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Korea National OpenUniversity (KNOU) Bowon Kim, Ph. D. Director of Institute of Distance Education in KNOU, South Korea The ASIA-EUROPE Education and Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Korea National OpenUniversity (KNOU) Bowon Kim, Ph. D. Director of Institute of Distance Education in KNOU, South Korea The ASIA-EUROPE Education and Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Korea National OpenUniversity (KNOU) Bowon Kim, Ph. D. Director of Institute of Distance Education in KNOU, South Korea The ASIA-EUROPE Education and Research HUB for Life Long Learning

2 2 KNOU: the History  Established in 1972 as a national university  Started as a two-year open university (now four-year courses)  Representative Open and Distance Learning institute in Korea  Considered one of the top ten Mega- Universities in the world  Working as a key member of AAOU and ICDE

3 3 KNOU: the Capacity  Around 200,000 enrollment every year  4 faculties with 21 undergraduate departments (BA)  1 postgraduate school with 6 depart- ments (MA)  140 professors, hundreds of part-time lecturers and tutors  Around 700 administrative staff  The university headquarters in Seoul 14 regional campuses in the big cities 35 smaller study centers throughout the country

4 4 KNOU: Educational Media  Regular courses More than 554 courses for undergraduate school Classroom lectures  around 30% of each course (optional)

5 5 KNOU: Educational Media  Regular courses Audio lectures  radio, cassette tape, MP3, LOD

6 6 KNOU: Educational Media  Regular courses Video lectures  TV(OUN), video tape, compact disc, LOD

7 7 KNOU: Educational Media  e-Learning courses More than 160 e-learning courses for undergraduate & graduate school

8 8 KNOU: Educational Media  Teleconferencing connecting Seoul and regional campuses  University newspaper providing on-line and off-line newspapers  KNOU Homepage on-line student support system

9 9 KNOU: Research Proposal I  Research on on-line services for teaching & learning  Why e-learning? Robustness of ICT infrastructures in national level Learner readiness for e-learning  The rate of using the Internet is 95.3%  The rate of using high-speed network and LAN is 94.7%

10 10 KNOU: Research Proposal I  Co-developing and exchanging international e-learning courses  Developing the cutting-edge e- learning contents utilizing ICT  Faculty development for using teaching & learning methods effectively  Learner supports for self-directive learning in e-learning

11 11 KNOU: Research Proposal II  Tutoring in Mega-University  Establishing a new tutoring system for the adult learner  The ratio of transfer students increasing  Feminization and aging of the student population  The problems to solve: how to raise the student retention rate

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