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Origins of the Renaissance: Lesson One – Unit One: Teacher’s Edition.

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1 Origins of the Renaissance: Lesson One – Unit One: Teacher’s Edition

2 Today’s Main Idea: The Renaissance changed the way Europeans viewed religion, daily life and the acedamia. After this lesson students will be able to contrast the difference between the Europe of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

3 The Black Death: The Black Death caused a significant population decrease in Europe. The decrease allowed for a surplus in food production, which created lower prices. This food surplus allowed areas of Europe to specialize in the production in specific goods – not related to the production of food.

4 City-States: City-states began to gain power as major centers of trade and learning in Italy. Ex: Milan, Florence, Venice & the Papal States The influence of the church, government and wealthy merchants encouraged the production of art. Artisans lived in these cities where the arts and economy flourished.

5 Merchants: Wealthy business owners who controlled many aspects of life in the Italian city-states. These individuals often employed artist. Merchants often became patrons.

6 Venice: Home to many wealthy Italian merchants City was designed to reflect the principles of the Renaissance

7 Italy: Italy is the heart of the Renaissance The Renaissance began Italy because of the wealthy Italian city-states

8 Renaissance (by definition): A sustained period of renewed interest and remarkable developments in art, literature, science and learning

9 The notes I told you to put off to the side!

10 The Origins of the Renaissance: 1.The Black Death had devastated Europe and caused a large decrease in the overall population. 2.The decrease in population led to a surplus of food production, which: - Created lower prices - Allowed people to specialize in jobs that did not involve the production of food

11 3. Extra income and economic activity allowed cities to specialize in specific trades and crafts 4. The change in the economy meant people did not have to spend all of their money on food

12 The second thing I told you to put off to the side…

13 The Goals/Purpose of the Renaissance: 1.Increased trade with Asia and other regions as a result of the crusades brought new ideas to Europe 2.Growth of large Italian city-states 3.Renewed interest in the classical learning of Ancient Rome and Greece 4.Rise of rich and powerful merchants who become patrons of the arts

14 5. Increased desire for scientific and technical knowledge 6. Desire to beautify cities

15 Renaissance (class definition):

16 Ancient Scholars: Many scholars from the Mediterranean area sought refuge in Italy. These scholars brought with them many of the works of Ancient Rome and Greece It was believed that through learning the classics one could create a rebirth of knowledge.

17 Humanism: As time progressed the education system began to focus more on classical learning then the study of theology. Today we call humanism humanities. These focused on individual achievement and the human potential.

18 Roots of Humanism: The Renaissance was born out of the humanist movement. Scholars began to study the works of Ancient Rome and Greece and write in local languages.

19 Humanism in Contrast to the Catholic Church: The Catholic Church was losing some of its power in the academic world because of the humanist movement. This signaled an overall decrease in the power of the Catholic Church.

20 Secular: Writing that did not focus on religions topics. These writers often focused on the humanities.

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