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Child Development Basics Stages of Development. Infants: 1 to 6 months Physical Skills  Sleep, eat, and lift-head.  Reach and hold objects.  Roll-over.

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Presentation on theme: "Child Development Basics Stages of Development. Infants: 1 to 6 months Physical Skills  Sleep, eat, and lift-head.  Reach and hold objects.  Roll-over."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child Development Basics Stages of Development

2 Infants: 1 to 6 months Physical Skills  Sleep, eat, and lift-head.  Reach and hold objects.  Roll-over.

3 Infants: 1 to 6 months Intellectual Skills  React to familiar voices.  Explore and learn about their world using all 5 senses.

4 Infants: 1 to 6 months Social Skills  Like to be held and comforted.  Crying is a way to express a need.

5 Babies: 6 to 12 months Physical Skills  Baby teeth begin to appear.  Eat soft food and begin to feed themselves.  Crawl and move about.

6 Babies: 6 to 12 months Intellectual Skills  Continue to use their senses to learn about the world around them.  Play simple games like peek-a-boo.  Wave bye-bye and say simple words.  Enjoy picture books.

7 Babies: 6 to 12 months Social Skills  May show fear of strangers.  Have a need to develop trust.

8 Toddlers: 12 to 24 months Physical Skills  Very unstable as they move about.  Pull themselves up and begin to walk.  Like to push, pull, and stack.

9 Toddlers: 12 to 24 months Intellectual Skills  Look and see all around them.  Enjoy picture books.

10 Toddlers: 12 to 24 months Social Skills  Begin to notice other children around them.  Solitary play.  May begin to enjoy Parallel Play.

11 Toddlers: 2 to 3 years Physical Skills  Become better walkers.  Like to run, jump, and climb.  Scribble.  Like riding toys.

12 Toddlers: 2 to 3 years Intellectual Skills  Great explorers.  Developing a vocabulary.  Enjoy making choices whenever possible.

13 Toddlers: 2 to 3 years Social Skills  Enjoy Parallel Play.  Not very good at sharing.

14 Preschoolers: 3 to 4 years Physical Skills  Much more coordinated.  Run, jump, and throw.  Dress themselves.  Enjoy art and a trike.

15 Preschoolers: 3 to 4 years Intellectual Skills  Can print their name.  Very curious.  Sing and dance.  Speak in sentences.  Enjoy up to a 15-minute activity.

16 Preschoolers: 3 to 4 years Social Skills  Very social.  Begin to share.  Enjoy Group or Cooperative Play.

17 Kindergarteners: 5 years Physical Skills  Can ride a trike or bike.  Can tie their shoes.  More coordinated with art and complex craft projects.

18 Kindergartners: 5 years Intellectual Skills  Learn to read- Speak and understand up to 13,000 words.  Short attention span, like to “do” things.  Can play a simple board game.

19 Kindergarteners: 5 years Social Skills  Developing independence.  Learn to get along with others.  May be bossy.  Enjoys pretend play with peers.

20 Solitary play is…  When a child plays by themselves.  Seen often in infants and young toddlers.

21 Parallel play is…  When a child play next to another child but not actually with that child.  One may be playing with blocks and the other with dolls for example.

22 Cooperative play is…  When children actually play together and share things.

23 Pretend play is…  A type of play which allows children to learn about their world.  It may include things like playing house, store, school, post office, and so on.

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