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Show Me the Resources: Enhancing your Mentor Sessions.

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Presentation on theme: "Show Me the Resources: Enhancing your Mentor Sessions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Show Me the Resources: Enhancing your Mentor Sessions

2 Objectives To explore various resources (both Knox County’s and beyond) that would enhance your core mentor sessions To share ideas and collaborate with colleagues from the same grade band

3 Materials Check Pg. 92-93 in Mentor Core Manual Question Stems Pg. 29 & 42 of Alberta manual Induction resource Give One/Get One + Grade Band Collab Mentoring Activities by School Session Reflection Don’t forget to sign in!

4 The Need for Good Mentoring Teacher attrition rates highlight alarming mobility trends (NCES, 2011): – 12% teachers with fewer than three years are leaving the teaching profession – 13% teachers move to different schools within their first three years in the profession Teacher attrition rates highlight alarming mobility trends (NCES, 2011): – 12% teachers with fewer than three years are leaving the teaching profession – 13% teachers move to different schools within their first three years in the profession

5 The Need for Good Mentoring in KCS Out of 79 schools: ≤ 5 Tier I6-10 Tier I11-15 Tier I16+ Tier I 2528188 31.6%35.4%22.8%10.1% **One school has 34 teachers new to the building!**

6 Mentoring within the Profession: The Vision (Mertz, 2004, p.551) Mentor Patron or Protector Sponsor or Benefactor Counselor, Advisor, or Guide Teacher or Coach Role Model, Peer Pal, or Supporter Full Induction (Mentoring) Career Advancement (Brokering) Professional Development (Advising) Psychosocial Development (Modeling) INTENTLEVEL OF INTENSITY ROLE 1 2 6 5 4 3

7 Mentoring within the Profession: The Vision (Mertz, 2004, p.551) Mentor Patron or Protector Sponsor or Benefactor Counselor, Advisor, or Guide Teacher or Coach Role Model, Peer Pal, or Supporter Full Induction (Mentoring) Career Advancement (Brokering) Professional Development (Advising) Psychosocial Development (Modeling) INTENTLEVEL OF INTENSITY ROLE 1 2 6 5 4 3

8 Mentoring within the Profession: The Vision (Mertz, 2004, p.551) Mentor Patron or Protector Sponsor or Benefactor Counselor, Advisor, or Guide Teacher or Coach Role Model, Peer Pal, or Supporter Full Induction (Mentoring) Career Advancement (Brokering) Professional Development (Advising) Psychosocial Development (Modeling) INTENTLEVEL OF INTENSITY ROLE 1 2 6 5 4 3

9 Mentoring within the Profession: The Vision (Mertz, 2004, p.551) Mentor Patron or Protector Sponsor or Benefactor Counselor, Advisor, or Guide Teacher or Coach Role Model, Peer Pal, or Supporter Full Induction (Mentoring) Career Advancement (Brokering) Professional Development (Advising) Psychosocial Development (Modeling) INTENTLEVEL OF INTENSITY ROLE 1 2 6 5 4 3

10 Resource #1: KCS Professional Development WebsiteKCS Professional Development Website Without signing in, click under “Online Services,” and then go to “Professional Development.” When you scroll down, you’ll find the folder labeled “Core Mentor Team.” –In this folder you’ll find the accountability and operational items.

11 Resource #2: KCS Mentor Core Team Manual

12 Resource #3: Questioning Strategies The October 22 nd inservice was dedicated to questioning techniques and scenarios from the cognitive coaching model.

13 Resource #4: Adult Learning Model Adults want to see a reason for learning something—the learning must be applicable to their work or other responsibilities to be of value to them. They learn in order to solve perceived problems. Adults are practical and goal-oriented. They focus on aspects of mentoring that is most useful to them. Adult teaching should be grounded in learners’ experiences. Adults have accumulated a foundation of knowledge and life experiences that are a valuable resource. They learn best when new information and concepts are built on this foundation. Adults learn best when they are in a supportive environment. They want guidance, not competition—they don’t want to be put on the spot or feel like they are being tested. They learn best when they are both psychologically and physically comfortable. National Mentoring Center, 2007

14 Resource #5: Quality Videos Teacher Tube TED Talks Education NIET Best Practices Khan Academy

15 Resource #6: Quality Programs in Other States/Countries New Mexico Alberta, Canada New York California: New Teacher Center

16 Your Turn: Give One/Get One Take a few minutes to think of 2-3 strategies/session ideas you are implementing at your school. Consider those sessions that have been innovative or successful. With your Give One/Get One sheet, take 5 minutes to find three people (preferably of a different-colored sheet) and share a mentor strategy/session idea you’ve conducted this year. Then record your partners’ ideas on your sheet. When you’re finished, return to your seat. (This lets me know to continue.)

17 Grade Band Collaboration Now gather together in like grade bands: –Salmon: Elementary –Green: Middle –Blue: High For the next 10 minutes, share your building-level strategies.

18 Grade Band Collaboration Your last task will be to think of a problem with mentoring teachers in your particular grade band (e.g., What is one challenge in mentoring a first-year elementary teacher?). Think of a possible solution together, and we will share these out.

19 Continuing Collaboration Mentor Activities by School –You can use this document to collaborate with those who may have interesting ideas for mentor activities.

20 Summer Mentor Institute July 14 th, 2014 at SSPDTC; this will be available on ERO soon. Potential sessions: –Mentoring Amidst other Teacher Teaming Structures –Budget Structure –Culture-Building –Administrators’ Roles in the Mentorship Program –Other Ideas?

21 Thank you! “A mentor empowers a person to see a possible future and believes it can be obtained.” --Shawn Hitchcock Please fill out the session reflection before you leave. As always, please let me know if you need anything; your hard work is important, needed, and appreciated.

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