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School and Higher Education in Britain Система образования в Британии Евдокимова И.В. ГБОУ СПО Российский колледж традиционной культуры Санкт-Петербурга,

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Presentation on theme: "School and Higher Education in Britain Система образования в Британии Евдокимова И.В. ГБОУ СПО Российский колледж традиционной культуры Санкт-Петербурга,"— Presentation transcript:

1 School and Higher Education in Britain Система образования в Британии Евдокимова И.В. ГБОУ СПО Российский колледж традиционной культуры Санкт-Петербурга, 2012

2 Steps of education in 20 th century The end of the nineteenth century - the free and necessary education for the children from 5 to 10 years. At the end of World War all education beyond the age of 11 became `secondary`. About a fifth of all children, chosen by examination, went to grammar schools to get certificates at 16, and then 18.

3 GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) was introduced in 1986. This was designed to give possibility for children of all types and inclinations to pass some subjects corresponding with their talents. The certificates are awarded on a basis, partly of course work, and partly of work on projects made by the children.

4 School Year Pupils have the vacations in Summer and start their academic year in September. The year consists of three terms. The intervals between the terms are formed by the Christmas and Easter holidays Summer Holidays last five weeks. The schools are open from 9.00 am. until 4.00 pm. all the week days except Saturday and Sunday.

5 Primary School The first two years children spend on informal development of expression and ability to concentrate. This period starts at five years of age. Often children stay with the same teacher all the time for this whole 'infant' period.

6 Secondary Schools To give the pupils equal opportunities, the authorities tried to make the secondary schools of equal standard. Parents may ask for their children to go one school rather than another. The old practice of 'streaming', or teaching children in classes separated according to ability, is unfashionable. But is still used.

7 Eton Over the past 100 years a rather small group of about 80 boarding schools had a great effect on the English social attitudes. One of these school, Eton, is perhaps better known by name outside its own country than any other school in the world. It was founded by King Henry VI in 1440 and is located across the Thames river from Windsor Castle. More than half of all peers who have inherited their titles are old Etonians.

8 Religion Education The law requires that the Christian instructions is given in the ordinary state schools. Nowadays, it takes the form of the study of different religions. On the other hand there are some organized by the Church of England, some Roman Catholic schools and several Muslim schools.

9 Higher Level Education Children who continue their education after sixteen, go to the 'sixth form Those who hope to continue after eighteen at the universities or other higher-level colleges, aim to get advanced-level GCSE certificates. They are usually in three subjects. Further entry to the university is based on the grades A, B, C, D and E.

10 The Colleges and University In every small town there is at least one college. Some of the students do full time courses. Many have jobs and attend classes in the evening. Those students who pass the examinations obtain the qualifications of Bachelor /of Science, Art, Justice, etc/. Most people who become BA, BSc, etc. do so at the age of about twenty-one. Degrees are classified.

11 PhD degree Some students continue to study for degrees of Master /of Arts, Science, etc./ which often need two further years of study, with examination papers and dissertations. A minority go on further, preparing thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy /PhD/. England had only two universities until 1820, Oxford and Cambridge.

12 References ge=2 ge=2 Glos/Coleford-School-1951.htm wtopic=168415&st=4100 lbright-teacher-exchange-program.html 21392/%C0%E1%F1%EE%EB%FE%F2%ED%FB% E9%20%E0%E4%F0%E5%F1%20%F1%F2%F0%E 0%ED%E8%F6%FB

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