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Writing 1 The Second Semester 2015-2016 Unit 6: Definition Paragraph Presented by Dr. Mohamed Sha’at.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing 1 The Second Semester 2015-2016 Unit 6: Definition Paragraph Presented by Dr. Mohamed Sha’at."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing 1 The Second Semester 2015-2016 Unit 6: Definition Paragraph Presented by Dr. Mohamed Sha’at

2 The objective of the Session Students are expected to: -Find out the relative clauses in a specific paragraph. -Write some sentences which include relative clauses. -Combine simple sentences using suitable connectors. -Define some terms. -Complete some paragraphs with missing sentences. -Write a definition paragraph.

3 Language Focus, p.100. Simple Adjective Clauses -Gumbo is a thick soup that contains seafood or meat. -A goalie is a player who protects his team’s goal. What are the relative clauses of the above two examples? What does the first relative clause describe? What does the second relative clause describe? Notes: - Use that or which for things. - Use who or that for people. Activity 6: Invite students to go through the paragraph, p. 101, to underline the different relative clauses.

4 Activity 7, p. 102: Write Sentences Write a definition for the following terms. Your definition should include a related relative clause. (Turtle) A turtle is a slow-moving, four-legged animal that goes inside its shell when facing a danger. (Copilot) A copilot is a relief pilot on an airplane who is capable of flying the aircraft and managing the flight. (Skunk) A skunk is a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible. (Passport) A passport is an identification document which is needed to travel among different countries. Invite students to write definitions of the other terms, submarine, odd number, William Shakespeare, plumber, Neil Armstrong, the United Nations.

5 Combine Sentences for Variety, p.103 A writer can improve his writing by writing different kinds of sentences. For variety, a writer can combine two short sentences using a connecting word such as and, but or so. Notes the following: I studied math for 5 hours last night. I failed the test. I studied math for 5 hours last night, but I failed the test. The scientist forgot to control the temperature. The experiment was not successful. The scientist forgot to control the temperature, so the experiment was not successful.

6 Examples of Sentence Variety, p. 104 Good writers use adjective clauses, adverbs, adverb clauses, prepositional phrases, and other variations in their sentences. Adjectives - The manager rejected the schedule. - The current business manager rejected Mark’s revised schedule. Relative Clauses - The students liked the suggestion. - The students who are in charge of planning the party liked the suggestion that Mark made.

7 Adverbs - The woman picked up the chain saw. - Next, the woman carefully picked up the chain saw. Adverb Clauses - He asked her to sit down. - Before the doctor told the woman the news, he asked her to sit down. Prepositional Phrases - Our English teacher told us to write a report English tenses. - In our last English language lesson, our English teacher told us to write a report on English tenses.

8 Invite students to read the two example paragraphs, p.105. Discuss the following questions: 1- How many sentences are there in each paragraph? 2- Do they provide the readers with the same information or not? 3- Which one do you like best? Why? Activity 8, p. 105-106. Students should write the missing sentence of each paragraph using the sentences below the paragraphs.

9 People who have no permanent abode and move from place to place usually seasonally. nomads A place where a person resides/lives.abode An area of land covered with bushes and trees.A bush a person who lives in a bush.bushman A member of one several groups of very small people who live in central Africa. pygmy A member of the race of people with dark skins who where the first to live in Australia. aborigine البدو او الرعاة ا Having the characteristics of rural areas. pastoral Grass or other plants.pasture

10 Nomads are people who have no fixed homes and who move regularly from place to place. Hunting people, such as the bushmen, Pygmies and Australian Aborigines move in search of large animals populations. Pastoral nomads, in the Middle East and Central Asia, move with the seasons to find pasture for their animals. Other pastoral people, also dependent on the seasons’ cultivate crops but are nomadic when their crops require no attention. Some agricultural workers, in America particularly, follow a nomadic life also, migrating northward during the growing and harvesting seasons and returning to the warmer southern regions in the winter. Generally speaking, the nomads’ movements are regulated by the seasons and the effects of the seasons on plants and animals.

11 Students’ Assignment Each student should present his assignment. Other students should provide useful comments. Discuss students’ main errors.

12 Polling How can you grade this meeting? A = excellent, B = very good, C = good or D = fair.

13 Dr. Mohammed Sha’at

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