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 Consciousness doesn’t let itself to easy definition.  If you’re aware of what is going on around you right now and you’re aware of yourself as a person,

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2  Consciousness doesn’t let itself to easy definition.  If you’re aware of what is going on around you right now and you’re aware of yourself as a person, you’re experiencing consciousness.  Consciousness is not a thing therefore the best way to describe it is to experience it.

3  Imagine that you’re walking home from school  Suddenly you hear a dog barking. Lips laid back, fangs gleaming, the brute runs directly toward you.  Your senses instantly send data to the brain about the sight, sound and smell of the onrushing animal.  Your brain interprets the incoming data and triggers a flurry mental and physical response.

4  Your conscious mind calculates the danger.  How best can I handle this situation?  Should I run or stay and fight?  Past experiences with other dogs, your chances of picking up a weapon, your position relative to safety-  the brain instantly evaluates all of these.  With in split seconds, you’re ready to make your decision.

5  The Conscious mind calculates the danger  The brain instantly evaluates all of these thoughts you are processing.  Within split seconds, you are ready to make your decision.

6  At the same time, a part of tour mind that lies outside your awareness, the unconscious, is also at work.  Long forgotten reactions to other dogs and other dangers remain in the unconscious and exert a powerful influence on the conscious mind.  You won’t be directly aware of the existence of the deeply buried memories.  Nevertheless, practically all human behaviors are affected in some way by the experiences stored away in the unconscious.

7  Long forgotten reactions to other experiences remain in the unconscious and exert a powerful influence on the conscious mind.

8  Meanwhile, the brain has also altered your autonomic nervous system.  This network of nerves operates without your awareness.  It regulates such vital activities as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, digestion and hormone production.  When danger threatens, the autonomic nervous system prepares your body for the emergency by shutting down some systems and activating others.  Digestion for example, will stop while your heartbeat will quicken and muscle will receive extra supplies of sugar.  Once you’ve decided what to do, your body will be prepared to carry out your orders.

9  Meanwhile, the brain has also altered your autonomic nervous system.  This network of nerves operates without your awareness.  It regulates such vital activities as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, digestion and hormone production.  When danger threatens, the autonomic nervous system prepares your body for the emergency by shutting down some systems and activating others.  Digestion for example, will stop while your heartbeat will quicken and muscle will receive extra supplies of sugar.  Once you’ve decided what to do, your body will be prepared to carry out your orders.

10  Luckily your consciousness doesn’t need to remain so intensely alert at all times. You’ve probably realized that already that you can think about Friday’s dance, chew gum at the same time.  For maximum efficiency, how ever, you must bring yourself to full alertness. This means to concentrate your consciousness on the problem or activity at hand.

11 1. Explain in your own words what conscious mind is and give an example. 2. Explain in your own words what the Unconscious mind is and give an example. 3. Explain in your own words what the Autonomic Nervous System is and give an example.

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