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Rosie Taylor Teaching & Learning Consultant Using ICT to enhance Literacy.

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Presentation on theme: "Rosie Taylor Teaching & Learning Consultant Using ICT to enhance Literacy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rosie Taylor Teaching & Learning Consultant Using ICT to enhance Literacy

2 Enhancing the Learning Purposeful – support, enhance or extend the learning ICT to add something extra or in a different way ICT to motivate ICT to enhance teaching ICT to extend & present Literacy learning ICT to develop Literacy skills ICT to practice ICT skills within a Literacy context Adds another dimension Part of the children's world Communication – wider Audience & purpose

3 Reading Analysis Writing Familiarisation with the text type: Reading strategies Personal Responses Language Features Capturing Ideas Teacher Demonstration Language & Layout Features Sentence Construction Talk for Writing Drama / Speaking & Listening Planning / Drafting Writing Editing ICTICT

4 ICT Applications in Literacy “The aim of this document is to show how ICT may add value to aspects of literacy learning.” (NS Framework for Literacy)

5 Multimedia (Poetry example)

6 Why create multimedia poems? “ Different poetic forms use different language features. It is important that children do not just recognise language features, such as simile, but also discuss the impact, their response and interpretation.” (Poetry – Progression Paper)

7 Yr 6 Revision Unit Objectives - reading poetry 4. to comment critically on the overall impact of a poem, showing how language and themes have been developed; 17. to appraise a text quickly and effectively; to retrieve information from it; to find information quickly and evaluate its value;

8 Resource Sheet 1 The Reading Test Poetry Understanding a poem can almost be like solving a puzzle – many of the meanings lie beneath the surface and have to be unpicked. Read through the poem once and decide what you think the poem is about. Read again to find clues to confirm your first thoughts of what it is about. Draw boxes round verses/sections; label each section/verse with a key word summing up what it is about.

9 City Jungle Rain splinters town. Lizard cars cruise by; their radiators grin. Thin headlights stare – shop doorways keep their mouths shut. At the roadside hunched houses cough. Newspapers shuffle by, hands in their pockets. The gutter gargles. A motorbike snarls; Dustbins flinch. Streetlights bare their yellow teeth The motorway’s cat-black tongue lashes across the glistening back of the tarmac night. Pie Corbett


11 Hide & Reveal Pictures (Narrative example)



14 Talk & drama into writing… Develop understanding Capture vocabulary Model Share Try Apply

15 Photo Sequence (Non-Fiction example)

16 Photo Sequence Non-Fiction First… Then… Next… Recording audio & oral rehearsal Using Photo Story

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