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CAD & Rapid Prototyping by 3-Dimensional Printing (3DP TM ) Jordan Medeiros Stephanie Silberstein Hannah Yun.

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Presentation on theme: "CAD & Rapid Prototyping by 3-Dimensional Printing (3DP TM ) Jordan Medeiros Stephanie Silberstein Hannah Yun."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAD & Rapid Prototyping by 3-Dimensional Printing (3DP TM ) Jordan Medeiros Stephanie Silberstein Hannah Yun

2 Three Dimensional Printing  Process under development at MIT  Builds parts in layers from a CAD model  Offers flexibility MIT Three Dimensional Printing Laboratory

3 Project Ideas  Nastic Movement  reversible/repeatable movements in plants  Viscoelastic Structures  stress induced is proportional to the rate of strain in the material  Cellular Solids  lightweight materials with unusual physical properties (strength, temperature, etc.)

4 Main Goals: Success?  “Master” SolidWorks  Development of functional model  Takes advantage of 3-D printing  Development of material with multiple, useful applications  Better understanding of design and fabrication process

5 Why is this a compelling project?  Using 3D printing where regular machining isn’t possible  Exploring modern research fields using novel technology  Nastic movement: Naval applications  Viscoelastic structures: human tissue, Tempur-Pedic ® / memory foam  Cellular solids: honeycombs, metal foams, molecular models

6 What do we still need to learn?  SolidWorks (continuously)  Research conducted in possible project fields  Contact experts in the field  Read pertinent literature  More about the 3DP TM process

7 Risks  Being overambitious  Limitations of resources  Time constraints  Failure to produce a working model  Inability to find practical applications  Possibility of existing materials on market better suited for these applications

8 10 - Fe b 15 - Fe b 17 - Fe b 22 - Fe b 24 - Fe b 1-Mar1-Mar 3-Mar3-Mar 8-Mar8-Mar 10 - M ar 15 - M ar 17 - M ar 22 - M ar 24 - M ar 29 - M ar 31 - M ar 5-Apr5-Apr 7-Apr7-Apr 12 - A pr 14 - A pr 19 - A pr 21 - A pr 26 - A pr 28 - A pr 3- M a y 5- M a y 10 - M ay 12 - M ay Task 1: "Master" SolidWorks 1) Run through tutorials 2) Develop simple models Task 2: Prelim Design 1) Choose Project 2) Research 3) Develop SolidWorks Model 4) Cast Task 3: Development 1) Testing 2) Analysis Task 4: Final Product 1) Develop SolidWorks File 2) Cast 3) Test for Final Data Task 5: Poster Board Prep

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