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Parish nursing......supporting people and communities towards whole-person health through the local church. Can also be called church-based nursing, pastoral.

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Presentation on theme: "Parish nursing......supporting people and communities towards whole-person health through the local church. Can also be called church-based nursing, pastoral."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parish nursing......supporting people and communities towards whole-person health through the local church. Can also be called church-based nursing, pastoral care nursing, faith community nursing, or health ministry.

2 What do Parish nurses do? April Home visits Clinic sessions at church Support self-care and personal health Health education with community groups Help to reduce hospital admissions and re- admissions Pray with people if they would like that Make referrals and signpost people to appropriate resources Train and Coordinate volunteers Promote healthy eating and exercise Make links with GP surgeries, voluntary agencies, and other health providers Encourage better use of the health services

3 Anglican Baptist Methodist Catholic Church of Scotland Independent Pentecostal Church in Wales Local Ecumenical Whole person health care... through the local church

4 Why should a church explore the concept of Parish Nursing? 1.Jesus sent people out to heal and to say that the Kingdom of God was near them: (Luke 10) 2.A parish nurse would help the church to reach people at their point of need, whether or not they currently attend a church 3.A parish nurse can offer spiritual care and pray with people if desired as well as offer practical advice. January 4

5 Why should a church explore the concept of Parish Nursing? 4.A Parish nurse would provide professional support, current medical knowledge when needed, and encouragement to the existing pastoral care team. 5.The NHS welcomes community based initiatives in health, including through faith groups 6.Parish nursing helps to signpost people to existing church and community activities January 5

6 What are people saying? Church-goer in rural Cambridgeshire: “Our parish nurse has been here for everyone, in sickness, health, death. Any issue you’d like to name, be it trouble, strife, changing people’s lives, our Parish Nurse has made such a difference”

7 What are people saying? GP Surgery: “We have very much appreciated the work of our Parish nurse. She has become a source of comfort and support to some of our most vulnerable patients and her combination of care, competence and humanity have been of immense value to patients at some of the hardest times in their lives”

8 What are people saying? Client: “I owe a huge debt of gratitude to our parish nurse, who supported me immensely when I had to face up to a potentially life- threatening situation not long after she joined us....she was always willing to answer questions and she always ended a visit by taking out her special parish nursing prayer book and adapting a prayer specially for me. These were very special moments.”

9 Costs are surprisingly small. Parish Nurses may offer voluntary or paid hours for one or two days a week alongside part-time NHS work, you can share a Parish Nurse with another church, and you can access grant funding. You would need to find about £1300 in the first year to cover training and setup costs and about £700 per year thereafter for updating, resourcing, professional support, and regional coordination. Pay rates would be between £12 and £15 per hour depending on experience January 9 Costs

10 November 10 We help churches of any denomination to begin a health ministry outreach through appointing a parish nurse to their ministry team. We will provide policies, job descriptions, sample budgets, the initial training, and advice to help you get started. We then provide continuing professional development, resources for practice, quality assurance advice for churches, regional coordination and professional networking. We want to see a parish nurse available through every church in the UK. So far there are 80 churches with Parish Nurses and we want to increase that to 160 by the end of 2017 Help us move towards that vision! Call the Parish Nurse!!

11 November 11 You can help by Praying for us Talking about us to people from other churches or nurses that you know Organising a fundraising event to help us grow Ensure that more churches can have parish nurses by becoming a friend of Parish Nursing Ministries UK and donating a small amount each month.

12 Jesus said I have come that they may have all its fullness Whole-person health care through any local church

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