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2 nd New Deal & Its Critics. Father Charles Coughlin Catholic priest with radio program broadcast out of Detroit. Wanted a new system based on “social.

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1 2 nd New Deal & Its Critics

2 Father Charles Coughlin Catholic priest with radio program broadcast out of Detroit. Wanted a new system based on “social justice.” Nations problems caused by bankers and banks should be controlled by government. Anti-Semitic (extreme hatred of Jews)

3 Huey Long Governor of Louisiana Share of Wealth program –Take money from rich and give to the poor –Every family gets money to buy a car, a home, and a radio. –Elderly get pensions –Boys with good grades sent to college –Establish minimum wage, shortened work week, etc. Long was assassinated in 1935

4 An Am. physician who was best known for his revolving old-age pension proposal during the Great Depression. He criticized FDR for not helping the elderly. His proposal influenced the establishment of the Roosevelt administration's Social Security system. Dr. Townsend

5 Political Critics - New Deal Does “Too Much” Wealthy – considered many of FDR’s programs to be socialist. –Revenue Act (1935) - higher taxes placed on the rich individuals as well as corporations. Some believed the Social Security Act penalized hard-working people. American Liberty League – believed that the New Deal limited individual freedom in an unconstitutional, “un-American” way. –Unemployment insurance, to them, seemed socialist.



8 Progressives & Socialists –Upton Sinclair ran for CA’s governor – wanted to end poverty. Sinclair wanted an economic system in which the gov’t would take over factories and farms. People thought this was communism and tried to discredit Sinclair by showing people with Russian accents praising Sinclair. Sinclair was unfairly associated with communism, and lost the election. Political Critics - New Deal “Does Not Do Enough”


10 Court-Packing Scheme FDR was unhappy that the Supreme Court ruled the AAA & NIRA unconstitutional. FDR hoped to preserve the New Deal legislation by appointing (adding/“packing”) more judges to the Supreme Court…9  15. Many congress members considered the proposal unconstitutional. In the end, the court-packing scheme failed.



13 Reading Qs FDR & the Supreme Court

14 Second New Deal FDR remained popular with the people. Focus on urban and rural poor FDR used John Maynard Keynes’ idea of “deficit spending” –Argued that deficit spending,, will pump money (in a positive way) into the economy and combat a depression.

15 Wagner Act / National Labor Relations Act (NLRB) Wagner Act –Stimulated union growth. –Required employers to recognize and bargain with their employees' unions. –Established the National Labor Relations Board to act as a watchdog in labor-management relations.


17 Social Security Act (SSA1935) Social Security provided: 1.old-age pensions (main thrust of act) 2.survivors' benefits for families of deceased workers 3.unemployment insurance 4.aid to dependent mothers and children and to the handicapped Businessmen dislike the act-- imposed taxes to finance the old-age and survivors' benefits


19 Revenue Act (1935) Raised tax rates on incomes over $50,000. Created federal estate and gift taxes. Established federal tax on corporations.

20 Fair Labor Standards Act (1938) Set minimum wage and maximum work-week (40 hours/week). Also prohibited child labor under age of 16.

21 Project – New Deal Agencies

22 Reading Qs – Huey Long “Share Our Wealth” & Other Critics of FDR

23 Reading Qs – The Supreme Court & the New Deal

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