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The Effect of Varying Living Conditions on Montipora Digitata Coral in Tank B Patrick Layson and Jackson Stuart Introduction: The focus on the research.

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Presentation on theme: "The Effect of Varying Living Conditions on Montipora Digitata Coral in Tank B Patrick Layson and Jackson Stuart Introduction: The focus on the research."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Effect of Varying Living Conditions on Montipora Digitata Coral in Tank B Patrick Layson and Jackson Stuart Introduction: The focus on the research of this final project was the effect of three different variables on the growth rate of six individual specimens of the coral species Montipora Digitata. Initially the three variables planned on being tested were strength of water flow and current in relation to proximity to the Tank B’s powerhead, indirect vs. direct feeding techniques and which type leads to higher growth rate, and distance from the surface of water and the light source hanging above Tank B. As the project progressed and incoming data results were analyzed the decision was made to focus in more on the variables of current/water strength and intensity of light on the coral. The decision was made in order to explore and investigate these variables more in depth. The main variable in this experiment was water flow or current strength on the Montipora Digitata. Water movement can play a major role in whether or not the growth of the coral is successful and efficient. The species of coral known as the Montipora Digitata is usually recommended a medium level of water movement to grow (ORA Farms). current on the water. With two corals in each high, moderate, and low current strength environment we had very good data and results. We decided to test our hypothesis that our corals will grow best in low current environments against much research that said they would grow best in moderate to low current environments. (Liveaquaria) Conclusions: After a year of collecting data and gathering information on all six specimens of Montipora Digitata, a conclusion on our experiment was made. Overall the two corals in the moderate water flow environment of Tank B displayed the most growth throughout the year. Next in growth were the two corals in the high water flow environment followed by the two corals in the low water flow environment. Overall our data and conclusion is consistent with the research and data that we found before starting our project. In conclusion this project was very successful in proving already given scientific information on our particular species of coral. Works Cited: 1.ORA Farms - digitata/ digitata/ 2.Live Aquaria- splay.cfm?c=597+322+473&pcatid=473 splay.cfm?c=597+322+473&pcatid=473 Methods: To conduct this research project, first six individual specimens of the coral Montipora Digitata were obtained after being purchased. The amount of six specimens was chosen in order to have an large enough test group while spreading and adjusting the different variables across the test subjects evenly. Once the corals arrived they were placed into Tank B, the place where all parts of the experiment occurred. Using fishing line, all six corals were hung in different places of the tank and at varying depths in the water. Before the corals even arrived daily tank measurements on pH, salinity, and temperature were taken and continued on a day to day basis throughout the entirety of the project using tools such as a pH test kit, refractometer, and the tank’s water thermostat. Once a week each coral was measured for length and each coral was counted for number of branches. Growth of Coral (cm) Figure 1 Increase of Branches Figure 2

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