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A Case for Change in Teaching and Learning World Literature Fall 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "A Case for Change in Teaching and Learning World Literature Fall 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Case for Change in Teaching and Learning World Literature Fall 2009

2 World Rank in Education  First place South Korea: 93 percent of high school students graduate on time  The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development places the United States 18th among the 36 nations examined

3 Sobering and Startling Statistics  25% of American students do NOT graduate from high school  66% of American students entering college do NOT graduate from college

4 Why Good Teachers Quit  76% of American adults believe lack of student discipline is a serious problem facing schools.  Yet, when asked of teachers who would quit if they could: 57% are unhappy with low salaries and working conditions 8% are unhappy with administration 5% cannot stand parents 4% say it is related to students

5 Why Change Is Needed  “Shift Happens” Jg Jg  “ A Vision of Students Today” 9o&feature=related 9o&feature=related  “Pay Attention” oM&NR=1 oM&NR=1

6 Reflection With respect to classrooms in the United States:  What should students be doing?  What is the role of technology in those classrooms?  What is the role of the teacher?

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