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Resources for the Future. The global business environment Shifts in forest supply Emerging products Forest goods and services Four key themes.

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Presentation on theme: "Resources for the Future. The global business environment Shifts in forest supply Emerging products Forest goods and services Four key themes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resources for the Future

2 The global business environment Shifts in forest supply Emerging products Forest goods and services Four key themes

3 1 The Global Business Environment Examining (1)forces such as changes in demography and consumption; (2)the emergence of the Green Economy; (3)growing resource scarcity, and (4)the rate of change in technology, society and the economy. What are the implications for forests?

4 The increase in importance of planted forests and forest restoration as a source of fibre. The increasing public hostility to the harvesting of natural and semi-natural forests. The increasing demands for more than wood from our forests What are the implications of these trends for research? 2 Shifts in forest supply

5 3 Emerging products: Including bio-products, engineered wood products and building systems. What are the consequences for forests?

6 4 Forest goods and services Identification of the portfolio of values that may be derived from forests and how payment schemes can be developed for these services. There is a need for research into valuation of FG&S especially on impacts to communities, the land base and the global economy; role of new and developing markets for FG&S and sources of funding.



9 August 27-30, 2013 Vancouver, Canada ca. 150 people Invited speakers Conference

10 Four areas: (i) Growing resource scarcity, (ii) Green economy (growing recognition of economic base for environmental and social aspects of forestry), (iii) key drivers of change, and) and rate of change (potential futurist), and (iv) response of forestry sector to global agreements on environment, trade. Potential speakers include Jane Lister, Don Roberts, David Pollard, Andy White. Day 1 (am): Global Business Environment

11 Including new building systems and bio-products Potential speakers: Jack Saddler, Michael Green, Mike May, Jean Hamel, Erol Karacabeyli, someone from VTT in Finland Day 1 (pm): Emerging products and transformative technologies

12 Goods and services (including private business and communities). Potential speakers include Clark Binkley, Caroline Mahommed, Shawn Mansfield, Dave Brand, Ian de la Roche, Rob de Fegely, Sven Wunder, Paul Morris Day 2: Trends in Forest Supply

13 (i)How do we relate to the private sector, which is likely to play an important role in forests (such as through public- private partnerships); (ii)how do we shift to provisioning services from forests and monetizing these services (like those set out in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment); (iii) there is a new business model emerging – what are the policy implications and is the research model appropriate?; (iv) collaboration and coordination with other sectors e.g. agriculture, environment, energy. Day 3: Synthesis – our role

14 October 2014 Session at IUFRO World Congress Multi-authored Book Final report

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