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SLA WCC Annual Meeting November 17, 2015 8:30 a.m. Pacific 9:30 a.m. Mountain 10:30 a.m. Central time.

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Presentation on theme: "SLA WCC Annual Meeting November 17, 2015 8:30 a.m. Pacific 9:30 a.m. Mountain 10:30 a.m. Central time."— Presentation transcript:

1 SLA WCC Annual Meeting November 17, 2015 8:30 a.m. Pacific 9:30 a.m. Mountain 10:30 a.m. Central time

2 Agenda o Call to Order o Welcome and Regrets o Adoption of Agenda o Approval of 2014 AGM Minutes o Annual Reports o Awards Presentation o Nominations and Elections o Incoming President’s remarks o New Business o Announcements o Motion to Adjourn o

3 o Adoption of the Agenda o Approval of the Minutes of the 2014 Annual General Meeting: November 18, 2014 Agenda

4 Chapter Finances Treasurer, Helen Roytblat 2015 AGM

5 Current Account Balance (As of November 17, 2015) TD Canada Trust Chequing Account Balance $12,852.91

6 Income by Category (As of November 17, 2015) 20152014 Dues Allotment2,885.04(USD$2,224.31)2,348.59 (USD$2,246.38) Meeting Income2,298.282,550.56 Sponsorship650.002,824.54 Interest Income5.323.76 Misc. Income0.28236.32 Total$5,838.92%7,963.77

7 Expenses by Category (As of November 17, 2015) 20152014 Programming 1,374.59 3,229.94 Telecom Services 51.88 110.48 Awards/Scholarships 51.89 90.80 Executive Expenses 2,235.5 1,810.84 Total $3,713.86 $5,242.06

8 Income Less Expenses (As of November 17, 2015) 20152014 Total Income5,838.927,963.77 Total Expenses 3,713.86 5,242.06 Difference$2,125.06$2,812.51

9 Communications Communications Director Bronwyn Guiton

10 Channels leveraged by the Communications Chair in 2015 Listservs: Board-only -- All-members -- Website: Social media: LinkedIn group -- SLA Western Canada Chapter Twitter -- @slawcc

11 Social media stats LinkedIn Group: increase of 43 members Twitter: increase of 105 followers Flickr: account deleted in early 2015 201520142013 LinkedIn Group258215179 @slawcc364259192

12 Website stats: Visitors

13 Website stats: using Google Analytics & AWstats 201520142013 Average visits per month26522608 Average pageviews per month10 38311 928 Average unique visitors per month 925664 Average sessions per month960 Source of statisticsGoogleAWstats

14 Website stats: where visitors are coming from 46% -- Organic Search -- via and other search engines 42% -- Direct -- no traceable referral source, such as typing our URL into an address bar or using a browser bookmark 9% -- Referral -- via another website by clicking on a link 3% -- Other

15 Website stats: what visitors want 11,525 sessions over the last 12 months (average of 960/month) 79% of those 11,525 sessions started on or went directly to just one specific page 79% started on our Jobs Listings page, or went directly there from the home page

16 Suggested Communications goals for 2016 Continue to effectively leverage all communication channels to promote SLA WCC events Proactively touch base with each board member within the first month to confirm they know how and where to login to their SLA WCC email Proactively explore and update website content Learn more about Google Analytics in order to better leverage the information we have about our website and users

17 Bulletin: Wired West Edited by Dawn Bassett 1 issue published Submissions always welcome!

18 Bulletin: Wired West Information for each issue President’s message Chapter and SLA News Articles, topics, highlights, reviews Information on new members

19 Discussion List Managed by Alex McNeur 338 active members (decrease of 35 since last year’s AGM) 15 new members 25 unsubscribed members 24 "bad" email addresses

20 2015 Year In Review President, Suzanne McBeath

21 Membership (As of November 2015) Membership Chair: Megan Siu Chapter membership (active)147 o BC83 o AB41 o SK7 o MB 7 o Yukon 2 o NWT & Nunavut0 o Other provinces 5 o U.S. 2

22 Services to Members o Professional Development and Networking o Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton o Employment Listings o Discussion List o Wired West Bulletin

23 Sponsors for 2015 o AndorNot Consulting o Year end event o Knovel/Elsevier o Calgary Mini-Conference event

24 Thank you … SLA 2015 Board Officers President-Elect: Lindsay Tripp Past President: Adrian Mitescu Secretary: Philip Wolfart Treasurer: Helen Roytblat Communications: Bronwyn Guiton

25 Thank you… SLA 2015 Board Officers Vancouver Director: CarolynSoltau Vancouver Island Director: Iona M. Reid Edmonton Director:Stephanie Benger Calgary Director: Sarah Gustafson Manitoba Director: Judy Inglis Saskatchewan Director:Catherine Young

26 Thank you… SLA 2015 Committee Chairs Archives:S. Vinny Gibson Bulletin Editor: Dawn Bassett Discussion List: Alex McNeur Employment: Catherine Alderson Membership: Megan Siu Student Representatives: Cecilia Rose, Caitlin Donaldson, Kelsi Proulx

27 Thank you! Venues Provided by … Teck Resources Langara Husky Energy

28 Outstanding Information Professional Award Awards Committee Adrian Mitescu (Chair)

29 Outstanding Information Professional Award Richard Matiachuk is the SLA Western Canada Chapter’s 2015 Outstanding Information Professional

30 Richard Matiachuk: 2015 Outstanding Information Professional Richard has worked tirelessly to support the profession and the local information professionals' community, by serving on the Board of the Chapter (two years in a row as a President!), enthusiastically volunteering his time to organize activities at the 2014 SLA Annual Conference and has represented the Chapter at library school events throughout Lower Mainland For his efforts to further raise the profile of the Chapter and his dedication to the profession, the Western Canada Chapter of SLA is pleased to recognize Richard as the 2015 Outstanding Information Professional.

31 Nominations & Election of Officers Nominations Chair: Adrian Mitescu Committee members:

32 Nominations 2016 President Elect:Bronwyn Guiton Secretary: Irena Trebic Manitoba Director:Philip Wolfart Communications:Megan Sorenson Vancouver Island Director:Patricia McKenna

33 Continuing Officers President:Lindsay Tripp Past President: Suzanne McBeath Treasurer: Helen Roytblat Vancouver Director: Carolyn Soltau Edmonton Director:Stephanie Benger Calgary Director:Sarah Gustafson Saskatchewan Director:Catherine Young

34 Further Nominations and Voting

35 “Passing of the Gavel”

36 Incoming President’s Remarks

37 New Business

38 2016 Board Officers President: Lindsay Tripp President-Elect: Bronwyn Guiton Past-President: Suzanne McBeath Treasurer: Helen Roytblat Secretary: Irena Trebic Communications: Megan Sorenson

39 2016 Board Officers Calgary Director: Sarah Gustafson Edmonton Director:Stephanie Benger Manitoba Director:Phillip Wolfart Saskatchewan Director:Catherine Young Vancouver Director:Carolyn Soltau Vancouver Island Director: Patricia McKenna

40 2016 Committee Chairs Archives:Vacant Bulletin Editor: Dawn Bassett Discussion List: Vacant Employment: Catherine Alderson Membership: Megan Siu Student Liaison: Vacant Student Representative(s):Blaze Capdecoume & Christina West (Langara), Cecilia Rose(UBC)

41 Announcements

42 Motion to Adjorn

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