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1 1 Water – A Vital Input for Sustainable Irrigation & Agro industries Date : 4/3/2016.

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Presentation on theme: "1 1 Water – A Vital Input for Sustainable Irrigation & Agro industries Date : 4/3/2016."— Presentation transcript:


2 1 1 Water – A Vital Input for Sustainable Irrigation & Agro industries Date : 4/3/2016

3 2 Topics 1. Snippets on Agriculture Pumps. 2. Input wastage reduction proposition 3. Successful Case stories 4. Output wastage reduction possibility 5. Brief about Grundfos

4 3 Snippets on Agriculture Pumps India has approx. 39 billion hectares under irrigation Precision irrigation techniques require stable and predictable power supply to run irrigation pumps – this is were the key challenge lies Irrigation pumps powered by diesel India has 7 million irrigation pumps running on diesel Diesel is expensive Over last 10 years, 8% average price increase YOY In last 3-4 years, ~40 – 50% increase in price Diesel cost may represent 30% - 50% of the total value of grain produced Diesel limits overall output Most farmers can only afford to farm 2 crops (one rain-fed) Irrigation pumps powered by electricity In India, 18-19 million irrigation pumps run on electricity India government has heavily subsidized electricity for irrigation - Farmers are financially addicted to it, but They often get electricity in the middle of night when it is often dangerous and not as productive They don’t know when, for how many hours, or how frequently they will be supplied with power – erratic power supply limits the kind of crop they can grow The power subsidy Govt provides is to the tune of INR 60,000 Cr annually

5 4 Input wastage reduction proposition

6 5 Supply Side Management Unreliable /Erratic power supply Poor quality of Power Non availability of Power Solar pumping solutions - the right option to support desired /adequate water requirement for agriculture needs /other domestic use, if needed. Grundfos Solar Pumping Solutions

7 6  Payback 24-36 months based on area of farm; type of crop; method of irrigation (drip, sprinkler, etc.) Solar water pumps- value proposition Customer value proposition Results Reliance on Diesel 1  Diesel abatement  Opportunity to fully utilize land holding  Opportunity to cultivate cash crop Intermittent grid power  Ability to irrigate during the day and maintain soil moisture levels  Opportunity to fully utilize land holding  Opportunity to cultivate cash crop

8 7 Solar Water Pumps – Our approach Sustainable irrigation: A function of water Requires a detailed understanding of water sustainability Sources of water, yields, extraction levels Long term water availability Cropping patterns What we do Build Knowledge-base on crops, water, irrigation- Drip irrigation Match system selection to the requirements of every farm Ensure sustainability Water Output Depth of Source Inso- lation Solar Water Pump Design Result: 1)Prevents wastage of water thro oversized pumps and flood irrigation 2)Over exploitation of ground water is reduced 3)Avoid wastage of fertilizers - Reducing the input cost to farmer

9 8 Case stories

10 9 Irrigation Grundfos Solar Pumping Solutions Karnataka – Bijapur - Replaced 7.5 kw electric submersible pump Farmer’s Name – Haji Baba Crops : Sugarcane and Cash crops Pump supplied – Grundfos Solar pump SP 30-6 / 5.5 kw Working since Nov 2013 Total cost of installation: INR 10 Lacs Benefits 1) Crop yield has increased – Appx 20% 2) Gets water when he wants ie during daytime. 3) Due to this, fixed drip irrigation, resulting in maintaining the effect of nutrients in the root zone area. 4) Good control and saving of water. Savings : Previously incurred expense of diesel @Rs 2000/- per day For 6 days a week: Rs 2000 X 6 = Rs 12,000/- Savings per year : ( 288 Days)= Rs 5.76 Lacs Water By converting flood irrigation into drip irrigation, saving of 2 labourers achieved @Rs 250 per person. Rs 250 X2 X 288 days Savings on Manpower per year – Rs 1.44 Lacs. Pay back : less than 1.5 years.

11 10 Irrigation Nellore - 50,000 LPD at 30m SQF 8A-5 with 1.4KW motor Replaced 3kw electric submersible pump Grundfos Solar Pumping Solutions

12 11 Irrigation Sivaganga Surface pump CR32-4 pump with 4KW motor 180,000 LPD @ 30 M Grundfos Solar Pumping Solutions

13 12 Bangladesh SP60-3 with 5.5KW motor 300000 LPD @ 20m Grundfos Solar Pumping Solutions Irrigation

14 13 Output side wastage reduction agro industry proposition

15 14  Return the waste back to the place of origin – nature *  * Not all waste Treatment Plants at Agro industries Customer value proposition Results Reuse & Recycle  Possible reuse of water thro treatment  Generally free of non natural materials*  Extracting usable waste thro digestors * Except waste from rubber industry, sea food products etc

16 15 About Grundfos

17 Grundfos Purpose Grundfos Pumps India will work towards helping its customers and the nation to conserve Water and Energy. Grundfos will, through all its actions, focus on how it can co- create value with its stakeholders by being a responsible partner for a cleaner and greener planet 70 year old Danish company 60 Grundfos sales companies 14 Grundfos production companies A total of 80 companies in 56 countries. 19000 employees 2015 Turnover – USD 4 Bn. Grundfos Worldwide Grundfos India Established in March 1998 First Green Building in Chennai 350 employees 2015 Turnover : 385 Cr Distributors and Dealers : 220 Service centres and Service partners : 56 Pump Audit Franchisees: 14.

18 17 Thank you… Sanjeev Sirsi Head – Business Development Water Utility email:

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