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Innovation and cooperation in Dutch VET colleges MBO Raad Netherlands Association of VET Colleges.

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2 Innovation and cooperation in Dutch VET colleges MBO Raad Netherlands Association of VET Colleges

3 Content Policy context: top sectors and National Technical Pact Regional cooperation in the triple helix: Centres of Vocational Innovation (CVI) For Example: CVI Biomass

4 The Dutch system of education and training Post graduate vocational education primary education secondary educationvmbo havo vwo 4 12 16 17 18 21 22 higher vocational education (hbo) university vocational education (mbo) 20 age 4 1 3 2 (re)integration and adult education (LLL)

5 Characteristics of Dutch VET system National level: qualification structure, quality framework Autonomy for regional VET schools: –Curriculum –Work based learning –Performance contract –Agreements with local partners Lumpsum budget (€3 bln) + allocated funding (€400 mln + 100 mln)

6 How to train for future needs?

7 Top sectors policy Strengthening international competetiveness through excellence Triple helix: public private partnerships between education, research and industry Sectoral focus, regional level Centres of vocational innovation and Centres of expertise 9 sectors: Chemistry,Life sciences & Health, Energy, Agri & Food, Creative Industries, Horticulture and raw materials, Water, Hightech systems, Logistics

8 Human capital agenda Highly qualified labour force Improve the match between education and industry Increase attractiveness of the sector for (new) employees, especially in STEM jobs

9 Aims and ambition Inflow and retention of students and employees Attractive learning pathways Professionalisation of teachers Excellence in study and career – at all levels

10 Centres of vocational innovation (1) Public private partnerships:VET, industry and sometimes innovation / authorities Sectoral focus, regional cooperation Objectives: provide education and training programmes leading to highly qualified staff that meets skills demand of regional industry Leverage: train-the trainer, ownership of regional industry, cross-sectoral cooperation


12 Centers of vocational innovation (2) Innovative education methods –Hybrid learning (different levels) –Blended learning (classroom & online) –Combining initial education and ‘life long learning’ Up-to-date knowledge and facilities : –Training of teachers –Guest lecturers –Equipment and facility sharing Innovation projects: –applied research –Students and researchers work together Focus on 21th century skills: –Information / communication –Multi-discipline –Creativity –entrepreneurship

13 CVI Biobased economy Aim: train students and professionals for regional biobased economy: –guarantee sufficient influx –by stimulating innovative ways of cooperation –Schools, industry and institutions Partnership: 3 VET colleges in green en technical sectors, biobased companies, local and regional authorities and HE

14 What is biobased? Sorghum maltGluten free Beer

15 Roadside grassPaper

16 4 Action programmes Promotion en information: Youtube, websites, workshops, meeting days Process (new) knowledge into training modules, assignments and curricula: Curricula for all levels, MOOC, in-company modules Future professions and techniques Cooperation with companies in projects, (research) assignments, traineeships: Suiker Unie on sugar and fibres in sorghum steel Facility sharing: use and share facilities for education and innovation purposes: Application centres in biopolymers, colours and coating; simulation process engineering; 3D printing Fablab

17 Results Students: –Familiar with biobased innovations –Real life and relevant learning, attractive training programmes –Positive career perspective Teachers: –Upskilling and familiar with biobased innovations –Close cooperation with local industry Companies : –Well trained professionals –Research capacity –Use of school facilities –Positive publicity

18 Lessons learned, food for thought Focus on smooth transitions between education sectors New opportunities lie in cross-overs between industrial sectors: smart industries Strong -autonomous- education institutions are key to regional development How to realise necessary flexibility in highly structuralised (regulated) education sector? How to skip your own shadow: cooperate instead of compete?


20 Thank you very much for your attention! Information/contact: Veronique Feijen M: +31 6 15822742

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