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How do changes in the weather affect us?. Small Group Timer Timer.

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Presentation on theme: "How do changes in the weather affect us?. Small Group Timer Timer."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do changes in the weather affect us?

2 Small Group Timer Timer

3 Online Games Vocabulary & Amazing Words: Arcade Games Jigword Matchword Speedword Wordsearch Word Web Spelling Words: Speedword Word Web Quia Games Spelling City High Frequency Words Match-Up

4 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Amazing Words condition predict terrifying breeze whip sparkle funnel swirl

5 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Vocabulary Words special pressing branches picnic angry fingers clung tantrum scent fierce

6 Helen Keller & the Big Storm High Frequency Words gone learn often pieces though together very

7 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Spelling Words too clue new juice fruit drew blue flew true cruise cool nephew suit shampoo spoon

8 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Word Family Words last real shape share star

9 Big Question: How do changes in the weather affect us? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

10 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Monday Morning Warm-Up Imagine that it is a warm, pleasant day. Most people feel great on days like this. How do changes in the weather affect us?

11 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Monday Morning Warm-Up Imagine that it is a warm, pleasant day. Most people feel great on days like this. How do changes in the weather affect us?

12 Today we will learn about: Vowel Patterns oo, ue, ew, ui Fact and Opinion Ask Questions Adverbs That Tell How

13 Amazing Words

14 condition con – di – tion A condition is the way a thing or a person is, such as a weather condition or a health condition. The weather condition is warm and rainy. I exercise and eat healthy foods so I will stay in good physical condition. Is your bicycle in good condition?

15 predict pre - dict When you predict something, you say what you think will happen in the future. I predict the bus will be late. What do you predict will happen at the end of the story? The weather people predict it will rain tomorrow.

16 terrifying ter – ri – fy – ing If something is terrifying, it makes someone feel very frightened. The terrifying winds of the hurricane made us seek shelter. The grizzly bear was terrifying to the campers.

17 Vowel Patterns for /u/ foot What do you know about the vowel sound in foot? Today we’ll learn about vowel pairs that stand for the sound /u/, and oo is one of them.


19 Vowel Patterns for /u/ food The letters oo stand for the /u/ sound in food. blue few The letters oo in moon, the ue in blue, and the ew in few stand for the sound /u/.

20 Vowel Patterns for /u/ boot true chew proof clue juice threw too glue drew fruit mood true bruise crew

21 Making Words e, o, o, u b, c, h, l, p, r, s, t, w

22 Vowel Patterns for /u/ cool stew goose due tooth rude new bloom blue juice chew tune raccoon recruit huge

23 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Spelling Words too clue new juice fruit drew blue flew true cruise cool nephew suit shampoo spoon

24 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Word Family Words last real shape share star

25 Word Family Word – last (online dictionary) (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends cast fast mast past vast blast

26 Word Family Word – real (online dictionary) (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends deal heal meal peal seal teal veal

27 Word Family Word –shape (online dictionary) (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends cape gape nape tape drape grape scrape

28 Word Family Word –share (online dictionary) (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends care dare fare hare mare pare rare tare ware flare glare scare snare spare stare

29 Word Family Word –star (online dictionary) (online dictionary) (online dictionary) ConsonantDigraphsBlends bar car far gar jar mar tar scar spar

30 Ask Questions Asking questions about a selection gives you a purpose for reading. It also helps you remember the most important parts of the selection.


32 Daily Fix-It dee wore a blew sweater dee wore a blew sweater Dee wore a blue sweater. Dee wore a blue sweater. who drue this picture. who drue this picture. Who drew this picture? Who drew this picture?

33 Adverbs that Tell How An adverb tells more about a verb. Some adverbs tell how an action is done. Adverbs that tell how usually end in –ly. Dad saw the dark clouds clearly. Clearly tells how Dad saw the clouds.

34 Adverbs that Tell How Adverbs that Tell How quietly, quickly, loudly, carefully, wildly, suddenly “Everyone, listen _____,” said Dad. “We must take shelter _____.” We sat _____ in the basement. The wind blew _____. Thunder boomed ______. _____ the power went out.

35 Wrap Up Your Day! Vowel patterns /u/ Fact & Opinion Let’s Talk About It Tomorrow we will read about a special girl who found herself alone in a big storm.

36 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Monday Journal Topic Make a list of weather conditions.

37 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Tuesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about Helen Keller. Her world was transformed because of an unexpected and terrifying storm. Have you ever been afraid of a storm?

38 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Tuesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about Helen Keller. Her world was transformed because of an unexpected and terrifying storm. Have you ever been afraid of a storm?

39 Today we will learn about: Vowel patterns oo, ue, ew, ui Amazing Words Vocabulary Words Multiple-Meaning Words Context Clues Adverbs That Tell How

40 Amazing Words

41 breeze When the wind is not too strong, you feel a in the air. When the wind is not too strong, you feel a breeze in the air. A summer blew through the windows and cooled the house. A summer breeze blew through the windows and cooled the house. The filled the sails and pushed the boat across the water. The breeze filled the sails and pushed the boat across the water.

42 whip If something flaps or moves back and forth, such as a flag on a pole, it around. If something flaps or moves back and forth, such as a flag on a pole, it whips around. The flag was around in the strong wind. The flag was whipping around in the strong wind. The wind began the sails of the boat. The wind began whipping the sails of the boat. The breeze started the sides of the tent. The breeze started whipping the sides of the tent.

43 sparkle spar - kle If something, it shines or glitters. If something sparkles, it shines or glitters. The clear water was in the sunlight. The clear water was sparkling in the sunlight. The ring held a diamond in it. The ring held a sparkling diamond in it. The snow was like glitter. The snow was sparkling like glitter.

44 Vowel Patterns for /u/ news You can read this word because you know how to read words with the /u/ vowel sound. What sound do the letters ew stand for in this word? true spoon fruit

45 Vowel Patterns for /u/ When you come to a new word, look at the letters from left to right and think about the vowel sounds. Say the sounds in the word to yourself and then read the word.

46 Vowel Patterns for /u/ grew fool clue balloon avenue nephew pursuit kangaroo barbeque jewel cruise

47 Vowel Patterns for /u/ Find the words with the /u/ sound in “Blue Skies to Grey.” blue blew too true fruit juice flew suits due

48 Making Words e, i, o, o, u d, f, h, l, p, r, s, t

49 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Spelling Words too clue new juice fruit drew blue flew true cruise cool nephew suit shampoo spoon

50 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Word Family Words last real shape share star

51 Vowels of /u/ His new suit is blue. The fruit juice was too sweet. He drew the true size of that spoon.

52 Vocabulary Words special – different in some way pressing – putting a force on something branches – parts of a tree that grow from the trunkbranches picnic – a meal eaten outdoorspicnic angry – feeling mad and full or anger fingers – parts of the hand clung – held onto or stuck to (next slide)

53 branches

54 picnic

55 tantrum

56 More Words to Know tantrum – an outburst; a temper fittantrum scent – the way something smells fierce – wild or dangerous

57 Vocabulary Word Review special world branches learn picnic love angry move clung friend

58 Context Clues We can use strategies when we come across words we don’t understand. We can look in a dictionary or glossary. Sometimes we can get the meaning from word parts. If we know the base words and prefix or suffix, we can put the word parts together to give us the meaning of the unknown word. We can look for context clues in the words and sentences around the unknown word. Today we will learn more about using context clues to find the meaning of a multiple-meaning word.


60 Daily Fix-It we walk to the park. we walk to the park. We walk to the park. We walk to the park. did tom drink his juice. did tom drink his juice. Did Tom drink his juice? Did Tom drink his juice?

61 Adverbs That Tell How An adverb can tell more about a verb by telling how an action is done. Adverbs that tell how usually end in –ly. Helen Keller moved quickly to lock the door. Quickly tells how Helen Keller moved.

62 Wrap Up Your Day! Lesson Vocabulary Ask Questions Let’s Talk About It Tomorrow we will hear a story about another type of storm.

63 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Tuesday Journal Topic Write about a good friend of yours.

64 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Wednesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read more about Tessa. She happily welcomes winter and excitedly makes a snow cake. What is your favorite season and why?

65 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Wednesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read more about Tessa. She happily welcomes winter and excitedly makes a snow cake. What is your favorite season and why?

66 Today we will learn about: Amazing Words Dipthongs oi, oy Words with vowels oo, ue, ew, ui Homographs Adverbs That Tell How

67 Amazing Words

68 funnel fun - nel The cone-shape of a tornado is called a cloud. The cone-shape of a tornado is called a funnel cloud. The cloud became a shape and reached down to the ground. The cloud became a funnel shape and reached down to the ground. Use a to pour the milk into the bottle. Use a funnel to pour the milk into the bottle. A shape is larger at the top and smaller at the bottom. A funnel shape is larger at the top and smaller at the bottom.

69 funnel

70 swirl If things, they twist around and around. If things swirl, they twist around and around. A motion is a twisting, whirling motion. A swirling motion is a twisting, whirling motion. The fall leaves around the yard as the wind blows them. The fall leaves swirl around the yard as the wind blows them. The fruit smoothie is in the blender. The fruit smoothie is swirling in the blender. The tornado covered one mile of land. The swirling tornado covered one mile of land.

71 swirl

72 Dipthongs oi, oy toy - coil Look at these words. You can read these words because you know that the dipthongs oi and oy stand for the sound /oi/.

73 Dipthongs oi, oy Dipthongs oi, oy poison, rejoice, enjoy, oily, destroy, annoy, choice, oyster, royal, avoid oy oy oi oi

74 Dipthongs oi, oy Dipthongs oi, oy poison, rejoice, enjoy, oily, destroy, annoy, choice, oyster, royal, avoid oy oy oi oi poison poison

75 Dipthongs oi, oy Dipthongs oi, oy poison, rejoice, enjoy, oily, destroy, annoy, choice, oyster, royal, avoid oy oy oi oi poison poison rejoice rejoice

76 Dipthongs oi, oy Dipthongs oi, oy poison, rejoice, enjoy, oily, destroy, annoy, choice, oyster, royal, avoid oy oy oi oi enjoy enjoy poison poison rejoice rejoice

77 Dipthongs oi, oy Dipthongs oi, oy poison, rejoice, enjoy, oily, destroy, annoy, choice, oyster, royal, avoid oy oy oi oi enjoy enjoy poison poison rejoice rejoice oily oily

78 Dipthongs oi, oy Dipthongs oi, oy poison, rejoice, enjoy, oily, destroy, annoy, choice, oyster, royal, avoid oy oy oi oi enjoy enjoy destroy destroy poison poison rejoice rejoice oily oily

79 Dipthongs oi, oy Dipthongs oi, oy poison, rejoice, enjoy, oily, destroy, annoy, choice, oyster, royal, avoid oy oy oi oi enjoy enjoy destroy destroy annoy annoy poison poison rejoice rejoice oily oily

80 Dipthongs oi, oy Dipthongs oi, oy poison, rejoice, enjoy, oily, destroy, annoy, choice, oyster, royal, avoid oy oy oi oi enjoy enjoy destroy destroy annoy annoy poison poison rejoice rejoice oily oily choice choice

81 Dipthongs oi, oy Dipthongs oi, oy poison, rejoice, enjoy, oily, destroy, annoy, choice, oyster, royal, avoid oy oy oi oi enjoy enjoy destroy destroy annoy annoy oyster oyster poison poison rejoice rejoice oily oily choice choice

82 Dipthongs oi, oy Dipthongs oi, oy poison, rejoice, enjoy, oily, destroy, annoy, choice, oyster, royal, avoid oy oy oi oi enjoy enjoy destroy destroy annoy annoy oyster oyster royal royal poison poison rejoice rejoice oily oily choice choice

83 Dipthongs oi, oy Dipthongs oi, oy poison, rejoice, enjoy, oily, destroy, annoy, choice, oyster, royal, avoid oy oy oi oi enjoy enjoy destroy destroy annoy annoy oyster oyster royal royal poison poison rejoice rejoice oily oily choice choice avoid avoid

84 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Vocabulary Words special pressing branches picnic angry fingers clung tantrum scent fierce

85 Vocabulary Words Do these sentences make sense or are they nonsense? She made a handprint in the clay by pressing down very hard. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is a special sandwich you usually eat for lunch. Because I clung very hard to my hat, it blew away in the wind. Max was so angry with Pete that he thanked him. We hung a birdhouse in the branches of the tree. Let’s take our dinner outside and have a picnic. I put wool socks on my feet to keep my fingers warm.

86 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Spelling Words too clue new juice fruit drew blue flew true cruise cool nephew suit shampoo spoon

87 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Word Family Words last real shape share star

88 Homographs Homographs are words that are spelled the same but have different pronunciations and meanings. Homographs are often pronounced differently too.

89 Homographs bow – –A knot that has loops – –The act of bending the head or body – –Mom put a bow in my hair. – –The dances took a bow when we clapped.

90 Homographs wind – –A strong wind knocked over our garbage pail. – –I must wind my watch every day. – –A mass of moving air – –To tighten the spring of a machine

91 Daily Fix-It sam is marys nephew sam is marys nephew Sam is Mary’s nephew. Sam is Mary’s nephew. a fact can be pove a fact can be pove A fact can be proved. A fact can be proved.

92 Adverbs that Tell How An adverb tells more about a verb. Some adverbs tell how an action is done. Adverbs that tell how usually end in –ly.

93 Adverbs that Tell How Think of adverbs that tell how Helen did each of these actions the day of the big storm. breathed sat touched waited

94 Wrap Up Your Day! Fact and Opinion Fluency Let’s Talk About It Tomorrow they will learn about something that is all around them but they cannot see.

95 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Wednesday Journal Topic Write a descriptive paragraph about wind.

96 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Thursday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about wind. It’s true that wind helps kites and balloons fly, but wind can also be spooky. When can wind be frightening?

97 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Thursday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about wind. It’s true that wind helps kites and balloons fly, but wind can also be spooky. When can wind be frightening?

98 Today we will learn about: Vowel patterns oo, ue, ew, ui Adverbs That Tell How Speaking Well

99 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Amazing Words condition predict terrifying breeze whip sparkle funnel swirl

100 Sentence Reading We found the very old book downtown. We will look around together, even though you did too. Did you learn to play football with the scout troop? The brown sugar for the pudding was gone. Look how often they push and pull that cart. How many pieces of fruit did you put down there?

101 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Spelling Words too clue new juice fruit drew blue flew true cruise cool nephew suit shampoo spoon

102 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Word Family Words last real shape share star



105 Daily Fix-It the wind blue down a tree? the wind blue down a tree? The wind blew down a tree. The wind blew down a tree. did pam go home today did pam go home today Did Pam go home today? Did Pam go home today?

106 Adverbs that Tell How An adverb tells more about a verb. Some adverbs tell how an action is done. Adverbs that tell how usually end in –ly.

107 Speaking Well SpeakersListeners Be expressive. Be expressive. Use complete sentences. Use complete sentences. Avoid vocal pauses and repetitive words. Avoid vocal pauses and repetitive words. Use appropriate voice level. Use appropriate voice level. Sit quietly. Sit quietly. Face the speaker. Face the speaker. Listen to what the speaker says. Listen to what the speaker says.

108 Wrap Up Your Day! Making Connections Making Connections Let’s Talk About It Let’s Talk About It We have read about changes that occur in the natural world. Tomorrow we will learn more about this topic. We have read about changes that occur in the natural world. Tomorrow we will learn more about this topic.

109 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Thursday Journal Topic List sights and sounds List sights and sounds of a storm.

110 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Friday Morning Warm-Up This week we read about winter and wind. The weather affects us in both good and bad ways. Why is predicting the weather an important job?

111 Today we will learn about: Vowel Patterns oo, ue, ew, ui Vocabulary Words Amazing Words High-frequency Words Adverbs That Tell How Choosing Appropriate Reference Sources

112 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Amazing Words condition predict terrifying breeze whip sparkle funnel swirl

113 Vowel Patterns for /u/ He grew the fruit for this juice. Did the owl hoot when the wind blew? My new bruise was black and blue. The goose flew over the zoo.

114 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Spelling Words too clue new juice fruit drew blue flew true cruise cool nephew suit shampoo spoon

115 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Word Family Words last real shape share star

116 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Vocabulary Words special pressing branches picnic angry fingers clung tantrum scent fierce

117 Vocabulary Words pressing, angry, branches, fingers, special, picnic, clung Today is a ____ day.

118 Vocabulary Words pressing, angry, branches, fingers, special, picnic, clung Today is a special day. We will ___ and play.

119 Vocabulary Words pressing, angry, branches, fingers, special, picnic, clung Today is a special day. We will picnic and play. Under the ____ of a tree.

120 Vocabulary Words pressing, angry, branches, fingers, special, picnic, clung Today is a special day. We will picnic and play. Under the branches of a tree. Your five ___ tickle me!

121 Vocabulary Words pressing, angry, branches, fingers, special, picnic, clung Today is a special day. We will picnic and play. Under the branches of a tree. Your five fingers tickle me! It’s time to let the ___ ants be!

122 Vocabulary Words pressing, angry, branches, fingers, special, picnic, clung Today is a special day. We will picnic and play. Under the branches of a tree. Your five fingers tickle me! It’s time to let the angry ants be! We ___ to our basket, everyone.

123 Vocabulary Words pressing, angry, branches, fingers, special, picnic, clung Today is a special day. We will picnic and play. Under the branches of a tree. Your five fingers tickle me! It’s time to let the angry ants be! We clung to our basket, everyone. Why, it’s Fido, ___ to join the fun.

124 Vocabulary Words pressing, angry, branches, fingers, special, picnic, clung Today is a special day. We will picnic and play. Under the branches of a tree. Your five fingers tickle me! It’s time to let the angry ants be! We clung to our basket, everyone. Why, it’s Fido, pressing to join the fun.

125 Rhyming Words Today is a special day. We will picnic and play. Under the branches of a tree. Your five fingers tickle me! It’s time to let the angry ants be! We clung to our basket, everyone. Why, it’s Fido, pressing to join the fun.

126 Helen Keller & the Big Storm High Frequency Words gone learn often pieces though together very

127 Daily Fix-It who spill grape jooce on the rug who spill grape jooce on the rug Who spilled grape juice on the rug? Who spilled grape juice on the rug? jed filled to bottle with water jed filled to bottle with water Jed filled two bottles with water. Jed filled two bottles with water.

128 Adverbs that Tell How An adverb tells more about a verb. Some adverbs tell how an action is done. Adverbs that tell how usually end in –ly.

129 Reference Sources There are many different reference sources and that each is used for a special reason. There is often more than one source that can be used to find information on a subject, such as using an encyclopedia and the internet to find information about a famous person from history.

130 Reference Sources If you want to check the spelling of a word, look in a dictionary or use spell-check on your computer. You can also use the thesaurus on your computer if you are looking for a different word to use. If you want to find out about certain people or places, use an encyclopedia or search on the Internet. You can get information about places in an atlas, which has maps you can use to locate places.

131 Wrap Up Your Week! Let’s Talk About Our Changing World

132 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Friday Journal Topic Write about a weather forecast.

133 We are now ready to take our story tests. Story test – –Classroom webpage, – –Student page, – –Taking Tests AR – –Other Reading Quizzes – –Quiz # 904623

134 Science Leveled Readers Earth’s Weather Earth’s Weather Earth’s Weather Earth’s Weather Earth’s Weather & Seasons Earth’s Weather & Seasons Earth’s Weather & Seasons Earth’s Weather & Seasons How Clouds Are Made How Clouds Are Made How Clouds Are Made How Clouds Are Made Hurricanes & Tornadoes Hurricanes & Tornadoes Hurricanes & Tornadoes Hurricanes & Tornadoes

135 Helen Keller & the Big Storm Related Links United Streaming Helen Keller Helen KellerHelen Keller Between The Lions Videos Homophones Homophones Helen Keller Video clips Helen Keller Video clips Fact and Opinion Game Fact and Opinion Game

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