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Problems With Sea Turtle Extinction By Alex Baker.

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1 Problems With Sea Turtle Extinction By Alex Baker

2  6 of the 7 sea turtles species are on the endangered species list  Turtles are dying from entanglement in fishing lines, poaching, coastal development, pollution and global warming Problem


4  Null: no outside factors are affecting sea turtle populations; they are just naturally dying out  Hypo 1: human factors are causing the high mortality rates of turtles  Hypo 2: environmental factors are causing the high mortality rates of sea turtles Hypotheses

5  Random sampling  Longitudinal study  Experimental  Caught 100 turtles and attached tracking devices  Found 2 nests and set up cameras to observe  Control  Caught 100 turtles and took back to laboratory  Located 2 nests, collected eggs and took back to lab Methods

6  Found turtles that died  Examined to find cause of death  After one year mark, tracked down other turtles to make sure they were still alive  Observed hatchlings from experimental and control nests  Released turtles from lab Methods continued

7 Results Fig. 1, Experimental Turtle Outcomes

8 Fig. 2, Experimental vs. Control

9 Fig. 3, Nest Experimental vs. Control

10 SUMMARY GroupsCountSumAverageVariance Experimental group411027.5315 Control group4100252434 ANOVA Source of VariationSSdfMSFP-valueF crit Between Groups12.51 0.0090940.9271315.987378 Within Groups824761374.5 Total8259.57 Fig. 4, ANOVA statistical analysis

11  Many turtles died from human factors  Mainly from commercial fishing and pollution  Results correspond to hypothesis 1  Null hypothesis can be rejected Discussion

12  Paraiba, Brazil – turtles were dying from ingestion of plastic debris and net entanglement (Mascarhenas, 2004)  Hawaii – turtles were dying from commercial fishing (Work, 2010)  Show the same results - turtles are dying from manmade causes! Other studies

13  “Sea Turtle Rehabilitation, Research and Education.” 2012. Georgia Sea Turtle Center. 18 November 2012..  Mascarenhas R, Santos R and Zeppelini D. “Plastic Debris Ingestion by Sea Turtle in Paraiba, Brazil.” PubMed (2004): 354-355. 1 December 2012.  Work TM and Balazs GH. “Pathology and Distribution of Sea Turtles Landed as Bycatch in the Hawaii-Based North Pacific Pelagic Longline Fishery.” PubMed (2010): 422-432. 1 December 2012. References

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