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CHAPTER 7: ADAPTING TO NEW ECONOMIES The Impacts of Colonialism and Capitalism.

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1 CHAPTER 7: ADAPTING TO NEW ECONOMIES The Impacts of Colonialism and Capitalism


3 TRADITIONAL ECONOMIES  Traditional First Nations Economies were based on extended families working together to provide for the whole group within their traditional territories using hunting and gathering methods and seasonal rounds.

4 NEW ECONOMIES  Europeans brought a new economy based on the production of the individual through labour for a wage = capitalism.

5 RESOURCE ECONOMIES  By the early 1860s, mining, forestry, and fishing had replaced the fur trade to become the backbone of BC’s settler economy.

6 RESOURCE INDUSTRIES  As a result, First Nations applied their traditional skills to jobs such as fishing, logging, ranching and other resource-based industries.

7 CAPITALISM + WAGE ECONOMY  By joining the wage economy, the First Nations people were no longer working for the good of the community but for the capitalist interests that operated these industries.

8 CHANGED RELATIONSHIP  This fundamentally changed the relationship between Aboriginal people and the non-Aboriginal newcomers.

9 WORKERS ONLY  First Nations people were no longer valued as trading partners.  They were seen only as workers in a rapidly growing labour force.

10 LAND AND RESOURCES TAKEN  As they became integrated into these industries, control of the land and resources was taken away from First Nations through the combined powers of the companies/ corporations and discriminatory government laws.

11 “FOOD FISHING”  For instance, under the Canada Fisheries Act in the 1880s, the legal category of “food fishing” was created.

12 “FOOD FISHING”  This law said that under their Aboriginal rights, First Nations people could use salmon resources for food and ceremony only; it forbade the sale of fish caught by First Nations people within their traditional fisheries for profit.

13 LOST FISHING RIGHTS  As a result, First Nations lost their traditional and customary ownership of fishing resources.

14 OWNERSHIP  The ownership shifted into the hands of industrial capitalist fishing firms where First Nations worked as labourers only.

15 CONTROL  The control of fish prices were set by these foreign companies and First Nations were, as workers, paid incredibly low wages (discrimination based on racialized identity).

16 APPROPRIATED RESOURCES  Without First Nations ever ceding their Aboriginal title, their resources were appropriated and their traditional way of life was made perilously difficult.


18 THE BACKBONE  First Nations in BC were the backbone of the fishing industry.

19 THE BACKBONE  Their traditional skills were applied in the harvesting and processing of the salmon resource, but not in its management.

20 CANNERIES  Seasonal movement to cannery villages became an important part of the lifestyle of First Nations families.

21 TRADE UNION MOVEMENT  First Nations also play an important role in the labour movement within the fishing industry - the creation of Trade Unions to protect workers rights.


23 AGRICULTURAL INTERESTS  In the Fraser Valley and the Southern Interior of BC, agricultural interests took up most of the land base under laws established to encourage settlers.

24 AGRICULTURAL INTERESTS  First Nations were involved in agriculture in three ways: subsistence farming, commercial farming, and as farm labourers.

25 AGRICULTURAL INTERESTS  Most who tried commercial farming soon found that restricted access to land and water made success nearly impossible.


27 FOREST INDUSTRY  In forestry, the Tsimshian people played a key role in northwestern BC.

28 FOREST INDUSTRY  Tsimshian women were involved in the process of handlogging: trimming the logs, making to boom, driving the boat, gathering and preparing food for the loggers.

29 EQUALITY  Tsimshian and other First Nations had traditionally valued both women and men as labourers and as crucial to the well-being of the family and the community.

30 PATRIARCHY + GENDER ROLES  However, the patriarchal structure of Euro-Canadians became internalized by many First Nations and altered gender roles.

31 PATRIARCHY  Patriarchy = a social system in which males hold primary power in every aspect of society; the constructed idea of the “rule of the father/man” gave authority over women and children.

32 GENDER ROLES  Gender roles = are cultural constructs that dictate how men and women + others should think, speak, dress, and interact within the context of society; we are socialized into appropriate masculine and feminine roles.

33 GAINING CONTROL  Unfortunately and predictably, as the forest industry became more mechanized/ industrialized, both Tsimshian women and men’s involvement declined.

34 GAINING CONTROL  Today, many First Nations are negotiating to gain control over the management of forestry and fishing resources in their traditional territories.


36 COLONIALISM  Colonialism took economic control of the resources away from First Nations.

37 COLONIALISM  Joining the wage (capitalist) economy changed basic economic, social and political structures within First Nations societies.

38 CAPITALISM + PATRIARCHY  The wage economy had different kinds of impact on women and men - the fish canning industry was segregated by race and gender.

39 CAPITALISM + PATRIARCHY  First Nations women became an essential part of the workforce in salmon canneries as food processors and First Nations men became fishers among the gillnet fleets; they were workers not owners.

40 DIVISION OF POWER  The division of powers between the federal and provincial governments complicated the issue surrounding control of resources (the reserve system, shortage of land, and lack of capital investment).


42 #1 - EARNING A LIVING  Use Earning A Living (Blackline Master 7-1) to compare First Nations involvement in three industries featured in Chapter 7: salmon fishing, farming, and ranching.

43 #2 - FISHING FOR A LIVING  Read pages 109–113 in Chapter 7 (including the salmon canning case study) to complete the additional chart with illustrations (drawings) and descriptions to elaborate on the evolution of fishing for BC First Nations.

44 #3 – CASE STUDY: FARMING IN THE OKANAGAN  Read the Case Study: Farming in the Okanagan (pages 116 – 117) in Chapter 7 and answer the accompanying questions (see additional handout).

45 #4 – CASE STUDY: TSIMSHIAN WOMEN AND THE FOREST INDUSTRY  Read the Case Study: Tsimshian Women and the Forest Industry (pages 119 – 120) in Chapter 7 and answer the accompanying questions (see additional handout).

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