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Organisational Structure of Statistics Denmark Study visit from ICBS 21. October Kirsten Wismer.

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1 Organisational Structure of Statistics Denmark Study visit from ICBS 21. October Kirsten Wismer

2  Highly centralised statistical system  Ministry of Interior and Economics  Statistics Denmark are producing statistics in all subjects except in -Health: Ministry of Health -Environment: Ministry of Environment  Only one location  in Copenhagen Official statistics in Denmark 2

3 Act on Statistics Denmark Act on Statistics Denmark, 1 July 1966  Latest amendment: December 2012 -concerning digital communication 3

4 Framework for Statistics Denmark  The Minister of Economic and Internal Affairs Annual budget and parliamentarian responsibility  §2: The Board of Directors 7 members Chairman: the National Statistician 6 members with insight into social and economic conditions Decide on annual work programme Approve the budget Meets four times in a year  §2,2: National Statistician (Director General) Manager of Statistics Denmark Appointed by the Queen upon the recommendation of the Minister after consultation with the board  §3,4: Advisory users committees (9 at present) 4

5 Staffing and budget to day Employess: 526 man-years Budget: DKK 406 m. Euro 54,5 m. Of this own income: DKK 130 m. Euro 17,4 m. All numbers of 2013 (workplan) 5

6  Present organization was introduced in September 1995  the aim was to make us more accessible for users -statistics are organised after subjects  cross-cutting tasks are combined in one department  general management including international activities were prioritized -introducing an executive secretariat The organisation of Statistics Denmark 6

7  From subject organization towards process organization  a methodology unit were established  most commercial activities have been consolidated into one department  most data collection has been consolidated into one unit in Business Statistics Developments in the organisational structure since then 7

8 Organisation 8 Social Statistics Niels Ploug Population Education Labour Market Earnings and Absence Welfare Business Statistics Hilmar Bojesen Business Dynamics Short Term Statistics Food Industries Business Registers Business Surveys Economic Statistics Kirsten Wismer National Accounts Government Finances Prices and Consumption External Economy Economic Models Sales and Marketing Lars Thygesen Customer Centre Interview Services Research and Methods International Consulting User Services Karin Ravn Communication Personnel Finance and Service IT The Board of Governors The Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Interior National Statistician Jørgen Elmeskov Advisory Committees The Board of Governors for the Economic Model Adam Management Office

9  Board: -National Statistician, 5 directors and Head of Management office -Secretary: Head of Communication  meet -every Wednesday 8.30 -alternates if members are absent -both open and closed agenda and minutes  Overall management: -Board -34 heads and deputy-heads  meet -Wednesday 11.00 as required -a yearly seminar Daily Management of Statistics Denmark 9

10  Cooperation Committees equal representation of management and employees  Dissemination  Commercial activities  Quality Methodology Confidentiality Data provider policy QAF IT-security  Statistics Shared registers and databases Short term statistics Environmental statistics Cross-cutting committees 10

11  Board:  Director, heads and deputy-heads  meets every Tuesday morning  Director: general responsibility and authority  overall responsibility for the department's production -planning og performance -quality assurance -confidentiality  responsibly for a budget -man years and cost for travel, education etc.  staff management Management of the 5 departments 11

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