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C URRICULUM N IGHT IB History of the Americas I. W HO AM I? Born and raised in Atlanta, GA Taught every grade from 4 th -12 th in past 17 years. B.A.

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Presentation on theme: "C URRICULUM N IGHT IB History of the Americas I. W HO AM I? Born and raised in Atlanta, GA Taught every grade from 4 th -12 th in past 17 years. B.A."— Presentation transcript:

1 C URRICULUM N IGHT IB History of the Americas I

2 W HO AM I? Born and raised in Atlanta, GA Taught every grade from 4 th -12 th in past 17 years. B.A. History, B.A. Social Studies Education— Syracuse University M.A.T. Oglethorpe University Ed.S. Piedmont College My wife teaches in ESOL and LA at NHS

3 H OW WILL YOU ASSESS MY CHILD ’ S LEARNING ? Projects Unit tests & quizzes Homework/Classwork Collaborative group activities End of Course Test (EOCT) Occasional Out-of-Class Readings

4 W HAT IS THE CURRICULUM ? This is the first year of a two-year class. First year is a study of United States History. We also study Latin American and Canadian history through the 1800s. The second year is a study of world history through the 20 th Century.

5 H OW WILL GRADES BE DETERMINED ? P LUS 10 P OINTS. Grade WeightsGrading Scale Class Assessments 35% Homework (5%) Classwork (15%) Quizzes (15%) Summative Assessments 45% Final Exam 20% A:90 and above B:80 – 89 C:74 – 79 D:70 – 73 F:69 or below

6 H OMEWORK ? YES! At a minimum, if there is no formal homework, students should be reviewing class notes and reading outlined the assigned chapters.

7 T HE IB E XAM The IB Exam will take place in May, 2014 Exam format: Paper 1 - one hour, primary document analysis Paper 2 - 90 minutes, answer two essay questions Paper 3 - 150 minutes, answer three essay questions

8 R ESOURCES ? Help is ALWAYS available by appointment. I am available most days before and after school. Text: @hoa to (470) 238-2447

9 R ESOURCES C ONTINUED There are many great resources available for students to use as review and study guides. Our favorite is available from Amsco School Publishing: ductdetails?&item_id=9781567656602

10 R ESOURCES C ONTINUED A great resource for History of Americas

11 H OW CAN I KEEP TRACK OF MY CHILD ’ S PROGRESS ? Sign up for Gwinnett Parent Portal Electronic progress reports emailed every two weeks Printed Progress reports Convey concerns via e-mail or by phone Schedule a parent/teacher conference

12 OPVL Origin Purpose Value Limitation

13 T HANKS FOR COMING TONIGHT ! Please feel free to contact me at: Cell – 404-234-5917


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