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SARCOPENIC-OBESITY AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE RISK IN THE ELDERLY The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging 2009.11 Pf. 진상욱 /R2. 최하나.

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Presentation on theme: "SARCOPENIC-OBESITY AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE RISK IN THE ELDERLY The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging 2009.11 Pf. 진상욱 /R2. 최하나."— Presentation transcript:

1 SARCOPENIC-OBESITY AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE RISK IN THE ELDERLY The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging 2009.11 Pf. 진상욱 /R2. 최하나

2 Introduction  Sarcopenic-obesity – Reduced skeletal muscle mass – Increased adiposity  Within the elderly, obesity, particularly abdominal and visceral obesity  Insulin resistance  Type 2 diabetes  Dyslipidemia  Cardiovascular disease (CVD)  Low muscle mass and strength  CVD risk factors : arterial stiffness, glucose intolerance, metabolic syndrome

3  Purpose 1) whether sarcopenic-obesity is a stronger predictor of cardiovascular disease (CVD) than either sarcopenia or obesity alone in the elderly, 2) whether muscle mass or muscular strength is a stronger marker of CVD risk.

4 Methods  Study Sample  3366 community-dwelling older ( 65 years) men and women who were free of CVD at baseline.  Body Composition  Abdominal Obesity :Waist circumference (WC)  Sarcopenia  skeletal muscle mass (kg) = [Height2/R x 0.401) + (sex x 3.825) + (age x -0.071)] (R is BIA resistance)  skeletal muscle strength :Grip strength (kg)

5  Determination of Obesity and Sarcopenia Categories  Cardiovascular Disease  coronary heart disease (CHD)  congestive heart failure (CHF)  Stroke  Overall CVD  Covariates : age, sex, race, income, smoking, alcohol, and cognitive status.  Statistical Analyses : SAS software version 9.1 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC) Waist circum.Muscle massCategories low ~ modmod ~ highnormal Highmod~hignobese low ~ modLowsarcopenia highLowsarcopenic – obese

6 Results  Subject Characteristics

7  Cardiovascular Disease Risk Muscle mass Muscle strength 23%33%


9 Conclusion  Sarcopenia and obesity alone were not sufficient to increase CVD risk. Sarcopenic-obesity, based on muscle strength but not muscle mass, was modestly associated with increased CVD risk. These findings imply that strength may be more important than muscle mass for CVD protection in old age.

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