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LAGUNA-LBNO GENERAL MEETING DESY, HAMBURG, FEBRUARY 2013 Very preliminary investigations for additional Northern sites for LAGUNA-LBNO (Scandinavia) Guido.

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Presentation on theme: "LAGUNA-LBNO GENERAL MEETING DESY, HAMBURG, FEBRUARY 2013 Very preliminary investigations for additional Northern sites for LAGUNA-LBNO (Scandinavia) Guido."— Presentation transcript:

1 LAGUNA-LBNO GENERAL MEETING DESY, HAMBURG, FEBRUARY 2013 Very preliminary investigations for additional Northern sites for LAGUNA-LBNO (Scandinavia) Guido Nuijten Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 1

2 General: Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 2 1.In general there is very little information publicly available about Mines in Scandinavia (compared to Mines in Finland) 2.The preliminary investigation report about possible sites in Scandinavia is indeed very preliminary and to understand better the possibilities of the Mines in Sweden one must organise site visits and open discussions with the owners or companies running the Mine. 3.Most of the Swedish Mines have full production and within the near future there are no signs of ending or reducing production.

3 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CERN PROTVINO PYHÄSALMI 10



6 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 6 Zinkgruvan 2 4 6 7 8 9 CERN PROTVINO PYHÄSALMI 10 3 5

7 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 7 The Zinkgruvan Zink & Copper mine is located approximately 200 km south west of Stockholm in south-central Sweden. Mine access is currently via three shafts. A ramp connecting the underground workings with surface provides vehicle access direct to the mine. The deepest mine level is now at 1,130 m below surface. Expected time life is +10 years. Distance from CERN only 1530 km. Zinkgruvan

8 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 8 4 6 7 8 9 CERN PROTVINO PYHÄSALMI 10 1 Garpenberg 3 5

9 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 9 The Garpenberg silver and base metals operation is wholly owned by New Boliden. Located near Hedemora, in the historic Bergslagen mining district of central Sweden, the two mines and common concentrator at Garpenberg comprise the smallest of Boliden’s mining areas. The polymetallic mineralisation worked by the original Garpenberg mine is complex, with varying amounts and proportions of zinc, lead, copper and precious metals. The steeply dipping orebody at Garpenberg North is regarded as a zinc deposit with silver and lead. Here, the orebody widens at depth and extends over an 8,000m² area on the 630, 720 and 800m levels. Garpenberg has remained a shaft hoisting operation, No decline from surface. The mine added a ramp access below the shafts. The 1,000m was reached level in January 1999. Present level to be understood at 1240m Expected life time is many years. Production now 1,1Mt, reserve at least 13Mt, expected to increase. Distance from CERN only 1730 km. Rock quality around the ore is understood to be very weak with large deformations. Garpenberg

10 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 10 4 6 7 8 9 CERN PROTVINO PYHÄSALMI 10 1 Kristineberg 2 5

11 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 11 One of the deepest mines in Sweden with mining at 1100 meters and operations below 1250m. The oldest mine operating in the area. The polymetallic ore contains zinc, copper, lead, gold/silver & gold/copper. The mine is mainly extracted using the cut-and-fill (backfill) method. Coordinates: 65°4'0"N 18°34'2"E, 130km west of Skellefteå. Severe ground conditions that the Mine was experiencing. The host rock is a schistose seritic quartzite. The rock immediately adjacent to the ore body are highly altered, often very with schists up to 3m in thickness. Dense rock support is necessary to maintain stability. Efficient, mechanized support technology is necessary to reduce costs and maintain reasonable production capacity. Distance from CERN 2230 km (nearly ideal) Also church underground (at shallow depth). Kristineberg has a concentrator at site. Only a short decline (non confirmed). Kristineberg jRA6uhJqcE&hl=fi&sa=X&ei=lCv1UM-xBsftsgbA94GQDA&sqi=2&ved=0CEEQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=kristineberg%20mine&f=false

12 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 12 6 7 8 9 CERN PROTVINO PYHÄSALMI 10 1 Björkdal 2 3 5

13 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 13 Biggest goldmine in Northern Europe. Owner Elgin Mining Inc. Production 1,3Mt ore (about 1 gram of gold per ton) Location 40km west of Skellefteå Mainly open pit excavation (50 ha). Around 25 km of tunnels on 9 different levels. Deepest level 305m below surface (very shallow). Distance from CERN 2270km (nearly ideal) Björkdal

14 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 14 3 4 6 7 8 9 CERN PROTVINO PYHÄSALMI 10 1 Kallak 2

15 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 15 Exploration Company Beowulf, listed on the share market, has officially received approval for its test exploration in Kallak North project in Norrbotton. (dated 17/10/2012) The Kallak Iron Deposit is one of the largest unexploted Iron ore deposits in Sweden. The Kallak north and Kallak south prospects were identified by the Geological Survey of Sweden in the 1940s. In the late 1960s the SGU identified Kallak north as containing 92 million tonnes of ore and Kallak south as containing 29 million tonnes of ore at a grade of roughly 35%.Iron oreGeological Survey of Sweden Beowulf Mining acquired the Kallak north licence in 2006, and a drill program conducted in 2010 has found at least 175 Mt of Iron at an average grade of 30%. Beowulf acquired the Kallak south licence from Tasman Metals Limited in mid 2010. Beowulf MiningTasman Metals Limited An ongoing drill program has shown Kallak south to contain at least 400 million tonnes of Iron at an average grade of 30% No (deep) mining activities yet, nor (deep) existing infrastructure obviously present. Kallak (in Kvikkjokk)

16 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 16 4 7 8 9 CERN PROTVINO PYHÄSALMI 10 1 Malmberget 2 3 5

17 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 17 Owned by LKAB (Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara AB (AB = Ltd)), 100% owned by the Swedish State. Mine explored by sublevel caving Sublevel caving is known for its very large deformations around the mining area and massive changes in the rock stress conditions. See also this example at Malmberget. The whole village of Malmberget has been relocated and will be for another time in the future. If any LAGUNA cavern is to be located at this Mine, it must be situated more than 2 km away from the ore body, creating long distances (both horizontally and vertically from the surface to the site. Malmberget is in full production, using full time its underground infrastructure, making it difficult to excavate any LAGUNA caverns without interfering the production of the Mine. All excavated rock for LAGUNA must be transported to the surface, as there is no back fill. Location of Malmberget north of Swedish Lapland, i.e. long distances to public infrastructure (airport etc.), but it has a rail connection to the harbor of Luleå. Distance to CERN 2480 km. Malmberget

18 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 18 Sublevel caving Main principles

19 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 19 4 6 8 9 CERN PROTVINO PYHÄSALMI 10 1 Kiirunavaara 2 3 5

20 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 20 Like Malmberg owned by LKAB (the K in LKAB referring to Kiirunavaara) Like Malmberg sublevel caving with large deformations around the Mine Like Malmberg the village of Kiiruna is relocated. Like Malmberg, full production 25Mton, to be increased up to 35 Mt. Kiirunavaara is a mountain in Kiiruna, Sweden that contains the biggest bodies of iron ore in the world. The Swedish mining company LKAB has been mining the mountain since the beginning of the 20th century. Depth of Mine 1065m, to be 1365m in 2017. Location of Malmberg north of Swedish Lapland, i.e. long distances to public infrastructure (airport etc.), but it has a rail connection to the harboe of Luleå. Distance to CERN 2530 km. Kiirunavaara

21 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 21 4 6 7 9 CERN PROTVINO PYHÄSALMI 10 1 Kaunisvaara 2 3 5

22 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 22 Located near the Swedish Finnish border. There are large magnetite (iron ore) deposits in this area; Northland Resources began constructing the first mine in December 2011. Ore production was expected to begin in 2012, with annual iron ore production reaching 12 million tonnes by 2014. Reserves are estimated at 176 million tonnes. Mining just in its early stage, no underground infrastructure present. Distance to CERN 2550 km Kaunisvaara


24 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 24 4 6 7 8 CERN PROTVINO PYHÄSALMI 10 1 Løkken 2 3 5

25 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 25 The ore findings at Løkken Verk were originally about 30,000,000 tonnes (33,000,000 tons), and was the largest resource of copper sulfide in Norway Mine is closed since 1987 after 333 years of operation. Nowadays a museum and underground concert and theatre in the Fagerli Cavern. (ORKLA Industrimuseum, Torfinn Bjørnaas plass 2, 7332 Løkken Verk) Remote village, only 987 inhabitants. Distance from Trondheim 65km. Distance from CERN about 2100 km Løkken

26 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 26 4 6 7 8 9 CERN PROTVINO PYHÄSALMI 1 Kongsberg 2 3 5

27 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 27 Silver Mines in Norway. In continuous operation until 1958. Nowadays a museum, entrance in the mine by train. Location 85km west from Oslo. The bottom of the mine is 1070 metres below the surface. Distance from CERN about 1800 km Kongsberg


29 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 29 Preliminary conclusions Dist. to CERN (km) depth (m) statusrock conditionspresent underground infrastructure Zinkgruvan15301130active + full productionunknown3 shafts + ramp Garpenberg17301240active + full productionvery weak with large deformationsshafts, but no decline from surface Kristineberg22301350 active + full production, also church underground (at shallow depth) Severe ground conditions, dense rock support needed at least 2 shafts, probably only a short decline (to be verified) Björkdal2270305active + full productionmainly open pit, rock unknownnone Kallak2400 nonejust beginningmainly open pit, rock unknownnone Malmberg2480unknown active + full production (possible show stopper for any Laguna) sublevel caving, creating extremely difficult conditions around the ore body shafts + drifts (ramp unknown) Kiirunavaara25301065 active + full production (possible show stopper for any Laguna) sublevel caving, creating extremely difficult conditions around the ore body shafts + drifts (ramp unknown) Kaunisvaara2550 nonejust beginningmainly open pit, rock unknownnone Løkken2100unknown closed, now museum, theatre and concert hall unknownprobably ramp to museum and theatre Kongsberg18001070closed, now museumunknownramp (train connection into the mountain)

30 Guido Nuijten 25.2.2013 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CERN PROTVINO PYHÄSALMI 10

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