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Land of Italy -Italy -Peninsula -Apennine mountains -Po River -Rome -Founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus -Seven Hills on the Tiber River -Latins -Etruscans.

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Presentation on theme: "Land of Italy -Italy -Peninsula -Apennine mountains -Po River -Rome -Founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus -Seven Hills on the Tiber River -Latins -Etruscans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Land of Italy -Italy -Peninsula -Apennine mountains -Po River -Rome -Founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus -Seven Hills on the Tiber River -Latins -Etruscans -Influence of Greek culture

2 Land of Italy -Italy -Peninsula -Apennine mountains -Po River -Rome -Founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus -Seven Hills on the Tiber River -Latins -Etruscans -Influence of Greek culture

3 Roman Republic -Republic -Founded 509 BC -Government -Senate -Magistrates -Assemblies -Three virtues -Duty -courage -discipline

4 Roman State -Patricians -Plebeians -Consuls -2 consuls ran government -Each had veto power over the other -1 year terms -Praetors -Controlled the military and legal system

5 Rome ’ s Legislature -Roman Senate -Consisted of the most powerful men -Controlled foreign policy and funds -Assembly -Passed laws, elected the leaders, made up of the wealthy mostly

6 Roman Law -Not written at first -12 tables -Recorded in 450BC -Concepts of Roman law -Innocent until proven guilty -Right to defend oneself -Careful examination by a judge

7 Rome Expands -Rome Conquers areas around them and threatens other -Carthage -rival trading empire -Punic Wars -War Over Trade And Expansion -264-241BC -Roman Victory -Gains Sicily As A Territory

8 Punic Wars -Second Punic War 218-201BC -Hannibal -Threatens Rome Through Spain -Passage Through The Alps -Defeats Roman Armies -Roman Armies Threaten Carthage -Hannibal Returns To Defend Homelands -Defeated By Romans In Africa

9 End of the Punic Wars -Third Punic War -Revenge For The Years Of Conflict And Damage -Sack Of Carthage, 146BC

10 Roman Provinces -Expansion Into Carthage And Macedonia -Provinces -Led By Roma Appointed Governor -Considered Subjects Of Rome -Roman Agriculture Declines As They Become Dependant Upon Foreign Grain From The Provinces

11 Inequality in the Empire -Roman Government -Ruled By Wealthy Families -Economic And Social Inequality -Tiberius And Gaius Gracchus -Consuls Who Tried Reforms For The Poor -Both Were Assassinated By Senate Opponents

12 The Army and Politics -Gaius Marius -Created Loyalty System In The Military By Promising Great Spoils Of War For Soldiers -Lucius Sulla -Takes Over Briefly As Dictator Using The Military -Military Seizes Power Often In Following Years

13 Republic Collapses -Civil War 82-31 BC -Crassus, Pompey, Julius Caesar -Triumvirate -Caesar Leads Army In Gaul In Great Campaign -Caesar Gains Fame And Power -Pompey Tries To Bring Caesar Home Without His Army -Caesar Responds By Bringing Loyal Army Home Into Rome -Pompey Defeated And Caesar Made Consul For Life

14 Caesar ’ s Rome -Caesar Takes Command 47 BC -Land Reform -Weakened Senate -Senators Form Conspiracy To Rid Rome Of Caesar ’ s Great Powers -Assassinated -Ides Of March, 44BC -Gaius Cassius And Marcus Brutus

15 Power Struggle -Power Struggle After Caesar ’ s Death -Octavian,Anthony, and Lepidus -Second Triumvirate -Marc Anthony Takes Eastern Empire -Octavian Takes Eastern Empire -Octavian Takes Control 31BC -Declares War On Anthony And Cleopatra

16 Daily Life -Rome -Most people were poor farmers or city dwellers -Overcrowded -Poor housing -elaborate public buildings -Roman government served to unify society -Provided law and order -Growth of trade and commerce -Roman system of roads

17 Roman Family Life -Dominant male -Education -Marriage and divorce -Women ’ s rights -Slavery -Widespread -War captives -Spartacus

18 Roman Religion -Based on Greek gods -Tolerant of other religions -Judea--Land of the Jews -Jewish revolt---Destruction of the Jewish Temple---- Western Wall only remains -Jesus Christ -Crucifixion -Spread of Christianity -Persecution of Christians. Under Nero -Martyrs

19 Art and Architecture -Influences of Greek art on Roman art -Architecture -Dome arch vaults -Roads -Bridges -Aqueducts

20 Literature -Virgil - “ Aeneid ” -Horace -Writes of follies and vices of people -Livy -History of Rome -Plutarch -Influence of the Roman alphabet

21 Roman Entertainment -Theater -Chariot races -Circus Maximus -Colosseum -Gladiators

22 Roman Knowledge -Galen -Medical texts -Ptolemy -Earth centered astronomy philosophy

23 Age of Augustus -Age of Augustus -First emperor -Octavius calls himself “ princeps ” which means first citizen -Senate declares him “ Augustus ” which becomes his new title

24 Roman Empire Expands -Augustus stabilized and expanded the empire -Legions -Praetorian Guard -Roman Empire -Italy, Greece, Northern Africa, Britain, France, Middle East

25 Early Emperors -Early Empire -Emperors from same family -Relatives of Julius Caesar -Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero -Powerful and sometimes corrupt -Burning of Rome under Nero

26 Pax Romana -Pax Romana -peaceful era -Consisted of 5 well meaning emperors Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius -Government projects improve people ’ s lives -Farming and trade prosper

27 Triumph of Christianity -Persecution helped to organize Christians -Rome had banned Christianity to try and stop its influence -Attractiveness of Christian beliefs equality, salvation, hope -Constantine -Supports Christian ideals--- -Edict of Milan 313AD -Constantine become Christian at his death

28 Roman Reforms -Diocletian -Empire into four administrative parts -Continued military control of all however -Economic problems were greatest threat -Constantine -Establishment of Constantinople -Empire split into two parts

29 Fall of Rome -Existence of Two capitals -Rome and Constantinople -Invading peoples -Huns -Visigoths--- Sack Rome in 410 -Franks -Vandals--- Sack Rome in 455 -German invaders were tribal and never developed any unity to replace the Roman empire

30 Reasons for Rome ’ s Decline -Empire too large -Taxes hurt the economy -Loss of identity -Christianity, Ethnic diversity, Lead poisoning, Political problems -Military coups, Invasion, Civil War, plague -Byzantine Empire continued

31 Byzantine Empire -Eastern Roman empire -Too much territory -Constantinople -Threats from the Arab world -fall of the western Roman Empire in 400 ’ s -Byzantine Empire -Asia minor and the Balkans -Christian and Greek heritage -Eastern Orthodox religion

32 Reign of Justinian -Eastern Roman Empire -Justinian becomes Emperor in 527 -Preservation of the Roman law system -Idea that people are ruled by written laws and not to the liking of the ruler alone -Justinian code -Role of Empress Theodora -Rights for women -Byzantine empire reached its height in power in Justinian ’ s reign -Efficient bureaucracy under control of a strong emperor

33 Reign of Justinian -Eastern Roman Empire -Justinian becomes Emperor in 527 -Preservation of the Roman law system -Idea that people are ruled by written laws and not to the liking of the ruler alone -Justinian code -Role of Empress Theodora -Rights for women -Byzantine empire reached its height in power in Justinian ’ s reign -Efficient bureaucracy under control of a strong emperor

34 Byzantine Culture -Continuation of Greek and Roman ideals -Western Europe struggling into the Middle Ages by comparison -Missionaries Cyril and Methodius take Christianity to Eastern Europe -Cyrillic alphabet -Use of mosaics in churches -Art was to inspire belief not imitate reality -Hagia Sophia -Constantinople -Completed in 537AD

35 Byzantine Culture -Continuation of Greek and Roman ideals -Western Europe struggling into the Middle Ages by comparison -Missionaries Cyril and Methodius take Christianity to Eastern Europe -Cyrillic alphabet -Use of mosaics in churches -Art was to inspire belief not imitate reality -Hagia Sophia -Constantinople -Completed in 537AD

36 Constantinople -Life in Constantinople -Largest city in Europe -Center of trade between Europe and East -Massive public building projects -Hagia Sophia

37 Byzantine Problems -From 867 to 1081. The Byzantine Empire expanded -A growing split between Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic church -Controversy over who should lead the church -Controversy over the use of icons in worship -BY 1054, the church is split -1071-- a Turkish army defeats the Byzantine army and the Crusades will begin

38 Eastern Europe -Large grassy plain between the Carpathian and Ural Mountains -Steppe -Lots of rivers in the great plain for travel -Area has been subject to many invasions over history and the people have become subjects of many warring peoples -History of the word slave -Southern and eastern Slavic peoples converted to Eastern Orthodox Christianity -Strong link to the Byzantine Empire

39 Russia -Eastern Slavic peoples combined with Swedish Vikings and begun to rule in late 9 th century -Vikings rule of the area ---known as Rus--- occupies modern areas of Ukraine and western Russia -Kievian rulers controlled the area for the next 300 years -Eastern Orthodox Christianity helps to unite the beliefs of the people

40 Czarist System -Mongol invasion -Mid 1200 ’ s -Heavily taxes the people -Mongol rule helped to improve government -Moscow becomes important city -Ivan I becomes the Great Prince by cooperating with Mongol rule 1328 -Leaders of Moscow will become first czars of Russia -Ivan IV, 1533 -First Czar -Ivan the Terrible

41 Czarist System -Mongol invasion -Mid 1200 ’ s -Heavily taxes the people -Mongol rule helped to improve government -Moscow becomes important city -Ivan I becomes the Great Prince by cooperating with Mongol rule 1328 -Leaders of Moscow will become first czars of Russia -Ivan IV, 1533 -First Czar -Ivan the Terrible

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