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Rising Sun School District Summative Stocktake. 2 ©2015 U.S. Education Delivery Institute Our district’s primary goal consists of four strategies StrategyOwner.

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1 Rising Sun School District Summative Stocktake

2 2 ©2015 U.S. Education Delivery Institute Our district’s primary goal consists of four strategies StrategyOwner (Support) Teacher Equity Ashleigh, Chief of Human Capital Personalized Learning Duncan, Director of Teaching and Learning Social-Emotional Student Needs Aasha, Director of School Counseling School Leadership Teams Michael, Director of School Supervision Goal: Increase the career and college prospects of our youth by increasing achievement for all students and eliminate the graduation gap by focusing on teacher equity, personalized learning, social-emotional student needs, and school leadership teams Goal owner: Chief Academic Officer (Ellyn)

3 3 ©2015 U.S. Education Delivery Institute Agenda for today ▪ Understand district progress toward our goals ▪ Understand the progress of each strategy ▪ Deep dive #1: Teacher Equity ▪ Deep dive #2: Personalized Learning ▪ Review and agree on next steps

4 4 ©2015 U.S. Education Delivery Institute We are making progress toward cutting our graduation gap in half by 2017, but not enough to be on trajectory Graduation rate gap, actuals versus trajectory, 2013-2016 Graduation rate gap and graduation rates, actuals versus trajectory, 2013-2016

5 5 ©2015 U.S. Education Delivery Institute Smarter Balanced and NAEP TUDA data suggest our scores may be stagnating SBAC Math grades 4 & 8 percent proficiency or advanced, 2013-2015 NAEP TUDA percent proficient or advanced, 2011-2015

6 6 ©2015 U.S. Education Delivery Institute Agenda for today ▪ Understand district progress toward our goals ▪ Understand the progress of each strategy ▪ Deep dive #1: Teacher Equity ▪ Deep dive #2: Personalized Learning ▪ Review and agree on next steps

7 7 ©2015 U.S. Education Delivery Institute The overall picture of implementation is strong, with a few areas where attention is needed to get things on track Assessment Framework Implementation Ratings

8 8 ©2015 U.S. Education Delivery Institute Agenda for today ▪ Understand district progress toward our goals ▪ Understand the progress of each strategy ▪ Deep dive #1: Teacher Equity ▪ Deep dive #2: Personalized Learning ▪ Review and agree on next steps

9 9 ©2015 U.S. Education Delivery Institute Teacher equity success- improved performance at start of school for staffing in high needs schools Key Data ▪ Filled 100% of vacancies in high needs schools two weeks out from the start of the school year ▪ Onboarding for new teachers completed, with 100% attendance from teachers in high needs schools ▪ Only three teachers were no shows in high needs schools during the first two weeks of school (improvement from 10 teachers last year) Key Questions ▪ Do we know what are the top two contributors to our success? ▪ What do our new teachers think about their schools and the onboarding process? ▪ What innovations are we planning to put in place for next year?

10 10 ©2015 U.S. Education Delivery Institute Feedback from teachers indicate receptiveness to the tools and training, but a core challenge of defining expectations ▪ Teachers and school leaders are excited about the new efforts, resources and trainings ▪ But only 23% of teachers and school leaders report that they have a clear picture of what personalized learning should look like in classrooms in our district Personalized learning teacher survey feedback data, November 2015

11 11 ©2015 U.S. Education Delivery Institute We recommend four key actions by June to address this challenge of defining personalized learning in classrooms Recommendations for discussion ▪ Highlight schools that have defined what personalized learning ▪ Synthesize these definitions into standards or expectations, using the advisory board ▪ Identify supporting resources and videos ▪ Test the tool and supporting resources with five schools Goal: Complete by June 2016. Key questions ▪ Are there particular schools you would want to be involved in defining personalized learning for our district, or for the test of the tool? ▪ We are proposing a delay in other supports in the interim to create time/space for the team to do this other work. This will impact outcomes – are you comfortable with that?

12 12 ©2015 U.S. Education Delivery Institute Let’s review our next steps from today

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