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Ch. 1 Leading A Healthy Life Health and Wellness.

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1 Ch. 1 Leading A Healthy Life Health and Wellness

2 Objectives Describe each of the six components of health State the importance of striving for optimal health Describe four influences on wellness Describe three ways to take charge of your wellness

3 Key Terms Health: the state of well being in which all of the components of health- physical, emotional, social, mental, spiritual, and environmental are in balance Value: a strong belief or ideal Wellness: the achievement of a person’s best in all six components of health Health literacy: knowledge of health information needed to make good choices about your health

4 Six Components of Health Being healthy is much more than being physically fit and free from disease. Health is the state of well-being in which all of the components of health are in balance Components of health 1.Physical 2.Emotional 3.Social 4.Mental 5.Spiritual 6.environmental To be truly healthy, you must take care of all six components

5 Physical Health The way your body functions Includes: – eating right – getting regular exercise – being at your recommended body weight – Avoiding drugs, tobacco, and alcohol – Being free of disease and sickness

6 Emotional Health Expressing your emotions in a positive, nondestructive way Cope with unpleasant emotions and not get overwhelmed by them Asking for support when needed

7 Social Health The quality of your relationships with friends, family, teachers, and others you are in contact with Respects others Stays clear of those who do not treat him or her with respect and tolerance Has supportive relationships Expresses needs to others

8 Mental Health The ability to recognize reality and cope with the demands of daily life Having high self esteem, which is feeling comfortable and happy about yourself Free of mental illness Phobia is irrational and excessive fear of something, such as a fear of heights

9 Spiritual Health Maintaining harmonious relationships with other living things and having direction ad purpose. Means different things to different people Has a sense of purpose in life Living according to one’s ethics, morals, and values A value is a strong belief or ideal Live in harmony with your environment At peace with yourself and those around you

10 Environmental Health The environment is made up of the living and nonliving things in your world including air, water, and land. Environmental health is keeping your air and water clean, your food safe, and the land around you enjoyable and safe. Has a clean and uncrowded living space Recycles used paper, glass products, and aluminum

11 Wellness: Striving for Optimal Health Being healthy is defined as the balance of all the components of health Wellness is the achievement of a person’s best in all six components of health Unrealistic to think that a person could achieve complete wellness all of the time Wellness continuum – Neither completely healthy nor completely unhealthy – People who can cope with their emotions, have healthy relationships, and make smart decisions probably fall near optimal wellness – People who eat poorly, engage in health risk behaviors, never exercise, and are unhappy probably fall closer to the illness side

12 Influences on Your Wellness 1.Hereditary Influences – Heredity is the traits you inherit from your parents 2.Social Influences – Health is influenced by the relationships you have with other people – Positive and Negative influences 3.Cultural Influences – Culture is the values, beliefs, and practices shared by people that have a common background – Strong influence on you health 4.Environmental Influences – Your surroundings, the area where you live, and all the things you have contact with – Pollutants, safety regulations, and the availability and use of medical care – Government enforces air and water quality regulations – Also maintains safety regulations

13 Taking Charge of Your Wellness 3 Ways you can take care of your health 1.Through your knowledge 2.Through your lifestyle 3.Through your attitude

14 Knowledge Health Literacy is the knowledge of health information needed to make good choices about your health Keep up with current health issues Parents, teachers, healthcare providers, library are good resources

15 Lifestyle Make behavioral changes in your lifestyle Put knowledge into action Exercise regularly always wear a seat belt eat healthy and nutritious foods

16 Attitude A person’s way of thinking, or attitude, greatly affects that person’s health Have a positive attitude Feel good about yourself by having a positive self esteem Self esteem is a person’s confidence, pride, and self respect.

17 Taking charge of your wellness will help you lead a healthy life. Leading a healthy life is about balancing the six components of health. Getting the best out of each component of health has a lot to do with the choices you make and the actions you take. The good news is that you have the power to make the right choices and live life to its fullest

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