemical peel Dermabrasion Liposuction Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) Breast enlargement (augmentation mammoplasty) Breast reduction (reduction mammoplasty) Facial implants

3 Cosmetic Surgery - A brief history As early as 600 BCE, a Hindu surgeon reconstructed a nose using a piece of cheek. By around 1 CE, Romans were repairing damaged ears. By 1000 CE, rhinoplasty was common, due to the barbaric custom of cutting off the noses and upper lips of one's enemies. In the 16th century, Gaspare Tagliacozzi, known as "the father of plastic surgery," reconstructed noses slashed off by swords during duels by transferring flaps of upper arm skin. In the 19th century, developments in anaesthesia and antisepsis made plastic surgery safer and allowed for improvements in technique. During and after the Two World Wars many soldiers required reconstructive surgery of serious head and facial injuries. The first modern cosmetic rhinoplasty was performed in 1923, followed by the first public face lift in 1931.

4 Cosmetic Surgery - Use External motivators for cosmetic surgery include the desire to avoid ethnic prejudice ; fear of age discrimination ; and direct or subtle, indirect coercion by a spouse, parent or boss. Internal motivators include the desire to diminish unpleasant feelings of depression, shame or social anxiety ; the wish to alter a specific disliked feature ; the yearning for a more youthful, healthy look that signals fertility (usually in women); and the hope to create a strong, powerful appearance that will facilitate career advancement. DISCUSSION : Do you agree with this form of free cosmetic surgery? What aspects do you agree/disagree with?

5 Cosmetic Surgery - Misuse Sometime during the process of beautifying average humans, they have implanted something besides silicone: the belief that cosmetic surgery will improve lives. Cosmetic surgery addiction falls into a category of addictions known as behavioural or process addictions. In a behavioural addiction, an individual is addicted to a specific behaviour despite apparent negative consequences. The confidence that comes from a new nose, fake breasts, or liposuction is only temporary, both physically and emotionally.  Personally  Professionally

6 Cosmetic Surgery - Future Cosmetic surgery has its rightful place in modern society. It is up to the individuals, both practitioners and patients to use it responsibly. HOW? Have realistic expectations about what can be accomplished. Understand the medical risks, physical effects during healing, how the surgery will affect them personally and professionally, what lifestyle changes may accompany the recovery period, and the expenses involved. Have discussed their goals for surgery with their surgeon and resolved any questions. All surgical procedures carry risk, but the chance of risk and complication can be reduced by consulting a Specialist Plastic Surgeon who is trained, qualified and accredited to perform Plastic Surgery.

7 Cosmetic Surgery – Further Reference For anyone wanting more information on the use and misuse of cosmetic surgery the following websites can prove useful: - Australian Foundation for Plastic Surgery surgery/basics/definition/prc-20022389 - Mayo Clinic US surgery/basics/definition/prc-20022389 - Cosmetic Surgery addiction

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