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Circulatory System. POINT > Describe four functions of circulation POINT > Identify major parts of the circulatory system POINT > Describe the pathways.

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Presentation on theme: "Circulatory System. POINT > Describe four functions of circulation POINT > Identify major parts of the circulatory system POINT > Describe the pathways."— Presentation transcript:

1 Circulatory System

2 POINT > Describe four functions of circulation POINT > Identify major parts of the circulatory system POINT > Describe the pathways of blood through the heart POINT > Describe arteries, capillaries and veins

3 POINT > Describe four functions of circulation 1. Transport oxygen, glucose and nutrients to every cell in the body (10,000,000,000,000 of them!) 2. Remove waste materials (CO 2 and urea) from every cell in the body 3. Circulate disease-fighting cells throughout body 4. Carry chemical messages (like hormones)

4 CHECK: What are 4 functions of the circulatory system?

5 POINT > Identify major parts of the circulatory system The heart is the muscle that powers the system Arteries are large blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart Arteries branch into arterioles. Arterioles are smaller than arteries Arterioles branch into tiny capillaries. Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels

6 POINT > Identify major parts of the circulatory system

7 100,000 km of blood vessels in your body!

8 CHECK: What are arteries? What are capillaries? What muscle powers the circulatory system?

9 POINT > Identify major parts of the circulatory system Arterioles branch into tiny capillaries Capillaries branch into capillary beds, where cells get oxygen and nutrients from the blood. Cells deliver CO 2 and wastes to the blood

10 POINT > Identify major parts of the circulatory system Capillary walls are only one cell thick Oxygen and nutrients diffuse into cells from blood Carbon dioxide and wastes diffuse into blood from cells

11 CHECK: What happens in capillary beds?

12 POINT > Identify major parts of the circulatory system Deoxygenated blood carries CO 2 and wastes from the capillary beds into venules Venules come together to form veins Venules (small) and veins (larger) carry blood back to the heart

13 POINT > Identify major parts of the circulatory system The vena cava is the largest vein back to the heart The pulmonary vein brings oxygen-rich blood from lungs back to the heart The jugular vein carries blood back from the brain

14 CHECK: What do veins and venules do? What is the largest vein? What does the jugular vein do? What does the pulmonary vein do?

15 POINT > Identify major parts of the circulatory system Pulmonary arteries carry blood from heart to lungs Systemic arteries carry blood from heart to body The aorta is the largest systemic artery The coronary artery carries blood to the heart muscle itself The carotid artery carries blood to the brain

16 CHECK: What artery carries blood to the brain? What is the largest artery? What artery carries blood to the heart? What do systemic arteries do? What arteries carry blood to the lungs?

17 POINT > Describe the pathways of blood through the heart The circulatory system has two loops The pulmonary loop carries blood to and from the lungs The systemic loop carries blood to and from all cells in the body

18 POINT > Describe the pathways of blood through the heart

19 The human heart has four chambers: Left atrium and left ventricle Right atrium and right ventricle The left side of the heart pumps oxygenated blood to the body The right side of the heart pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs

20 CHECK: What are the 4 chambers of the human heart? What does the right side of the heart do? What does the left side of the heart do?

21 POINT > Describe the pathways of blood through the heart

22 From lungs POINT > Describe the pathways of blood through the heart Pulmonary veins bring oxygen-rich blood to left atrium

23 The left atrium receives oxygen rich blood from the pulmonary vein

24 POINT > Describe the pathways of blood through the heart Left atrium sends blood to left ventricle

25 To rest of body POINT > Describe the pathways of blood through the heart The powerful left ventricle contracts and sends blood to all parts of the body

26 POINT > Describe the pathways of blood through the heart Veins carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart from the body

27 POINT > Describe the pathways of blood through the heart Blood enters the right atrium

28 POINT > Describe the pathways of blood through the heart The right atrium sends blood to the right ventricle

29 To lungs POINT > Describe the pathways of blood through the heart The right ventricle contracts and sends blood to the lungs through the pulmonary artery To the lungs

30 CHECK: Where does blood go from the right atrium? Where does blood go from the left venticle? Where does blood go from the pulmonary vein? Where does blood go from the left atrium? Where does blood go from the right atrium?

31 Homework: Read pages 534-543 Finish Study Guide S.A. page 543 GRAS 213-217

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