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Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of methods that may be used to make fishing more sustainable. (20 marks)

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Presentation on theme: "Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of methods that may be used to make fishing more sustainable. (20 marks)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of methods that may be used to make fishing more sustainable. (20 marks)

2 Introduction Why do we need sustainable strategies. What is sustainable? (a definition) What is meant by ‘methods’? What criteria should be looked at to help judge the pros and cons of each method?

3 Main body 5 clear methods Include evidence and knowledge of how they work. Clear advantages and disadvantages of each. Have a range of ads and disads include economic, employment, environmental. Remember to discuss…weigh up ….evaluate. More effective than, more sustainable than..etc

4 Conclusion You should know this before you start the essay. Which is the best for the environment and fish stocks? Which is the best for fishermen? Which is the best economically? What does it depend on?

5 Mark Scheme Catch quotas size limits fishing effort control NTZ closed seasons protected individuals population seeding by-catch control ghost fishing control control of other damaging activities – fishing, dredging advantages and disadvantages in terms of: (long-term) sustainability production cost income/employment

6 Examiners Report. This was the most popular title and again produced some very good answers with a good number of methods discussed in detail. Again, the best students included some good scientific content such as the problems of estimating MSY when setting quotas for fishing. A small number of students assumed that the answer to making fishing sustainable is aquaculture and devoted most of the essay to the pros and cons of this with relatively little reference to quotas, fishing effort control and closed areas and seasons.

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