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Soroptimist International Founded October 3, 1921 Oakland, California, USA From Roots to Wings.

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Presentation on theme: "Soroptimist International Founded October 3, 1921 Oakland, California, USA From Roots to Wings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soroptimist International Founded October 3, 1921 Oakland, California, USA From Roots to Wings

2 Who Is this man?

3 Founding Members


5 Rebecca Ward West

6 Early Soroptimist Projects Established Girls & Boys Clubs in Area Schools Vocational Training for Ex-servicemen Grove of Redwoods in California


8 1927 Clubs met to establish the International Federation of Soroptimist Clubs Purchased the charter and title to club from Stuart Morrow for $5,500 1928 Divided into the American and European Federations under Soroptimist International Association

9 Soroptimist International Association of Europe divides into SI Great Britain & Ireland SI Europe 1934


11 1945-1948 Emerging from World War II, the United Nations was founded in New York. Soroptimist International Association wished to become a recognized NGO with the UN. 1948 saw the merging of the two Associations to one Soroptimist International organization with one central governing board.

12 Soroptimist International United Nations Non-Governmental Organization General Consultative Status ECOSOC

13 Soroptimist and the United Nations Population and Development Habitat UNICEF Executive Board;Working Group on Women & Girls; Working Group on Children in Exceptional Circumstances UNIFEM Status of Women; Women’s Health Sustainable Development/Social Development UN High Commission on Refugees UN High Commission on Human Rights Economic & Social Council World Health Organization UN Industrial Development Organization NGO Commission on the Family CONCO - Conference on Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Status with the U.N.

14 Soroptimist U.N. NGO Representative Anne Yedowitz New York Geneva Vienna Paris Rome Nairobi

15 1978 Soroptimist International of Southwest Pacific founded Creating our fourth of four Federations

16 Soroptimist International SI Americas SI Great Britain & Ireland SI Europe SI Southwest Pacific Soroptimist International 20 countries 29 countries 24 countries 13 countries SI President Yvonne Simpson

17 SI Americas 20 Countries 1,300 Clubs 31,000 Members

18 SI Great Britain & Ireland 29 Countries 355 Clubs 8,000 Members

19 SI Europe 24 Countries 1,255 Clubs 35,000 Members

20 SI Southwest Pacific 13 Countries 80 Clubs 1,537 Members

21 Soroptimist International of the Americas SIA has more than 1,300 clubs in 20 countries and territories. The Federation is divided into 28 Separate Regions

22 Soroptimist International of the Americas SIA President 2015-16 Susan “Sam” Buchenau SIA President-Elect 2015-2016 Rosemary Reid Secretary-Treasurer 2015-16 Sue Riney Executive Director Elizabeth M. Lucas 27 Staff Members Plus 11 SIA Board of Directors

23 SIA Headquarters Philadelphia, PA

24 SIA Programs Benefiting Women & Girls Live Your Dream Training Awards for Women Dream It, Be It: Career Support for Girls Soroptimists STOP Trafficking Workplace Campaign to End Domestic Violence Soroptimist Club Grants for Women & Girls

25 1976 SIA’s Southwestern Region divides into Founder Region Sierra Pacific Region Sierra Nevada Region Burn the Boundaries Open Board Meetings

26 Sierra Nevada Region 56 Clubs

27 Sierra Nevada Region Officers & Directors Governor Jackie DeMartini Governor-Elect Vicki Watson Secretary Lane Parks Treasurer Pam Greever District II Tania Garcia-Cadena District III Barbara Smiley District IV Veronica Gonzalez District V Noel Trim District VI Susan Stople District I Sherry Hoyer 2014 – 2016

28 Governor Jackie DeMartini Governor-Elect Vicki Watson Secretary Lane Parks Treasurer Pam Greever Director Noel Trim Soroptimist International of the Americas Sierra Nevada Region

29 Sierra Nevada Region Programs & Projects Opportunities for Girls Dream It, Be It: Career Support for Girls S Clubs Opportunities for Women Live Your Dream Fellowship Grants Soroptimist Ruby Award Region Projects Baja Women’s Clinic Adopt a Landmine Field Camp Ronald McDonald Amphitheater H.E.A.R.T. Africa Club Grants/ Endowment To benefit Women's or Girls’ Projects

30 Soroptimist International of Truckee Meadows Chartered October 23, 1978

31 Poinsettia Sales Night at the Theater Piano Concert at UNR “Journey for Survival” fundraising film Reno Air Races Raffle of a Booze Barrel Spring Fling + Raffle Arts & Authors (and Autos) Libby Booth Wish Fund Garage Sales Christmas Watch Sales Pass-the-hat Sale of Ice Cream at Reno Towne Faire Some previous SITM Fundraising Endeavors

32 Nancy Gomes Scholarship Training Awards Program Youth Citizenship Awards Youth Forum Women Helping Women Adopt a Park Clean up Step 2 House Preparation March of Dimes Telethon Senior Center Holiday Decorations, TV & Couch Senior Daybreak Recliner Holiday Hello Photos for seniors Some previous SITM Service Projects Habitat for Humanity Home Building

33 SITM Current Projects & Scholarships Women’s Scholarships Nancy Gomes Mary Gojack Jack Simon Live Your Dream Awards Youth Projects Thanks to Youth Recognition Youth Scholarships Libby Booth Elementary School Dream It; Be It Career Support Girls Dormitory & Scholarships in Nepal Senior Gift Deliveries Community Donations Making a Difference for Women

34 1995 The Rotary Decision 1976 began a 20-year journey to admit women Clubs admitting women lost their charters Court cases and appeals until 1987 Finally Rotary voted to admit women July 1, 1995 What did this mean to Soroptimist?

35 Expand your horizons beyond our club April 29 – May 1– SNR Conference Atlantis - Reno, Nevada July 9-10 – Soroptimist Develop. Retreat Atlantis – Reno, Nevada July 20-23 – 41 st Biennial SIA Convention Walt Disney World – Orlando, FL

36 Soroptimist International Founded October 3, 1921 Oakland, California, USA From Roots to Wings


38 Sierra Nevada Region Soroptimist International of the Americas

39 Camp Stage Dedication September 23, 2006

40 Camp Stage Dedication September 23, 2006


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