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Mr. Pressman Freshmen Health Section 1,2. Drug Use.

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1 Mr. Pressman Freshmen Health Section 1,2

2 Drug Use

3   Substance Abuse  Improper use of chemical substances for non-medical purposes  Illegal Drug  Chemical substance that people of any age may not lawfully manufacture possess, buy, or sell  Illicit Drug Use  Use or sale of any substance that is illegal or otherwise not permitted Substance Abuse

4  Things that influences a teen’s choice to use drugs are the following:  Peer Pressure  Family Members  Role Models  Media Messages  Perceptions of Drug Behavior  Misleading Information Factors That Influence Teens

5   Physical Health  Overdose, contracting a disease  Mental Health  Impairs ability to think, alters brain structure and function  Social Health  Relationships with family and friends suffer; leads to crime, suicide and unintentional injuries How Drugs Affect Your Health

6   Tolerance - body becomes accustomed to a drug  Psychological Dependence - condition that develops over time and causes a person to believe that a drug is needed in order to function  Physiological Dependence - user develops a chemical need for a drug  Addiction - physiological or psychological dependence on a drug Other Effects of Drug Use

7  Drugs Take a Heavy Toll Consequences on the Individual, Family and Friends  Teens may stop pursuing their interests and goals  Taking drugs leads to lower inhibitions, depression and even suicide  Teens may stop spending time with family and friends Consequences for Others and Society  Drugs impact a fetus in pregnant women  Illegal drug use can result in a rise of drug related crime and violence

8 And Steriods

9   Marijuana is not addictive.  Marijuana can lead to addiction. Heavy users develop withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop.  Marijuana makes you mellow.  Some people may feel relaxed, but research has shown a link between violent behavior and frequency of use.  The effects of marijuana on memory are temporary.  People normally lose neurons in the hippocampus over time. Chronic marijuana use may speed up that process. Myths and Facts Myth Fact Myth Fact

10   Marijuana is a plant whose leaves, buds and flowers are usually smoked for their intoxicating effects.  Marijuana is considered a possible gateway drug (drug that may lead the user to more dangerous drugs)  Studies show that teens who use marijuana are 15 times more likely to use cocaine  The effects of marijuana use varies from person to person and can be influenced by a person’s mood and surroundings  THC is the main active ingredient in marijuana which binds to receptors on brain cells Marijuana

11  Consequences of Marijuana Use Physical  Smoking marijuana presents same risks as smoking tobacco (respiratory damage)  Marijuana poses risk to reproductive system (lowers male testosterone interfering with sperm production and raises female testosterone level which may lead to infertility) Mental and Emotional  Raises levels of brain chemical dopamine which produces a pleasurable feeling  Users experience slow mental reflexes and may suffer from anxiety and paranoia (irrational suspiciousness or distrust of others)  Short term memory is affected  Affects reaction time therefore leading to risk of accidents and car crashes

12   Inhalants are substances whose fumes are sniffed or inhaled to give effect.  Some inhalants are prescribed by doctors to treat allergies, asthma, etc  Some inhalants are inhaled for a high such as solvents, aersols, glue, paints, varnishes and gasoline  Inhalants depress the central nervous system and can lead to permanent loss of brain cells  Long term use can cause liver and kidney damage, blindness, brain damage, paralysis, cardiac arrest and death Inhalants

13   Anabolic-androgenic steroids are synthetic substances similar to male sex hormones  Steroid use can result in unnatural muscle growth.  Side effects can include weight gain, acne, high bloods pressure, liver and kidney tumors.  Steroids may cause violent behavior, mood swings, depression and paranoia.  Effects on males include shrinking testicles, low sperm count, baldness, breast development and risk of prostate cancer  Effects on females include facial hair, baldness, menstrual cycle change and deepened voice Consequences of Steroid Use

14   It is illegal to use, sell, or possess illegal drugs, or to sell or use prescription medications for nonmedical purposes.  Misusing medicines and drugs can lead to addiction.  Drug abuse can have negative consequences for the user, friends, family, and society.  Using Marijuana can damage a user’s health.  Sniffing inhalants can permanently damage or kill brain cells.  The nonmedical use of anabolic-androgenic steroids is illegal and can pose serious health risks. Overview

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