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Problem Solving Techniques & Algorithm

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1 Problem Solving Techniques & Algorithm
(c) Khaeroni, S.Si, M.Si

2 General Problem-Solving Concepts
Chapter #1

3 OBJECTIVE When you have finished this chapter, you should be able to:
Describe the difference between heuristic and algorithmic solutions to problems. List and describe the six problem-solving steps to solve a problem that has an algorithmic solution. Use the six problem-solving steps to solve a problem.

4 Overview Problem Solving in Everyday Life Types of Problems
Problem Solving with Computers Difficulties with Problem Solving

People make decisions every day to solve problems that affect their lives. The problems may be as unimportant as what to watch on television or as important as choosing a new profession. If a bad decision is made, time and resources are wasted, so it’s important that people know how to make decisions well.

Can you tell us about how to cook INSTANT NOODLE? Works in pair of two Discuss about another problem in your daily activities, and then describe each steps to solve it Presents your PROBLEM SOLVING analysis in front of the class

7 Problem Solving in Everyday Life
Identify the problem. Understand the problem. Identify alternative ways to solve problem. Select best alternative. List solution steps for alternative chosen. Evaluate solution.

8 Take the problem of what to do this evening
EXAMPLE Take the problem of what to do this evening

9 Identify the problem. STEP #1
How do the individuals wish to spend the evening?

10 Understand the problem.
STEP #2 Understand the problem. With this simple problem, also, the knowledge base of the participants must be considered. The only solutions that should be selected are ones that everyone involved would know how to do. You probably would not select as a possible solution playing a game of chess if the participants did not know how to play.

11 Identify alternatives.
STEP #3 Identify alternatives. 1) Watch television; 2) Invite friends over; 3) Play video games; 4) Go to the movies; 5) Play miniature golf; 6) Go to the amusement park; 7) Go to a friend’s party. The list is complete only when you can think of no more alternatives.

12 Select the best way to solve the problem.
STEP #4 Select the best way to solve the problem. Weed out alternatives that are not acceptable, such as those that cost too much money or do not interest one of the individuals involved. Specify the pros and cons of each remaining alternative. Weigh the pros and cons to make the final decision. This solution will be the best alternative if all the other steps were completed well.

13 STEP #5 Prepare a list of steps (instructions) that will result in a fun evening

14 Evaluate the solution. STEP #6
Are we having fun yet? If nobody is having fun, then the planner needs to review the steps to have a fun evening to see whether anything can be changed, if not then the process must start again.

15 Types of Problems Problems with … Algorithmic solutions
series of actions Heuristic solutions require reasoning built on knowledge and experience, and a process of trial and error. Combination of algorithmic and heuristic solutions

16 Problem Solving with Computers
Definitions: Solution  instructions followed to produce best result Result  outcome, computer-assisted answer Program  instructions for solution using computer language

17 I can’t explain how I know, I just know it!
Which number is the largest? 30 60 40

18 Difficulties with Problem Solving
Lack of problem solving experience Inadequate solution steps Incorrect problem definition Alternatives chosen incorrectly Invalid logic Incorrect solution evaluation

19 Questions What are the six steps of problem solving?
What is an algorithmic solution to a problem? Name three current problems in your life that could be solved through an algorithmic process. Explain why each of these problems is algorithmic in nature. What is a heuristic solution to a problem? Name three current problems in your life that might be solved through a heuristic approach. Explain why each of these problems is heuristic in nature.

20 Questions Name three problems that might arise at home, at school, or in a business that could be solved more efficiently with computer assistance. Do these problems require an algorithmic or heuristic solution? Why? State a reason why each of the six problem-solving steps is important in developing the best solution for a problem. Give one reason for each step.

21 CUL8R

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