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October 7, 2009H.J. Krebs1 Super B WorkShop Overview of BaBar Detector Assembly/Installation Documentation Jim Krebs.

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Presentation on theme: "October 7, 2009H.J. Krebs1 Super B WorkShop Overview of BaBar Detector Assembly/Installation Documentation Jim Krebs."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 7, 2009H.J. Krebs1 Super B WorkShop Overview of BaBar Detector Assembly/Installation Documentation Jim Krebs

2 October 7, 2009H.J. Krebs2 Outline of Presentation Brief History of CAD at BaBar Status of CAD Drawings Status of the BaBar Detector Disassembly

3 October 7, 2009H.J. Krebs3 Brief History Pro-Engineer was chosen (1995) as the primary CAD package for the Assembly and Installation of the BaBar Detector Two options were considered for design resources –Use SLAC Mechanical Design Department Designers – Train in Pro-E –Hire Contractor Designers – Train in Pro-E This is the option that was selected (95/96) This turned out to be a nightmare

4 October 7, 2009H.J. Krebs4 Brief History (Cont’d) In 1995 thru 1999, Silican Valley was thriving –Shortage of Designers proficient in Pro-E –Paid on average $10/hr more than SLAC We found ourselves in an endless cycle –Interview and hire a contract Designer –Invest in training the contract Designer in Pro-E –The contract Designer would work for a few weeks –The contract Designer would leave SLAC and go work where he/she could make more money –This happened with approximately 12-15 contract designers between 1996 and 1998 Invested much time and money –No drawings –The drawing number books were shambles

5 October 7, 2009H.J. Krebs5 Brief History (Cont’d) The Detector began data taking in 1999 –Resources were then committed to IFR Remediation and then preparing for the IFR Upgrade Campaigns in 2002, 2004 and 2006

6 October 7, 2009H.J. Krebs6 Status of CAD Drawings 3-D CAD Models –I know of No 3-D Models in existence that pertain to the Detector Assembly/Installation 2-D CAD Drawings –There is One 2-D CAD Drawing in existence that pertains the Detector Assembly/Installation Y-Z Cross Section of Detector A CD exists with 2-D AutoCAD drawings of the Flux Return SLAC Online Drawing Access (SODA) Drawings exist in PDF format –Not CAD files

7 October 7, 2009H.J. Krebs7 Drawing Series is “350” Click on “Submit Search”

8 October 7, 2009H.J. Krebs8 PDF Files

9 October 7, 2009H.J. Krebs9 Status of BaBar Detector Disassembly The BaBar Detector Disassembly has two phases –Core Detector Disassembly –System Dismantling Won’t be needed if Super B proceeds Attempting to preserve assets for possible use at Super B –DIRC Bar Boxes SLAC will designed shipping container –Barrel EMC Assuming the existence of a Super B designed and fabricated shipping structure –Need this approximately end of calendar year 2010 –Forward End Cap Calorimeter Assuming a Super B designed and fabricated shipping structure –Need this approximately mid 2011 –Superconducting Solenoid Shipping structure exists at SLAC but needs repair –Flux Return Steel

10 October 7, 2009H.J. Krebs10 BaBar Detector Core Disassembly Begins 3-25-09 Concrete Radiation Shield Wall Removed

11 October 7, 2009H.J. Krebs11 Roll Back Elect House Sched 4-16-09 Actual 4-13-09 Variance +3 C.D. Remove PEP Rafts Sched 4-27-09 Actual 8-5-09 Variance -100 C.D. Remove PEP Support Tube Sched 5-28-09 Actual 8-20-09 Variance -84 C.D. Remove FWD End Cap EMC Sched 6-12-09 Disassemble FWD East Door Sched 8-19-09 Disassemble FWD West Door Sched 10-27-09 Disassemble BWD East Door Sched 1-4-10 Disassemble BWD West Door Sched 3-10-10 Roll Out Detector Sched 5-26-10 Remove Drift Chamber Sched 6-8-10 Remove DIRC Sched 7-20-10 Remove Barrel EMC Sched 8-18-10 Remove S.C. Solenoid Sched 9-20-10 Remove Barrel Brass & LSTs Sched 1-20-11 Disassemble Barrel Flux Return Sched 3-30-11 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011

12 October 7, 2009H.J. Krebs12 BaBar Detector Core Disassembly 10-07-09

13 October 7, 2009H.J. Krebs13 Concluding Remarks Almost No CAD Drawings exist pertaining to the original Detector installation System drawings exist –Paper copies –PDF files available from SODA –2D AutoCAD drawings of the Flux Return Steel The Detector disassembly is approximately 23% complete –118 calendar days behind schedule –Forward End Cap Calorimeter will be removed end of October

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